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Question about Showing

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Question about Showing

#269756 Posted on 2023-06-29 11:07:10

Does the new show system include changing the percentage of stats given out to the top threes?

I am asking this because I noticed that a lot of my horses are struggling to reach the usual 900-1000s total stats at retirement. Prior to the change, Baldr was the titleholder for the lowest total stats (954). After the change, I already have two retired horses in their mid-800s stats. They most likely will die with high 800s or low 900s stats. Those two horses were already in their 10s when the change was implemented so I am worried about my younger horses.

I am trying to figure out if the low stats at retirement is due to the showing issue or if the game gives out fewer stats to the winners.

Last edited on 2023-06-29 at 15:16:11 by Lucia

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#269761 Posted on 2023-06-29 14:57:45

i don't see anything strange with my activity tab in terms of stats earned per show, i'd say it's just a side effect of the update? foundations do typically reach 1000 or close to it with consistent showing so i can imagine that's being affected right now.

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#269762 Posted on 2023-06-29 15:18:31


I was hoping that my horses are falling behind due to a change in stats rewarded but seems like they are falling behind because they aren't winning as often.

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#269763 Posted on 2023-06-30 04:58:28

Only the grade tiers were adjusted, nothing else was changed about showing regarding income or stats or scoring relating to that specific update.  Literally just the length of the grades were adjusted. 

Honestly, 1k stats is pretty exceptional imo. I found the average to be closer to 800-900 stats gained but that's just going by what I see in my horses and foundations personally. It's really all luck at the end of the day since showing is complementary to the guaranteed gain through treating/training. 

 I imagine the decreased gain is a side effect of having more full shows, and at lower training levels the luck factor is stronger, so that can also influence placings day to day. 

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#269765 Posted on 2023-06-30 07:14:07

Really? It's normal for my horses to reach 1000s. The highest my foundation reached is 1160 stats. The majority of my herd reached 1000s while a few of them only reached 950s. I didn't realize that it's normal for everyone else to have stats in the 800s-900s. I never had a horse in the 800s until now. All of my foundations except for a few started off as 3 yrs old so the majority of them do not get foal training boost.

TBH, I do not really see any major difference in the showing capacity. Prior to the changes, I have some days where the shows have full or nearly full capacity and some days where the shows barely make it to 5 entries. It's the same for me rn. Yesterday, I had to fill up multiple shows to 5 entries 20 mins before it ran and the new shows that replaced them ended up being nearly full capacity. 

I didn't realize that the luck factor is stronger in the lower levels. No wonder. Just yesterday, I was wondering why a few of my high NSS horses winning just fine while a few of my low NSS horses are struggling. I thought it was a surefire that a low NSS would beat the one with a higher NSS. I guess that's where the luck factor comes in. I guess some of those low NSS horses are just unlucky ones.
At which level does the luck factor reduce?

Last edited on 2023-06-30 at 07:20:08 by Lucia

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#269767 Posted on 2023-06-30 07:46:10

Luck in show scores is affected by training level, so it reduces up until training level 5. From the news archives-

"Luck is calculated based on training level. At low level showing this can have a massive impact on show scores, but as horses reach higher stats and higher training level it becomes almost a non-issue."

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