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(OPEN) Spirit Base Recolors!

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Topic is locked (OPEN) Spirit Base Recolors!

#265818 Posted on 2023-01-25 14:07:25

Why go back and see what the world was like in 2002?
The year where DreamWorks found it's lively hood and inspiration from the real life versions?
Kali also has a horse named Spirit!
And that it's family tradition stay that way as well!

Here are the bases that I will be able to recolor:
5. 400x250
6. 300x300(this one makes me feel distorted, but I'll still do it!)
10. 260x250
11. 560x350 (Moody much?)

13. 700x300
15. 273x250 (Another couples base)
24. 700x313
26. 700x297
27. 700x297
28. 656x350
30. 300x343
33. 700x297
34. 700x296
35. 700x297
36. 249x202
(The other side is supposed to be a normal eye color, and the samething except the Onceler brand)

Couples bases are 2k, but the sale is 200 EVD.
But you can send me the amount of money you think it's good enough as for the pictures, but that's your own decision!

Group bases are 5k EVD because there are more then one horse but I can lower it to 500 for ya!

Singles bases are free, but ordering a second one is 100 EVD but that's the flipped one, but I'll lower it to 20 EVD for the amount of how many horses you want for it.

Indians with horses +a group is about a 1k for it, but the lowered price is 100!

Normal horses with tack on is just how much you wanna pay for it, even for free is possible as well!

A two grouped Colonial Horse Image with tack on is free since it's gonna be a lotta work on that for a person to handle!

For friends everything is free!
I know its not fair for everyone else..
But I know some people because I love chatting with them!
I'm very happy to be around to chat with anyone!

ALSO: Unlimited slots
AND: Unlimited rounds
BUT: If I ever feel stressed, I'll close when there's a tough horse to do

Oh and one more thing: Easy - medium horses ONLY!
It's quite hard doing harder horses that have a different color
But I will- someday- may change this!
Here's my daily mood for today: Content & happy = Free recoloring
I will change my mood once in awhile, so look out for that!




Horse Name:

Reference Sheet/Ref:

Backups (In case my progress somehow got refreshed):

Amount of horses:


Height (just guess if you can't think of the height or can't remember):



Outlines: (y/n)

Outline Color:

Split hair? (y/n):

Any addons? (y/n):

If any addons, what type and color:

If a unicorn, want the horn? (y/n):

If a pegasus, want the wings? (y/n):

If an Alicorn, want both? (y/n):


Anything special? (y/n):


Examples for anything special (make the letters glow with your fav color):

Heart in Mouth

Heart Rosette

Heart Tail Bow


Feathered Dock

Feathered Mane

+How many feathers on the mane:

Want any feathers dotting the mane? (y/n):

Heart color hooves, what color? (Can be your fav or a random one, it's also hoof nail polish, but in normal hoof hearts):

Want the hooves to be: black, grey, light grey, or a light HOOF color?


Any other addons? (y/n):

If so list them here (I'll make a separate layer):

Anything else? (y/n):

If you forgot (list here that some things aren't listed and your lazy enough to not do it since you committed to this):

Last edited on 2023-01-26 at 10:13:23 by Lizzy

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#265819 Posted on 2023-01-25 14:07:58

Pickups Here

Empty for now..

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