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How much can NSS drop in one Generation?

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How much can NSS drop in one Generation?

#267461 Posted on 2023-03-20 02:58:55


My main goal when breeding is  lowering NSS and in a game guide I read that the maximum NSS every generation can drop is 3. However, today I bred this foal that has 4 NSS less than the two parents. Is this something unusual or is it something that I should look for when breeding?

Thanks for the help ♥.

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#267463 Posted on 2023-03-20 05:38:43

The extra NSS drop is random and you normally see it on even NSS horses or ones that don’t have a higher/lower stat than the other horse used. It looks like you’ve dropped it by pairing opposite stats which is pretty standard.  

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#267488 Posted on 2023-03-21 10:31:31

I think you can drop up to 4.5 from the average of the two parents

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#267497 Posted on 2023-03-21 18:20:07

I was wondering that too. I got this foal today (1st foal of this generation !) who somehow got 16 SPD (parents were 17 and 18) and 21 INT (both parents were 22). 

I guess that's just the random drop? I was using Ulysses foal stat calculator the other day and that made it seem like if you bred 2 horses together with the same stat for NSS (e.g. 20 20 20) then all the foals would be 20 20 20. I'm glad that that isn't true, it would be annoying to come to a standstill on NSS and have to abuse the Equine Center to get horses with low NSS in 1 stat to introduce.

Last edited on 2023-03-21 at 18:39:07 by Ж wox

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#267500 Posted on 2023-03-21 19:33:36

ooo i still use the calculator these days, but now i use it to figure out the "base" foal i can get and then compare it to the actual ones i bred. it helps figure out whether i got lucky or just standard nss.

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#267506 Posted on 2023-03-22 08:44:01

The formula is (Sire + Dam)/2 = Stats for the foal. In the case of .5, it will be rounded down instead of up. Then, you have a low chance of it dropping by 1 stat each.

STR: 18
SPD: 20
END: 17

STR: 21
SPD: 17
END: 18

STR: (18 + 21)/2 = 19.5 = 19 (-1 random = 18)
SPD: (20 + 17)/2 = 18.5 = 18 (-1 random = 17)
END: (17 + 18)/2 = 17.5 = 17 (-1 random = 16)

The lowest NSS you can get from the pair would be 18, 17, and 16 but it's rare to get 3 random drops at once.

LUNED'S NSS (foal #1)
STR: 19
SPD: 18
END: 17
*rounded down drop only

MATTEO'S NSS (foal #2)
STR: 19
SPD: 17
END: 17
*rounded down drop and 1 random drop

STR: 19
SPD: 18
END: 17
*rounded down drop only

Last edited on 2023-03-22 at 12:20:44 by 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖆

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#268330 Posted on 2023-04-19 22:44:05

Lol, I wrote out this whole thing expecting to prove the formula wrong before realising that the Sire's base NSS is 1 point lower that his current NSS. Anyway! I bred this foal which had all 3 NSS rounded down and a random drop on each. 

SPD: 16
Current AGI: 24 
Base AGI: 23
INT: 25

SPD: 23
AGI: 18
INT: 18

Potential foal NSS
(16 + 23)/2 = 19.5 = 19 (-1 random = 18)
(23 + 18)/2 = 20.5 = 20 (-1 random = 19)
(25 + 18)/2 = 21.5 = 21 (-1 random = 20)

Foal NSS:
SPD: 18
AGI: 19
INT: 20

Bit of a waste of time, whoops. At least it's more proof that base stats of the parents count more towards foal stats than current stats.

Last edited on 2023-04-19 at 22:46:32 by Ж wox

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