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I just realized something

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I just realized something

#267086 Posted on 2023-03-05 17:23:02

I have just realized that Isles of Nowhere is ION and Isles of Somewhere is IOS- which is what we use TODAY! ION is used by everybody obviously but I never realized that because I never put IOS together.. I mean I knew ION from the start but never the sequel..

I hate it that IOS = Isles of Somewhere is like the Iphone IOS- I don't like it but I know that it has to be the sequel to the most GLORIOUS RP I have ever made- ION is my favorite rp because it's my pride and joy! Like how I make charries- except more in love because of the characters and everything!

I mean I'm used to something like that but I just have a tiny peeve that I want gone- though do that and the sequel won't be as glorious as the first.. But I'm keeping it. IOS = Iphones, I gotta tell my friend and her cousin when we meet up again! Oh and IOS for the Android IOS too! That's so cute how I made so many references in just a short nickname or name! So cuteee!

I wonder what you guys think now! It'd be so awesome to see more references pop up!

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