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Guide: How to Gain Stats

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Guide: How to Gain Stats

#273750 Posted on 2024-05-30 14:06:29

So while increasing stats isn’t something I focus on, I couldn't find a full guide that really goes into all the ways you can go about it.

This is not a guide for making money, increasing stats ≠ a good horse. High stat horses can just as easily be glorified school ponies as they can be show champions. This is just for anyone who wants to heavily focus stats as their main breeding focus or any other reason.

I would recommend first looking over the help page on showing since even if you don't actually show your horses, much of the info regarding stat gain originates from there.


Used interchangeably. This determines what type of shows your horse can enter and some of the stats they will earn.

Grade/Grade Level
This is what stat range your horse falls into, from Novice 1 to International 5. When your horse reaches a new grade, you have to manually upgrade them by going to their page or use the Improve Horse Grades button if you’re a deluxe member.

Total Stats
Your horse’s current total stats, these are counted regardless of whether they are used for the current discipline or not. They are displayed on your horse’s page next to their image, and can also be seen in divisions under your horse’s age.

Base Stats
These are the permanent, unchanging stats that make up the “base” of your horse’s Total Stats. When you convert a horse to another discipline, these stats will not be affected. You can view Base Stats near the bottom of a horse's page.

Birth Stats
The extra stats on top of Base Stats that most foals are born with. Foals that are the result of extremely low stat parents will barely have any Birth Stats. The only way to see what Birth Stats a horse has is if you noted them down as soon as the foal was born, otherwise there is no way of knowing them.

Specialty Stats
The stats used for your horse’s current discipline. It will always be two stats, neither of which is more important than the other.

Non-Specialty Stats/NSS
Stats that are not used for the current discipline and can hinder show performance, this will always be the three remaining stats that don't make up the Specialty Stats.

Stat Gain Methods

Foundation Age
Starting your foundations at the lowest possible age means you get an extra 2 years of their life building up stats. You'll be able to foal train them completely and treat them for 2 weeks before they’re ready for a discipline. This is a somewhat costly method but it can give a great head start to your new lines.

Foal/Young Horse Training

You can train foals and young horses once a day up to a max of 100%. While getting the bar as full as possible is part of it, there are a couple other things to keep in mind.

First of all, the very first training session is the most important one. Make sure to do imprinting as soon as your foal is born!
Secondly, varying the sessions as much as possible will give even more stats upon completion. 2 year old horses only have the “Break In” option, and 1-2 day old horses also only have one option. But everything in between gives you a dropdown list of other sessions you can do and it’s important to do one of each* instead of the same one more than once.

Some people note down training sessions in their horse’s public or private notes, others associate certain ages with a particular type of session. For example, I always train from the top of the list to the bottom. Because of this, I know when a horse’s age says “0 years old (ages in 3 days)”, that means it’s time for the Leading option.

*1 year old horses have 8 training options, since you only have 7 days to train them you can go ahead and do one type of training twice. It does not matter which one you double up on.


It may not be much, but it adds up to a lot over time! You can treat every horse once a day, most will give 1 or 2 stats while other treats can give more at the cost of being random.
Giving the random stat treats (Peppermints, Sugar Cubes, and Hay Cubes) is called “cubing”. While I personally think cubing is an okay method of increasing stats, it can badly affect stat gain through showing and breeding so it’s heavily discouraged because of this.


While each training session doesn’t give stats by itself, after 10 training sessions your horse will get a stat boost button on their page under Specialty Information. Clicking this button will give a large amount of bonus stats depending on your horse’s current Grade.

 You'll want to train your horses every day to ensure the maximum amount of stat boosts are earned in their lifetime.
Additionally, training levels miiight factor in when leisure riding… more on that later.

To gain stats from a show, your horse has to meet both of two requirements:

    -Earned a top 3 placement

    -At least 5 entries in the show including your horse

If this criteria is met, your horse will have a chance of earning 1-3 of a single stat in that show. Given you can do 10 shows per day, you can earn a maximum of 30 stats for one day’s worth of showing.
Bear in mind that it’s not a given that your horse will earn any stats even if they meet the requirements above, but it’s a very big chance they will nonetheless.

Showing is the main aspect of EV that is poorly affected by cubing and incorrect treating in general, so it’s pretty much one or the other in their case. You can’t really do both and still have the best success. If you currently do not understand how showing works and would like to learn, this guide covers it very well. (the list of grade levels is outdated, see the help page for showing linked above for the correct stat ranges)

Riding School
Schooling has a chance of giving a stat for each hour done, however the chances and amount of stats you get from schooling are usually much lower than shows. The only real way to maximize your chance of getting stats is to just do as many hours as you can, for a max of 10 hours per horse.
It does not matter which kind of session you do, all have the same chance of giving stats. There is also no need to match your horse’s discipline to the riding school's discipline in this case.

You can split your horse's time between schooling and showing if you wish. In the following situations, schooling can be seen as a kind of backup for showing:

    -You are unable to show your horse for some reason.
    -Winning is not likely because the horse is at the start of a grade.
    -The available show(s) might not reach 5 entries before they run.

Leisure Rides
You can ride each horse once a day, and during these rides you may come across some prompts asking you to pick an action. While some don’t give anything of value, there are certain ones guaranteed to give your current horse a stat. There are also rarer events that give you a stat automatically, without the need for you to make a choice. You will never get the wrong stats for your horse’s discipline, however 2 year old horses and horses without a specialty will essentially get random stats.

Here is a guide listing all the relevant prompts for each discipline and location, but feel free to learn them on your own if you want! c:

Based on this news article, I think the idea is that that the automatic stat events are more likely give you the stat if your horse’s training level is high. While I can’t really say this for certain, I do get the feeling that's how it works based on my own experience in leisure rides. If anyone can confirm this please let me know!

You can read how the calculations work for breeding stats here, but simply put, foal stats are heavily calculated based on the parent Base Stats while Total Stats add some extra weight. Because you cannot change how high your horse's Base Stats are, breeding high stat foals will require you to make use of at least combination of the methods above to ensure the best success.

Breeding two horses with matching specialties gives the resulting foal extra stats, specifically, extra stats for that specialty. Two Driving horses bred together would have a foal with bonus Strength and Endurance. So whether you’re worried about NSS or not, it’s always good to make sure your disciplines are matching.
You can play around in UlyssesBlue’s foal stat calculator to get grasp on how it works. Try entering mare and stallion stats with the disciplines set to match, then change one of them to a different discipline and see what happens.

One thing that the calculator doesn't account for is the slight chance you will get a drop in NSS every time you breed a foal, 1 less stat per Non-Specialty Stat for a total of 3 maximum. Given how little of a decrease this is, I doubt it would be considered detrimental to Total Stats. But if you see small discrepancies between foal stats and the calculator's predicted stats then that could be the reason.

The Fountain

The option “Wish for the Horses!” has a tiny little chance of giving a random horse 2 stats for their current discipline. That’s it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Okay, I suspect it doesn’t give them to locked horses, so maybe if you reaaally want a particular horse or group to get this bonus you could lock all your other horses before wishing. Don’t quote me on that as being a legitimate method though. 😅

Last edited on 2024-05-30 at 14:53:48 by forgottenland

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#273991 Posted on 2024-06-12 17:23:55

I just posted something similar to this lol

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#273995 Posted on 2024-06-12 19:31:00

i wrote this guide almost two weeks ago

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#273997 Posted on 2024-06-12 23:20:00

And I didn't see it until now 

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#273998 Posted on 2024-06-13 01:42:23

And I didn't see it until now 

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