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Bridges Pole Ranch And Academic Centre | (PAUSED)

#264749 Posted on 2023-01-03 14:54:09

"Yes I did say that Leslie, though take it quite easy for the day, bruises need healing too, so try and London a little longer when you mount her. Alright?" Mrs. Wolf asked, though she did remember the papers and the files under it after Leslie mentioned the paperwork.

"I actually I did finish that, I forgot that I put the paperwork in the rider's lounges' countertop, I'll go fetch it right now so I don't have to when I remember again about it." Mrs. Wolf said, she walked off that seemed to be picking her legs up sometimes to trot (even though it's a jog but I'm calling it a trot since it's like a horse trot).

"Here." Rose said as she walked back over to plop the paperwork somewhere safe on the ground's rubbery pavement, she then pulled up the more interesting information.

"I had time to put his breed in since he was in the hot walker, gave me time to sort and put the finished pile away in these files, but I reached midnight and had to do it today, just before I pampered London and after I put Dallas in the hot walker." Mrs. Wolf said, the vet then called her again as Rose called over two riders to come pickup her files and put them on her desk so she could sort them. The two rider's did as what Rose said perfectly.

Then the clydesdale mare got up, not in a few hours in and she was feeling better since she was tended too by Tyler as she hugged him and he grabbed her halter and started leading her over to the hot walker, the two foals- twins, one male and one female were standing up to look at their big world in front of them.

Bridge got up as he heard two foals getting up and started to explore their world ahead of them, Bridge got up as he looked over at Leslie and neighed to her as he put his two hooves up at the window, and he then stuck his head out of the stall as his little fluffy tail began to wag like a little puppy.

Mrs. Wolf heard Bridge and she let him out as he started to sniff Leslie, and even jump around her, but he did sniff her leg that was still healing a little bit but probably wasn't noticeable now, then Mrs. Wolf laughed as she turned around to see the two foals sniffing some horse saddles that someone forgot to put away properly but it wasn't nothing serious.

Then Bridge turned his head to see the two foals doing the samething, he noticed that Mrs. Wolf let them be so he ran over to them as the rubber made sure to have his feet feeling good, it was a good idea to install a rubber paveway and pavement around, and probably cheaper then buying actual pavement.

Anyways as Bridge ran over to the foals, they heard Bridge neighing to the two, they looked at each other before running up to Mrs. Wolf to hide away from Bridge, he was much taller then him, and that they didn't know him at all except for his mother that was in the hot walker, but all the horses that were done walking were returned to their stall, the clydesdale mare still needed sometime at the hot walker so Tyler kept watch on her.

But as Mrs. Wolf ended the call with the vet, she looked at the twin foals seeing how they don't like Bridge since he was curious of them but they didn't like him that much since he was scaring them.

"Bridge can you stop now little one? I know your curious of the two, but they are just too young to play right now, they need their mother so that they can have their daily drink for today or more. Though I did hear Tyler getting the mare to the hot walker, so it'll be a bit before she returns. Probably had their drink before the mare was taken to the hot walker." Mrs. Wolf said, she then walked over to the closet to grab two foal halters for the twins as they followed her as well, Bridge also followed Mrs. Wolf with the twins but he returned to Leslie's side.

"Alright there, grabbed two halters that were blue and pink to distinguish the two of you." Mrs. Wolf said, she made sure the foals weren't in the closet as she shut it, then she let the two have a sniff at the halter as they accidentally put it on but it fit them both perfectly, though Mrs. Wolf switched the halters to the correct foal gender.

"Alright better, your able to be weaned and so when you two are older, but these are foal halters that adjust themselves to fit your more recent size, you'll have to switch once you two get older to the yearling side. Adult halters but I promise that's in the future for you two." Mrs. Wolf told the twin foals, the clydesdale mare then came back to her stall as her two twins returned to her size.

"Ah ha, so you put a halter on the two already?" Tyler asked Mrs. Wolf, she laughed and nodded at Tyler who told her it was perfect for the two foals since it would tell them apart by their faces instead of under the barrel.

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#264754 Posted on 2023-01-03 15:58:03

     Leslie nodded excitedly as she pat London, "Hear that girl? Back to training!" she said happily as London nudged her again happily, "Give me a couple minutes girl. I have to go grab my helmet. You can wait a few minutes girl. Better then a few more days.." she said making sure London would wait a few minutes as she went to go grab her helmet..if she remembered where she put it.

     Though Leslie waited to grab her helmet as she listened to Mrs. Wolf, "Well that's good." she said happily as she looked over at the hot walker. "At least he gets to move around a bit. I'm sure he's enjoying it since he seems to like people and he seems to be curious about things. Maybe he could use a walk around the place. I'm sure he'd like that," she said getting distracted for a moment.

     "Well London does seem like she enjoyed the pampering session. Spoiled mare she is, and she knows it," Leslie said as London just rose her head looking proud, "Alright girl. No need to rub it in," she said rolling her eyes as London nudged her again, "Alright alright I get it you want to go out," she huffed before looking at Mrs. Wolf as she remembered about her helmet, "Oh right my helmet!"

     "I think I left it in the rider's lounge when I sprained my ankle.." she thought out loud to herself as she looked at London before she went over to the rider's lounge. She would have ran, but knew she couldn't quite yet. Her ankle still hurt a bit, but she could walk on it better then she could before. Leslie started looking around the rider's lounge until she found it, "Gotcha!" she said excitedly as she walked back over to London.

     Leslie looked at Bridge, "Oh you poor thing, but don't you go jumping out of that stall," she said before Mrs. Wolf let him out, "Well at least he didn't jump before you let him out," she laughed as she pet Bridge, "Easy there little guy. It's still healing," she said even though she smiled and laughed a bit while she looked at the twin foals. "Curious ones aren't they?" she laughed as they seemed curious about the saddles that were left out."

     She tried to stop Bridge from running over to them, but she knew it was useless. "Poor little guy just wants some friends, but he just scared them. Give them some time Bridge. They're only a day old, but you got to careful around them ok?" she said petting him as she watched Mrs. Wolf. She giggled a bit, "Well I guess it's best to work foals on day one...I heard it helps them to be calmer around new trust people more." she said as London nudged her again.

     "Sorry girl. We're going alright?" she said patting her as she looked over at Jacob then Mrs. Wolf, "I guess I better take her out before she gets fissy." she said giving the mare a look, "Spoiled mare she is, and yet I can't help but to spoil her more..." she sighed admitting it. "Try to keep Bridge under control? I know he likes to jump with me and London...I think that's what happened last time," she said petting him.

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#264764 Posted on 2023-01-03 18:57:40

"Yes it definately was him, Amy actually saw him run back to the barn as she went over to help you, colts, guess he's just more interested in bigger horses. Normal thing really, except what happened, but let's not dwell on it or else it'll stick to your mind more alright?" Mrs. Wolf asked, she then try shooing Leslie to get on so she could ride again.

"Fun-" Mrs. Wolf paused, "N-never mind, I was gonna do a fun fact that I remember, but that would be less.. Responisble and irrisponisble of me, and would probably mess you up for a little while or at least make you uncomfortable.. So I'm not gonna say, rather go have fun, I'll make sure Bridge gets some little obedience training like the handling and leading part." Mrs. Wolf said, she then had Bridge follow her as he knew that he was gonna train as he raced over to the closet to get the halter put on him as he ran around but still followed Mrs. Wolf to the round pen for the leading and handling.

Though Jacob came over to help, Amy was off in the dressage arena until her horse stopped and grew tired, Amy got her mare to stop and go back as she knew her mare would go back on her own, Ava came over to check on Amy as she saw her mare go back to her stall.

"Tired and lazy it seems?" Ava asked Amy, both laughed as Amy got up on Ava's horse and the mare started walking back as Ava and Amy were talking, the mare grew to a trot as Mrs. Wolf saw the two talking, the mare then stopped as Mrs. Wolf grabbed the rein piece and brought the mare to a free spot with cross ties while the two girls hopped off and went to the rider's lounge to keep talking.

"Ah girls and talks, everyone felt had that." Mrs. Wolf said, she unsaddled Amy's mare and began to pamper her and then bring her to her stall while the girls stopped talking.

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#264766 Posted on 2023-01-03 19:28:00

     "I had a feeling.." she said looking at the colt, but she just pat him, "Well he's young, and he used to be the only foal. He has a reason to look up to older horses. He watches them. Learns from them. That's what foals do," she smiled patting London and Bridge, "It happens. Especially with horses. It was just a sprained ankle. Nothing terrible. I've had plenty worse. Part of what happens when you ride a horse," she said as she let out a small laugh.

     "Alright alright I'm going I'm going," she said looking at Mrs. Wolf before she led London out of the barn before she mounted. Leslie found a mounting block, as she used it to mount London. It had been awhile since she rode, but she took it easy with mounting. "Alright girl you ready?" she asked London as she gave her a pat, but she already knew the answer, "Okay okay let's go girl," she said as she brought London over to the jumping arena.

     Though before they even approached any of the jumps, Leslie walked and trotted London around the arena a few times. Mainly just to warm her up and get used to the feel of the saddle again. When she felt like they were ready, she pointed London towards one of the lower jumps first still taking it easy. Leslie could hear a poll fall behind them, "It's ok..just a little out of practice.." she said mainly to herself as she brought London to another jump.

     Leslie and London probably worked for about an hour before Leslie called it quits for the time being not wanting to overwork her and London. "Alright girl, let's call it for now," she said as she brought London to the barn, and carefully unmounted as she started untacking the mare and giving her a quick brushing, "Not bad girl. Just need to train more. That's all.." she said to London as she brushed her in her favorite spot since London seemed to lean into her a bit which she didn't mind at all.

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#264767 Posted on 2023-01-03 20:07:08

"Hm, soft spot I presume?" Jacob asked Leslie, as Picante stood behind him, the stallion was looking at other things since he knew London didn't like him, or any stallions at all.

Though Picante nudged Jacob a little too hard as he fell next to Leslie, but he quickly got up and apologized to her, a little canine showing to grow a little longer, making him a quite like a bull dog but in a cuter way, though the stallion nudged Jacob again impatiently.

Jacob laughed at the stallion lovingly, "Someone is more impatient, hm?" Jacob asked Picante, the stallion looked away to not want to answer his question, but he nudged him again.

Jacob giggled to himself, "Quit it or else I'll fall on a beautiful girl, and I don't wanna ruin a friendship, alright boy?" Jacob asked Picante, the stallion put his head on Jacob's shoulder as he stuck his arms around the stallions arching neck, the horse put his hoof and leg on Jacob's back before putting his arm down and Jacob putting his arms down as the stallion then left for his stall.

"You know I complimented about your beauty, but also your personality right?" Jacob asked, he seemed to have formed a small smile with love at Leslie, he seemed to be really happy.

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#264773 Posted on 2023-01-04 05:45:20

     Leslie was a bit distracted by London, "Huh oh yeah. She tries to lean on me when I brush her right here. Which is fine. Spoiled mare she is," she said as finished brushing London for the time being. London didn't seem too happy about it, "You just had a pampering session this morning. You can't always be spoiled girl." she said getting a bit distracted by London for a moment..ok maybe two.

     At least until Picante nudged Jacob hard enough he fell. She couldn't help but to giggle a least quietly. "Like I said before horses are unpredictable..even if you have a strong bond. No need to apologize," she said before looking at London whom started nibbling on her semi-long blonde hair, "London! You know your not supposed to eat my hair!" she said giving the mare a stern look as London just looked away trying to act innocent. "Mares." she muttered underneath her breath.
     Though when she heard Jacob, she blushed and looked down a bit. London seemed to take her chance as she started to nibble on Leslie's hair again. Until Leslie looked at her and London once again acted innocent. Leslie just smiled a bit as she looked at Jacob again, "Yeah..." she said looking down a bit again, "..thanks..". She just wasn't sure what to think really. Leslie was never the best with interacting with other people sometimes...mainly boys. 

     Leslie did look at London, "I should put her in her stall, and see if Mrs. Wolf needs me to do anything with Dallas. Cya later then..I suppose," she said putting some of her blonde hair behind her ear as she fixed her ponytail a bit since London nearly pulled it out. Leslie then put London in her stall, and started looking around for Mrs. Wolf to see if there was anything for her to do with London.

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#264799 Posted on 2023-01-04 18:29:20

"Alright bye!" Jacob waved goodbye, then he jogged over to Picante's stall that the horse was in, he closed the door as the stallion then began sleeping.

Mrs. Wolf was actually drawing a picture of random horses that were in the barn, including Dallas but she then stopped drawing as she pinned it to the stall's bottom wooden part of the door, Mrs. Wolf was rather happy about the drawing and was deciding to frame it or not since it looked rather good.

"Hm, I never drawn until now, I got the horses all perfect, the lines being symmetrical and the shading being rather good. Perfect, I should've hung it up in the rider's lounge.. Oh well." Mrs. Wolf said, she then was deciding to look at the clydesdale mare and her lovely batch of two foals.

"Hm, I'll do it since I'm free for right now." Mrs. Wolf said, she then walked over to the clydesdale mare as she poked her head out the window, her foals nipping each other until she nuzzled them again.

"Haha, beautiful foals you have there." Mrs. Wolf said, Tyler was shining some saddles that a pair of rider's asked for help, and he overheard Mrs. Wolf talking to his lovely clydesdale, he smiled happily as the mare nodded seeming to have agreed to her.

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#264802 Posted on 2023-01-04 18:56:01

     Leslie smiled and said goodbye before making sure London was fine in her stall, "Don't you go acting innocent and stealing treats from everyone now girl." she said before she went to her dorm for a minute. She just needed to do a couple small and quick things before she did anything else. Leslie was thinking about a calm ride with London, but she wasn't too sure about it. Just a thought for the time being.

     Though Leslie stepped into her dorm for a moment as she took off the necklace she put on earlier that morning. She didn't want to risk loosing it while riding, but she only had it on because she wasn't expecting to be riding that day. Leslie also had to grab a few hair ties in case London broke one if she kept nibbling on her hair. After that, Leslie left her dorm. She probably would have ran if she could have, but she was just..happier. Things didn't seem to bother her like they used to.

     When Leslie got back to the barn, she heard Mrs. Wolf's voice. She stopped for a moment giving London a couple pats and she sneaked in a treat or two for a good ride earlier, "That's it for now London," she said before she looked over at Mrs. Wolf and decided to walk over, "I didn't know you drew. You seem pretty good at it," she smiled as she looked at the picture before she looked at the mare and her foals.

     "They all seem to be doing pretty well. That's good," she said as she watched the two foals and their mother. "They're so cute though..makes me curious to think how small and innocent Bridge looked when he was just a day old," she smiled even though she figured that colt was always causing mayhem. Foals be will foals. "I bet it won't be long until these two start to have sibling rivalries.."

     Leslie did look over for a moment as she remembered why she came back to the barn..not that she wouldn't have. "Oh uh..I was wondering if there was anything you wanted me to do with Dallas today?" she asked looking over at the stallion, "I was just curious, and didn't know if anyone else is caring for him is all." she said with a small shrug as she looked over at the foals again as she watched them.

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#264805 Posted on 2023-01-04 19:29:31

"Thanks Leslie-dear, that means a lot actually, I haven't drawn before actually. But I do remember taking a class or two at art, I loved it but couldn't keep up sometimes, but I manage things." Mrs. Wolf said as she blushed, then she looked at the foals as well.

"That's quite true, and when they will be older is when Bridge will be a yearling, and some of the horses here are different ages too, making their rider's scramble to buy horse-made cakes for their horses to eat and take a picture." Mrs. Wolf agreed, she then remembered that Bridge would be a yearling and he would have to start being trained in..the more trainable regions for foals.

"Hm I don't think Dallas needs anything besides getting more food, check his water as well if you happen to notice it, and.. I don't think there's anything else right now, but I can let you know when there's something to do with him right?" Mrs. Wolf smiledly asked Leslie, she patted her head again as she laughed.

"Ahh the head patting never gets old for me, though I can stop if it's annoying, most of the rider's can tolerate it if they don't mind getting head pats." Mrs. Wolf went from laughing to giggling then to talking once more.

"Though I should stop and check on anything else that's needed, if you need help don't hesitate to ask a rider or two, and if you want my help; I might be in my office as usual or cooking something in my home nextdoor, come into my home whenever you like, the door's always open since I do live off the main road, making robber's or burgalers miss the now rubber patched road that everyone built that leads into the barn as well, rubber is best for horse feet as a fun fact and a real fact that no one seems to remember." Mrs. Wolf said, she booped the clydesdale mare's nose as she jerked away and sneezed but seemed to go back to lying down next to her foals, Rose then walked to her home to start baking something.

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#264817 Posted on 2023-01-05 09:08:48

     Leslie just smiled a bit, "Well better then I seem to have more of a artistic ability then I do. Can't imagine how many times I've tried to draw London, and I just can't, but that's fine. I already have several pictures of her..heh.." London just poked her head out when she heard her name being said, and just looked over at Leslie and Mrs. Wolf when she realized Leslie was the one talking about her, "London I already know your staring me down." Leslie said as she looked at the mare, "Jealous much?"

     Though she just laughed and turned back to look at the foals, "It's crazy how fast foals grow..these guys won't be so little for long. Even in just a week they'll grow quite a bit," she said enjoying watching the twins, "It's good to have a variety of different horses. Different ages, breeds, colors, and skills. Let's just hope Bridge turns out to be a good well-mannered stallion. Some foals just grow out of their chaos as they age," she shrugged.

     Leslie did look back over at Dallas, "Alright I can do that," she smiled as Dallas just looked at her before turning around in his stall before she looked back at Mrs. Wolf and nodded, "Okay. I'm sure he'd be fine in the pasture later, or at least a grooming, but that can wait," she smiled. Though she did shrug, "I've gotten used to it. I really don't mind," she said as Mrs. Wolf patted her on the head.

     She nodded as she listened to Mrs. Wolf, "Well I guess I'll go check on Dallas, and probably just walk around the property with London," she said noticing how London seemed to like the idea. When Mrs. Wolf walked off, Leslie went to Dallas's stall and went to see if he needed anything. His water bucket was halfway full, but she figured she'd refill it later. His hay net needed filling since it was empty, "Well someone was hungry last night," she laughed as she grabbed the hay net.

     Dallas only grabbed the hay net and nibbled on it almost like he didn't want her to take it even if it was empty, "Come on Dallas I need this or you won't be getting anymore food," she giggled as the stallion eventually decided to let go. "There. Now I'll be back alright?" she asked him as she pat him while she closed the stall before she went to refill the hay net. After that, she went back over to Dallas.

     "Don't you be nibbling on this until I hang it up now," she giggled as she opened the stall, but Dallas just did what she told him not to. Not that she minded that much. Leslie just pat the stallion a few times still flabbergasted by his coat and his blue eyes, but his coat was also soft. She seemed to get lost in the moment before she realized it and closed the stall and headed over to London, "Ready girl?"

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#264840 Posted on 2023-01-05 20:27:38

A horse neighed inside her stall for no reason, though she did get testy as her rider ran over to her to get her to calm down but she only got louder and louder until she started bucking and rearing her stall door, Tyler came over to help as he had to open the stall door but the mare ran out as Tyler got his beautiful bay tovero splashed white stallion, his eyes green and blue and a few spots except for his croup and near his dock is where the bay is.

Tyler had his gypsy run after the mare as he called out "Make way! Make way!" as the rider's got out of the way for the chestnut like bay mare, her stockings all near her hind quarter and her shoulder blades, she ran like the wind as she dashed out the barn, the gypsy surely behind as Tyler was the jockey and the gypsy a thoroughbred.

Though the other rider's training saw the mare jump as they got out of the way as Tyler and his stallion galloped down the way and down the road as the mare made it to the main road, the rider of the mare started crying as she placed her back against where the barn door slides on the left, her blue and purple jacket with gold rims to symbolize her loyalty as she got saddened.

Mrs. Wolf came out to the barn with a skillet that has cooking but cooling bacon, Mrs. Wolf placed the skillet down as the bacon was vulnerable but she didn't care as she got the girl rider to hug her and tell her everything as she cried and cried, Mrs. Wolf making sure the rider was calmed and determined to find her horse.

"Don't worry, Tyler will find your mare with his stallion, both do a new style of racing, but that's for another time. So stay determined, and plus; your mare knows her way back if she wants to come back, no need to get fiesty and have a rampant tamtrum. Okay?" Mrs. Wolf told the rider as she dired her tears, then the two hugged as she got her to sit down on the couch and maybe lay down if the girl rider felt like it.

"Now relax and have a good time, your beautiful mare will return, and Tyler has extra rope on his saddle if he runs out, so it's kinda like wrangling except for a mare experienced kid at the job." Mrs. Wolf told the rider as she exited the lounge and headed to check on the stall door that busted open.

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#264852 Posted on 2023-01-06 05:48:02

     Dallas was just munching on his hay happily being the foodie he was. He flicked his long black tail around every now and then. The stallion's mane had been cut, but there was a thin line of black hair. His forelock was completely gone as it was cut entirely. Though the stallion just happily munched on his hay seeming to like this new place so far, but he was curious of it and the other horses and people here.

     Though Dallas started to hear one of the mares neighing and he soon heard what sounded like the mare kicking at the stall. The stallion stepped away from his hay net, and peeked out of his stall as he looked at the mare just as she was running out. Confusingly Dallas just watched her run out of the barn with a rider following behind on a large stallion before he looked at one of the riders still calm and relaxed despite what just happened.

     Leslie smiled as she grabbed London's halter, and opened her stall. "I thought we could go on a walk around the place girl," she said while she put the halter on the mare. After that, she clipped the lead rope to the halter where it was meant to go. London seemed excited as she followed Leslie as she led her out of the barn. Just a peaceful walk for the both of them. Well Leslie hoped it would be peaceful.

     She stopped short when she started to hear commotion coming from the barn as she turned around, "I wonder what's goin-" Leslie was cut short as a mare rushed out of the barn and towards her and London. Quickly Leslie jumped out of the way before watching the mare run off. Then she felt something else rush past her and London as she noticed it was Tyler on his stallion. 

     London got a bit spooked and was pawing the ground a bit, "Shh shh it's alright girl. Your okay," Leslie said as she calmed her before she looked over at the road, "I guess our walk will have to wait a bit.." she said as she brought London back to the barn and put her in the stall. She only removed the lead rope, but she decided to keep the halter on for the time being.

     After that, Leslie looked over at the saddened rider and Mrs. Wolf. She may have noticed the bacon, and despite how tempting it was, she left it alone. Leslie wasn't sure if she should say or do anything, but she thought about it for a moment. "Tyler will get your mare back...even if he comes back and doesn't, we'll look for her." she said trying to help in a way. She just looked at London remembering when she ran off not so long ago. "She'll come back. Whether or not we have to look for her," she said before the rider went to the rider's lounge.

     Leslie then looked at Mrs. Wolf, "I wonder what spooked that mare...everything was fine when I left the barn with London." she said looking at the broken stall, "Hopefully Tyler can manage to catch her. Surprised his stallion is that fast.." she said before she looked at Dallas and went to give him some pats, "Someone has a thing for hay. I just refilled it and it's already halfway gone," she laughed.

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#264855 Posted on 2023-01-06 07:52:32

"Yep, I was also quite surprised about that gypsy staying behind a mare like that one, Tyler mentioned on his first day that the gypsies great grandparents were thoroughbred crossbreeds, which made sense for the gypsy to keep up with a mare, then the gypsies grandparents were a throughbred crossbreed and a pure blood gypsy. It explains everything really, though I hope that rider calms down, I don't want bad moods changing to make it feel heavy, but it already is if you could tell." Mrs. Wolf said, she then jogged back to her office to find some tools in her secret stash.

Though another mare neighed, seeming to be nervous as she was also pawing at the door, which made the other riders nervous and a little frightened as the mare seemed rather large but quite short to the stall door, but it made both human and creature nervous.

"I think that's the twin sister of that mare that ran off.." a rider whispered to their friend, not long after the mare bursted out of the stall but was nervous and frantic, but seemed to not know where to go.

Some riders tried walking up to the mare, but they fell backwards as the mare tried nipping the riders that were trying to help, the mare looked rather like an arabian from the back but a quarter's base barrel but the gypsies legs on the front, her head made up of a thoroughbred and the ears of a marwari.

"Hah.. We don't know what to do with you, but here some sugar cubes to calm you down." a rider said as they handed the sugar cubes to the mare as she ate them, but seemed sleepy as she put her head softly against the rider's shoulder and began sleeping.

"There, Sleeping Cubes do the work correctly." the same rider said once more, the others were curious on how the rider got the mare to fall asleep.

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#264858 Posted on 2023-01-06 09:00:40

     "Sometimes lineage and genetics just give some horses traits that their breed normally don't have," Leslie said. It got her thinking if London's lineage was full or purebreds or not. She'd have to look at them later. She never really looked at them anyway. Mainly just has the mare's information and confirmation of Leslie's ownership of her. "I feel the same when London ran off because of that..wolf..creature...thing..I'm sure Tyler will manage to catch the mare. She'll come back herself or with one of us." she said looking over at London again.

     Though Leslie was still patting Dallas which he seemed to be liking it since he was relaxed and nudged her slightly every now and then when she tried to leave. "Someone likes attention..sounds like someone I know..." Leslie said as she looked over at London whom had been watching her the entire time with a jealous and unhappy look. "I can't stay here forever y'know. I have chores and training to do Dallas." she said as she poked his muzzle as he looked a bit surprised which made Leslie giggle a bit to herself, "Goofball."

     Leslie did start to hear some commotion start to go on as she turned around and saw another mare acting just like the first. "What on earth is going on with these mares today?" she said as she cautiously walked over to where the other riders were as she helped them if they needed it. Leslie quickly took a step back when the mare managed to break the stall like the first, "Easy girl.." she said trying to keep herself calm as she tried approaching the mare. Though Leslie quickly backed up when the mare tried to bite her, "That was..close.." she muttered to herself as she looked over at one of the riders.

     "Huh..well I guess that works then.." she said to herself as the sugar cubes seemed to make the mare calm down and get sleepy. "That's the second mare to get nervous and break out of their stall in the same hour even...let's hope no other horses do the same.." she sighed as she looked at the mare before looking at London and Dallas. Both were fine. London a little nervous, but not enough to do any harm, "It's alright London." she said as London just looked at her before turning around in her stall.

     " dramatic.." she said shaking her head, "Well I guess that's two stalls to fix..but I hope Tyler manages to catch the other mare.." she thought out loud to herself as she walked over to London, "Come on girl..let's go on that walk before anything else happens today.." she said reattaching the mare's lead rope as she brought the mare out of her stall. London was a bit taller then most horses, but Leslie never minded it.

     Leslie just walked around with London as she looked around listening for any signs of the mare or Tyler. "Let's go by the road..maybe we'll see them..?" she asked London as the mare just looked at her, "Right..talking to a horse.." she mumbled to herself as she walked over to the road tightening her grip on the lead rope in case a car came by and spooked London. "Hmm..nothing yet.." she sighed as she brought London away from the road before walking around the property some more before bringing the mare back to the barn.

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#264861 Posted on 2023-01-06 10:12:06

Though a group of clips clops were sounding nearby, that was when another rider pointed out that Tyler came back since his stallion has feathery sounding clip clops every now and then, though the stallion came back with a rope attached to the on-going mare in the back.

Mrs. Wolf just came back out as the stallion seemed to stop as he was commanded too, though Mrs. Wolf patted him away as the mare kept on tugging with fright in the back, she just told the stallion to move a little more indoors as she magically got a needle and poked the mares hind quarter.

Every now and then the mare would try to buck the gypsy stallion but seemed to calm down by the minute or hour, and the last hour was when the mare fully calmed down as she the rope was unattached to the stallions saddle as Mrs. Wolf had a rider bring the now calmed down mare.

"Such a life with a frightened freight train, am I right or wrong?" Mrs. Wolf seemed to have puzzled the nearby riders as they helped with the gypsies untacking and unsaddling him, Mrs. Wolf just walked over to the stall as she whistled and some extra riders were running over, one of the riders grabbed Leslie as there was to be two groups working on the different stalls.

Though as one of the riders began taking parts of the stall off to ensure a better harder system as some nuts and bolts were rusted, Tyler came back as he was riding on a pinto stallion looking tied up, Mrs. Wolf stopped helping one of the groups as she ran over to Tyler and got him down to be untied as she did.

"Thanks, wild ride I had, somehow I fell off my steed and ending up on a wild stallions back, surprisingly he's way calm about it." Tyler told Mrs. Wolf as he was out of breath and tired.

"Why don't you go rest up and tell that other in the lounge's horse is back? She'll be very happy to see her mare." Mrs. Wolf told Tyler, he did as she asked and he walked to the lounge with the exception of waking the girl as she ran out of the lounge to see her mare.

"Well, that was a quick one, glad he found two horses and came back in one piece!" Rose excitedly as the pinto stallion was off sniffing Dallas for a quick moment before turning around and walking over to the two groups of rider's working on the stall.

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