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Book Ideas (My little thing)

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Book Ideas (My little thing)

#270570 Posted on 2023-10-19 20:59:31

As the title says "Book Ideas", just my little thing when I started writing book titles with my mother, the titles themselves were "coined" by me since I usually thought of any title awhile ago. So, I thought I should share my little titles that I one-on-one "coined" and with help by my mother.

Some may or may not have been generated, some titles that have "(MINE)" are the ones in use, such as being draft or have been already published. Now I used to get a lot of publishers on one site, just like- sometimes, now I'm just publishing books for fun and just because.

Anyways, you guys wanted to book titles, and here we go!
Some have that have "Isles" in the titles, well, they are many(probably 4-5x) sequels to the main RP. But fear not, I have never once remembered them, except abrevs that are easy. And I still may butcher words, only because I'm dyslexic, so I try my best to not be messy with my words, I am actually pretty good with word choice, despite errors..

[ltr]1. The Lies of the Isles[/ltr]
[ltr]2. The Crystal in the Stars[/ltr]
[ltr]3. Mystery of the Vanishing Visitor[/ltr]
[ltr]4. Sign of the Split Hand[/ltr]
[ltr]5. The Fog of Michigan (MINE)[/ltr]
[ltr]6. The Life-Threatening Bomb Cyclone of Michigan[/ltr]
[ltr]7. The Fog That Came By[/ltr]
[ltr]8. Shapeshifter of No Home[/ltr]
[ltr]9. Isles That Lie[/ltr]
[ltr]10. Isles of The Future[/ltr]
[ltr]11. Industrial Isles[/ltr]
[ltr]12. Winter in the Isles[/ltr]
[ltr]13. The Isles of Chaos[/ltr]
[ltr]14. Isles of Future[/ltr]
[ltr]15. An Unannounced Romance Book[/ltr]
[ltr]16. No One Wants a Romantic Horror Book[/ltr]
[ltr]17. An Unrivaled Fate[/ltr]
[ltr]18. Save the Tears For Tomorrow But We'll Die the Next Day[/ltr]
[ltr]19. We All Die Sometime In the Future But Not Right This Moment Today[/ltr]
[ltr]20. [/ltr]

[ltr]Some of these are terrible morbid! What has my brain been thinking of? Goodness gracious![/ltr]

[ltr](psst! I am making a new book called "Of Mice and Men: Two Bindle Bum-Humming Happy Girls", just a fanfictional book that somewhat/may or may not connect to the original "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, and the inspiration by Robert Burns' "To a Mouse", btw I couldn't come up with a title good enough to be a fanfictional book to Of Mice and Men. So yeah..)[/ltr]

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#270575 Posted on 2023-10-20 06:55:17

Oh I love those! Especially the ones about the Isles! Can’t wait to see the future of the Isles!

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#270576 Posted on 2023-10-20 07:36:31

I actually remembered that I have some book ideas on here, it was in my journal actually! But they are also sequels as well, just a lot of sequels to Isles of Nowhere.

And here:
Book idea #5: Isle of Darkness!

Book idea #6: Isle of Titania! 

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#270578 Posted on 2023-10-20 09:12:21

I swear I could read a series of books about the Isles. I’ve become slightly obsessed with it tbh lol. I did also have some ideas for more sequels too for when we get to that point! 

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#270582 Posted on 2023-10-20 13:51:20

Heh, yeah. If I had the time, maybe I could get the interest of a publisher and a cover artist to do the covers. But in that time, its just slow progress here on out.

Heh, the sequel with the title "Isle of Darkness" actually fixuates on that isle itself and not the other isles. I had no idea why I wanted to fixuate on that isle instead of the others, but hey, ideas are ideas.

I also had sequels to Fenrir Returns as well. Well the idea of it.

But yeah, I do agree with you on that one with becoming obssessed but not overally obssessed with it.

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#270585 Posted on 2023-10-20 18:55:59

Maybe it can be about Dra and his life and the history of that isle. I am curious to know more about Dra’s earlier years. Or how him and Nature met. And the war. Just some thoughts. 

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#270590 Posted on 2023-10-21 17:34:20

Yeah, but those are great ideas to do! And I have mentioned about what the inside of a room looks like inside of Dra's malicious castle before.

Heh, because he was evil so malicious makes sense. Oh, and we could also possibly explore what ever happened to Pandora (past Nature) as well.

It might not be a lot of exploring but at least we can start somewhere else, and that we can also connect Pandora better to Nature with how her and Dra met, and stuff about their family too! It would make a lot more sense with more than one connection besides a deep dive on Dra and Nature's life.

Oh, I just rememberd that we can also explore Lucifer's life as well. Since he's the grandfather to Dra, and that he's the great great grandfather to Molten and Darling's the great granddaughter. Though he wasn't seen until the end where he introduced himself from coming out of heck's portal.

So that might not make a lot of sense, but at least we could just see how his life worked. And we could also get to know who Dra's parents were before- the war and everything.. At least we could get a better timeline of events, and somehow try and see how the war formed, and stuff. But it'd still be a better timeline than none for Dra's life.

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#270595 Posted on 2023-10-22 08:38:01

Oh I like all of those ideas! It would be nice to see Darling and Molten again. Maybe something would happen or something was found that had the information (maybe even footage) of what happened to Namir’s and Solstice’s parents. Only makes sense that Dra had something to do with their death. Might even bring them back for that scene or whatever you wanna call it (in heaven ofc). Maybe learn about their family a little more in the process.

It would be cool to know what actually happened to Pandora though! Been really curious about all of that. Lots of good ideas :D

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