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Isles of Nowhere | Book

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Isles of Nowhere | Book

#262075 Posted on 2022-11-14 17:20:58



The Past..


As the blue moon rose to have became white, the horses of many breeds were out doing they're thing, the unicorns of Isle of Dreams were off playing, jumping, hide n' seek, watching, foraging, testing and training their magic, with their foals nearby. The herds of many different unicorns, some with tall horns, small with smaller horns, others with multiple or none, the unicorns were always identified with long, elegant feathers on theirs hooves, many unicorns don't always have this trait. But that is because they are travelling most of the time.

The pegasi to the mountainous isle, called Isle of the Mountain, this is where the most secretive of pegasus stay and teach their young to fly, if some could not fly, then they are not ready yet, so they are transferred from their nest to the monolith of knowledge. The keeper of the monolith teach young foals, stallions, and mares how to fly, and they watch the young take their first flight, parents and other monolith keepers watch closely, even when they were first born, this is what happened to them too.

To the isle containing nothing but volcanic ash, fire ponies emerge from the ash, magma, and lava as their bodies are forever to be cursed by their ruler, a tyrant that goes by the name of "Dra", short for "Dragon Devil". Dra is an evil horse, Faith, a goddess that watches over Dra and many other horses, like Azulia, Solstice (Rped by HorseGirl), Eclipsetess, Prism, and many other's. Faith is a close friend to Eclipsetess and Azulia as she first taught them the knowledge that they needed to know, there are also many other god's and goddess's, Faith is the more known and common one among the god's.

Turning our view to the ocean, this isle is lone and covered by water, this isle is called Isle of the Sea, this is where most horses that are born near are far from the water come, even ones that aren't born by the water, they are still called by the sea ponies and horses that live here. Poseidon is the ruler among his wife and children, brother of Zues and Hades, Poseidon is the lesser known god as he does not come out from his home often.


Now, turning our view to the war that created these isles, Isle of Somewhere is were wild horses roam, from the water to the clouds of the mountains, the isles are a plenty of different creatures, all are friendly. Unless they are hostile like from Dra's kingdom, he is the most known king as he tried to take over the world from just being purely a horse with powerful magic that can destroy even the smallest of the human world.

Humans do not know that the Isle's of Somewhere exsists, as they thought it was not habitable just by the plain look of it! But they were all wrong as horse's developed their own intelligence and depended on themselves, they are strong and wild, best suited for everything.


Ah, I'm off topic, now the war..

The war is the most deadliest of things, Dra was the one who started it all!


The Story..

As Poseidon was creating the isles with Zeus and Hades, one horse was born with very powerful magic, it did not bubble inside him yet, but when the isles were fully created and that is when the horses began being made, all horses soon took their places and had their religions as well.

Not all horses were fine with it, when Dra was shortly born, he was a young colt with a good life, soon as his mare and herd abandoned him, another mare and stallion's herd took him in, Dra's parents named him "Dragon Devil" for a reason. He was the future king of his own kingdom, and would soon cause havoc among the isle's..

When Dra started to mature and go into his adolescence and adult hood, that is where he started to learn his magic, where he started to create and isle purely of volcanic ash, fire, magma, and lava, that is where the god's had realized that a god of pure evil was born..

Dra was surely young and did not how to control his abilities, but it still worried the god's nonetheless, even if he controlled his abilites, he would soon seek vengance for being abandoned and adopted by another herd, a herd that just left him to find a new home. But the parents themselves were a goddess and god, both had no choice but to become normal after Zeus had found out about the two young horse's affairs, and that is when Dra's abilities started to get controlled more..


When Dra fully matured and had broken his newly formed kingdom, that is where it started.. The god's had seen such a powerful god become a tyrant of his new rule, and that is where he began vengance as he ordered his knight's to find his dear parents wanted to apologize, but Dra did not want to hear it.

Covered by anger and sorrow, had had made his final decision, and that is where Dra's parents have met Faith in heaven, and that is where Faith was to watch over and report of anything Faith had seen. Faith was a good spy and a good goddess as she took her word on things, and that is where she had faked her capture, she was the most beautiful horse to be in the isle of nothing but sorrow and sickness.

"I'm sure that my guards can put you somewhere comfortable, my bed is only for me, no one is to dare to come into my room." Dra had spoken to Faith, she disguised herself as a pretty Alicorn, taken by the wind runes and starry night of unicorn pelts, she was the most beautiful thing Dra had seen. And he declared her a treasure.

When Faith was the most valueable treasure to Dra, he had used her for many things, like faking a trade, and many other crimes he had commited by just using her alone. Though he did have plans for her, but he did not fall in love, he was the only horse to not have fallen in love with the most valueable object he had ever seen. And that's when it started..


When the war started, Dra had used his upmost powerful to forge one of the fifteen isles to become bigger, and there was fourteen left, the next day he did it again. Expanding his beautiful isle, and he did it over and over again until only five or seven isle remained.

The other isles that were not marked on any maps except for the pegasi and alicorns, had fallen silent, then Dra had changed some of his guards to become more immortal as he seiged the last isles with everything he had gotten, with everything that has happened, Dra was the most powerful god to have ever lived! Not even the other god's could stop him!

Then Faith had to unveil herself in front of everyone, even Dra, she had revealed herself to be the sole goddess of faith and prayer, Dra had despised all god's including Faith, so he threw his sword at her and had taken her down. Then the other god's entered a powerful battle that had been made into history!

The other god's could not stop Dra as he was the only one too powerful for anything, so, Faith and the other god's had to curse him, and curse his land of everything that he owned. Faith and the other's cursed Dra to have sealed his magic away to only leave a small puddle of magic inside him, and Dra had turned into a volcanic, ashy, magma spilling pony, his body of fine thoroughbred traded in for a useless body of a pony, he was beyond mad as he was cursed to stay inside his kingdom and not go out. Unless he needed it, then angelic guards and some god's watched him as they flew about him. Even annoying him.

That is the legend of Dra, the Dragon Devil himself, the purely made hatred of even Hades could not match his anger. He was the only god that was betrayed at birth, and had planned to take everything with him..

Faith from time to time watches over Dra, to make sure that he is not doing anything that could break his curse, his kingdom of volcanic ash is still there, ponies from time to tim migrate there to stay warm and have fun. If so a family of ponies wanted to live here, then Dra would instantly turn them into his servant's of peasants.

And that is where the story of the Isle of Volcanoes come from, to never leave that place, and to never see anything again, unless they wished to be freed. Then Faith would answer their prayer, and help them be free, other horses that are now native to the Isle of Volcanoes stay there, enjoying the heat and helping the kingdom thrive.


And that is it for the war and the past, and even the past of Dra, Dra has even been getting his magic back, bit by bit.. But you are never to sure to wonder if he will come back, the god's are too old now, and Faith will be there for everyone, but even god's can have children, and their heirs will take their title and powers once they are old enough..


Thank you for reading the prologue! I will update this as the continues story of Solstice, Azulia, Eclipsetess and many others as they have just embarked on their journey! I hope to see you in chapter one soon!

Last edited on 2022-11-19 at 16:39:07 by Lizzy

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#262089 Posted on 2022-11-15 18:28:23

Chapter One


The New Herd


As the herd of Golden Valley grazed in peace, a new herd move down into the meadow, the herd member's didn't mind as the meadow reached atop of the valley a bit, then a little foal stuck up her head and looked back down. The small filly then looked up at the sky, with her black markings all over her body as one black marking covered her yellowed scelera and light blue eye, the other eye was a normal white scelera and a grey eye, the little foal was so different compared to others..

Black and white, an eye being a different color, the filly looked so different compared to the other mares. Including her dam, but that didn't stop the herd from welcoming her. The stallion, the leader of the herd, watched the herd as his mane blew into the wind. Accepting the cool breeze.

Then a mare stepped up next to him, the mare looked different as well, the mare looked like a paint bomb went off of her, then as the mare turned her head to look at the herd, a long grizzly scar was on her neck and it reached down until it disappeared into the paint or at the base of the chest, then the mare turned around completely as a big scar was on her side. The stallion sniffed the scar as he then left it alone.


The mare then starting to walk around the herd, the mares grazing in almost rthymic pattern, then one foal looked up at the mare, she had gotten excited as her coat that looked like ink was all over her body was stretching and loosening as the foal continued to get excited, the mare just trotted over to her as another mare, the foal's mother was trying to calm her down.

That's when the mare came over and helped the foal calm down, the dam looked at her darling child before she took her to go eat some grass, the mare's eyes returned to sapphire blue and emerald green, her normal eye colors. Though the stallion did begin to sniff the mares, making sure they didn't hurt themselves.

Though when the sapphire and emerald green eyed mare was next, she looked up at the stallion, he was covered in a lot of scars, she let him sniff him since she didn't want to get Foal Watching for the next two hours. Foal Watching was boring, but also exciting, but boredom was always more common in Foal Watching.

But when the mare raised her neck at an arch, she saw the lead stallion talking to a mare that was white as snow, but the white mare was in fact, named Snow. And she listened to what the stallion said. The mare then went back to grazing and watching some foals for the time being, the lead stallion went over to her, Snow was off somewhere else now, then the stallion looked over the hill. The mare followed his gaze as another herd moved into the meadow down below.

The stallion then walked over to the edge of the hill, accepting the warmth from the sun, the spphire and emerald green eyeed mare followed behind him. He then looked at her before he pushed her towards the herd, the mare knew of her duties and had went down into the herd, she was looking for a distressed mare or stallion. Mares were more common.

Anyways, as the mare kept walking until she saw some horses bullying a poor young mare, the sapphire and emerald green eyed mare stood behind the horses as she looked at them. She stomped her hoof as the horses stopped, but the mare got away, though she wasn't far and the mare just followed behind the young mare.


As the sapphire and emerald green eyed mare went up to the black nighted unicorn mare, she used her eyes to sense that the mare was in distress, she felt the same way and sorry for the mare, though she did mae sure to make careful steps so that the mare knew that this mare was kind and caring.

When the sapphire and emerald green eyed mare was next to the black unicorn mare, she had seen the scars that dotted her body, small but also not a lot, unlike her the sapphire and emerald green eyed mare had a scar on her neck down to her chest, and one on her left side of her body. Primarily the stomach area.

But the hazel eyed mare didn't mind being by a new horse, she did sense her distress and continued to follow her as she was safe away from the three horses there, but the hazel eyed mare stood where she was until a prismatic gemstone pony came over the hill and came down it to say hello to her friend, though another mare followed behind as the mares continued to gallop passed the herd that black unicorn mare was and stopped where the hazel eyed mare was,

Then the hazel eyed mare began to speak, she was a special horse, she had the ability to sense a horses emotions, feelings, and burden that they carried.

"Prism, Eclipsetess, happy to see you both." the hazel eyed mare said, the two mares Prism, the gemstone pony, and Eclipsetess the other unicorn of the night.

"Azulia, we're happy that you found another mare to join our herd." Eclipsetess said, she was the most friendliest mare in Azulia's herd, perferably in any herd.

"Care to tell us your name young one?" Eclipsetess asked the black unicorn, the black unicorn mare looked a little scared due to the three mares in front of her.

"M-my name is Solstice, and I'm the unicorn of the night." Solstice introduced herself, the mare seemed to calm down a bit, mostly because of the mares were friendly and did not try anything with her.


Then a mare from the group walked over and started to bully Solstice, though she did remain her distance since Azulia, Prism, and Eclipsetess stared at her angrily and protectively towards Solstice, Azulia then shook her head at Eclipsetess as Eclipsetess used her magic to push the mean mare away.

Azulia did not like the mare, nor even her friends, Prism felt the same way, including Eclipsetess but Eclipsetess then stood next to Solstice on her left side this time, but she was able to be next to the edge of the forest behind her. Azulia just turned her head as Prism walked over and stood next to her, Azulia didn't pay no mind as she didn't mind at all!

"Sorry for y'know, Skadi being mean to me, she just doesn't want me to be in the herd anymore or any less.." Solstice apologized, the poor mare was surrounded by Azulia, Prism, and Eclipsetess, they all felt bad for her.

"Don't say that young one, it's not your fault, after all you are unique to our eye." Eclipsetess told Solstice, she tried cheering the young mare up.

"Eclipsetess is right after all, your special to us, no matter what other horses think!" Azulia agreed with Eclipsetess, Eclipsetess just smiled at her before returning her look towards Solstice.

"And we are here for you, we may not be exactly here, because I have to go back to my birth herd once I leave, but I will be in your heart!" Prism said cheerfully to Solstice, she also tried cheering up the black mare.

"No matter what, we're always here for you, whether we're near or far." Azulia told Solstice, she then asked Prism to get the her and Eclipsetess's herd's leader, Prism did as she was told and ran off to the top of the hill.


Then Prism came back, the stallion was walking as he gave everyone a stern and unhappy look, his stern look was known to drive away herds once a selected horse that was bullied was in his herd, but he just walked by, he noticed Skadi standing there. She was away from the other's as Azulia and Eclipsetess kept giving them looks, then the stallion walked over to Skadi and the other two stallions.

The stallion was quite bigger then Skadi and the other two horses, he was just big by genetics but they didn't care, Skadi then was making jokes about the stallion as he went up to Solstice with the kindest look her could make, then other mares followed behind as white mare was walking to the lead stallion.

Azulia knew who it was as she got happy that the white mare was walking once more, but she remained calm, Eclipsetess just smiled. Then as the white mare walked up to Solstice, she had the most ever kindest smile and personality that she could ever have by default. Azulia just nuzzled her excitedly.

"Snow I'm so happy that you have your strength back! But you should've have stayed laying in the grass, we're getting worried about you.." Azulia said, she gently nuzzled Snow for a little bit before stopping and looking at Solstice.

"Dear I'm always gonna get up for a new member of our herd." Snow said softly, her voice never changed and Azulia smiled happily.

Then another mare came up next to Snow, this one more different as she looked different, as she had one blind eye and a very deep scarred front leg on the right, the mare just looked at Solstice calmly and very sweetly and gentle to her..

"And my name is Ivoula, it's a pleasure to meet you, oh and I train unicorns or horses on their magic." Ivoula said happily, Azulia then perked her head up happily too and began to move her front legs, sorta in a dance like motion.

"We are all here for you, no matter the cost darling." Snow said calmly and sweet towards Solstice, Eclipsetess nodded her head in agreement to what Snow said.

"Well, it's just that I have a big brother, and that I've always seen him, just not for a couple months or for a year. I don't know when actually." Solstice said, Eclipsetess perked her head at her, but then she brought up some grass for Solstice to eat.

"Well it wouldn't matter since we're just across the hill over there, so he'll know where you are anyways, so it does not matter." Azulia said as she had cut into what Solstice said, she didn't mind what she said, but she did nuzzle Solstice to make her happier..

Azulia just wanted to make Solstice happy now, to make her comfortable and happy, and that she wanted her to feel the love that she never got besides her brother's love..


Thank you for reading chapter one, I couldn't have done it without HorseGirl's help with the Rp with Isles of Nowhere, I hope to make a new Rp when the Isles of Nowhere is finished, though I am converting it into a book now, which is Isles of Nowhere, but I'll soon rename it.

But for now, I'll be making chapter two now, I'm just doing it to pass time, only when HorseGirl replies. But for now, this chapter is done and I'll be making chapter two now!


A Thank You To Someone Special..

Also for a thank you for someone, HorseGirl, thank you for supporting my book! It makes me very happy to see that I'm interacting with the community more and more!

I am so very happy, thank you!

Last edited on 2022-12-02 at 17:34:11 by Lizzy

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#262204 Posted on 2022-11-19 13:56:44

Chapter Two


The Adventure, pt. 1


As Azulia takes a deep breath as she sticks her head up from laying on her side, she ate too much grass for dinner and breakfast, the lead stallion just stayed on her other side, supporting her and her family of mares too, though she was happy that Solstice had joined.

And that Eclipsetess had given her not permenant wings, but something to work with, though Solstice was reading at the tree that Eclipsetess had been sitting on top of her branch, being perched and watching over Solstice and everyone else that she could see, Azulia was happy that Eclipsetess got to show Solstice her wings, she was happy, for both of them..

But she did feel like an adventure was coming, though she just left the thought as she got up and walked over to Eclipsetess perched on a tree and making a new doll, and Azulia saw that Solstice had a doll of her very own, just like her! Azulia didn't mind and just went back over to the herd, and she began grazing happily.

Soon a little filly of a foal, black markings on her body to have a mutation, but the herd loved her anyways, she had wandered up to Solstice. She didn't before and she regretted it, though she did spark some interest into the little foal, and she was happy, though the filly did have a marking on her eye that caused her right eye's scelera (the white part) to become yellow, this also cause her eye to become a different color.

While the other eye did function normally, the little foal had her grey eye while she was hazel, she was bound to be hazel from Grey Cloud a mare who is all grey, she even has dark grey on where dun parts are supposed to be, she was also silver and flaxen. As can be seen on her mane, but Snow, she just acted like the aunt or grandma towards the foal.

But as the foal watched Solstice read and other things as well, Azulia called her over as the little foal happily did at what Azulia wanted her to, and they ran back towards the herd, they also began to play happily and it made the little foal estatic! But then the little foal's mother called and the filly went back to her mother.


Then Azulia layed down back in the grass, enjoying the sun's warm heat and enjoying the soft smell of grass as well, as for Eclipsetess, she yawned and had layed her head down on her armed legs and looked down at Solstice, she then fell asleep, though she did look at Solstice when she had the chance to look at her and watch her. The mare seemed to smile, then the stallion came over to Azulia to check on her.

"I am fine Scorn, no need to check on me, I'm just tired." Azulia told Scorn, the stallion sniffed her before he went on his way to check on the other mares, the little filly with black markings neighed to Scorn and he neighed back to her happily.

Azulia then took a deep breath in and exhaled through her nostrils, the smell of grass calmed her down, though she did smell lavender when she moved her head in a certain direction, but the lavender calmed her down more and she then fell asleep and dreamed peacefully.

Though Eclipsetess did fly down to collect some apples for her and Solstice, as she collected the apples enough for them, she gave three apples to Solstice, and she kept the remaining three for herself. She did enjoy the sweet crunchiness and juice it gave it squirted out when she took a bite.

For Solstice, she was reading the history of the Isles, but it wasn't long until she saw Eclipsetess collect some apples and gave three to her, Solstice smiled and told her that she hasn't really eaten anything yet, so she took the three apples and started to munch on them happily, enjoying the taste and crunchiness as well as the juice coming off from each apple.

"Now to get back to reading." Solstice said to herself, she began to read again, Azulia was happily sleeping away.

As Azulia slept for awhile, Eclipsetess then flew down onto the ground again, this time she walked in front of Solstice and pulled out her wings. Though she did know that Solstice would know who the stallion was, and she didn't mind at all, though she did tell Solstice that she knew it was someone familiar.

But when Solstice knew who it was, it was Namir, Solstice's big brother and protector of her. Though Eclipsetess put her wings to her sides and giggled to herself as Namir and Solstice had reunited, the stallion of Solstice's old herd didn't care for her more or less, but he did care if his mares were alright.


Azulia then walked to a forest since she was a bit bored when everyone was introducing themselves, but she walked down a path covered by grass, she stops to lift her head up to hear something, but it was only birds flapping their wings and flying away, as Azulia continues walking, she stumbles upon a lake. Not a large lake, but something of it, she cautiously walks down to the lake and licks her lips, the cool refreshing water.

Then as she arches her neck to meet the water, she begins drinking water and then her muscles begin to relax and her tension is taken away as the silence of nothing but birds, the water rippling, fish swimming, and the water splashing as Azulia looks up at the sky as she sighs and she walks to a tree as the grass was flattened out.

Azulia takes the flattened grass as her bed, and begins to drift off to sleep, the comfortable silence fills the air and Azulia is now asleep peacefully. Dreaming peacefully..

Meanwhile as Faith looks up at the sky, the meadow was peaceful, but served it's purpose as Faith looked around the meadow, she then looked over at a small little prairie, the little foals playing as they were being watched by their dams. Faith then was nudged as she looked at her friend, another mare of different color.

"Oh hello Prism, didn't see you here, and aren't you supposed to be at the Crystal Caverns? Or the Crystal Caves?" Faith asked Prism, the mare was see through but Faith didn't mind it.

"I am supposed to be at the Crystal Caverns, but my lead stallion let me see you until it was getting dark, y'know how Twilight is towards his mares. Especially expecting ones." Prism answered Faith's question, looking over at the foals playing while their mom was nearby.

"Well, you should get going, before this herd has their lead stallion come back and spot you. And we do not want to get into another mare fight.. Especially what happened to Soup's younger brother on accident." Faith said as the mare began searching for the lead stallion.

"Alright, I'll leave, no fun in staying if you don't want to run." Prism said as she swooshed her tail and disappeared by the sun reflecting off of her shiny, gem-like coat.

Though Azulia huffed as she walked back to where Eclipsetess, Namir, and Solstice were. She then joined on into the conversation and giggled to herself as she looked happily at Eclipsetess.

Last edited on 2022-12-02 at 17:45:24 by Lizzy

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#262205 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:07:00

Chapter Three


The Adventure, pt. 2


TDB (to be determined)

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#262206 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:07:42

Chapter Four




TBD (to be determined)

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#262207 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:00

Chapter Five



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#262208 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:10

Chapter Six



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#262209 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:18

Chapter Seven



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#262210 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:27

Chapter Eight



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#262211 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:34

Chapter Nine



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#262212 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:41

Chapter Ten



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#262213 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:48

Chapter Eleven



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#262214 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:12:59

Chapter Twelve



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#262215 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:13:07

Chapter Thirteen



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#262216 Posted on 2022-11-19 14:13:21

Chapter Fourteen



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