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HG and Virtigoe RP ONLY!

#256700 Posted on 2022-04-19 11:41:47

This role is only for me and Virtigoe! 

My character - Navajo

Other Characters played by me - 

 - Hidalgo (Navajo's father, and leader of the herd)

 - Ondina (Navajo's mother, and mate of Hidalgo)

 - Nigsley (Former member of Hidalgo's herd that was captured a few years prior)

Last edited on 2022-05-04 at 16:53:34 by ɦօʀֆɛɢɨʀʟ

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#256704 Posted on 2022-04-19 12:15:02

My character 


Other characters played by me

Taimete | Taemahs Mother

Sugar | Mare, takes role of Taemahs guardian later in role, is used as a psuedo mother for foals taken from wild herds

Joseph | Heavyset man who's job is to take care of Taemah while she's trained

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#256718 Posted on 2022-04-19 15:03:35

     Navajo, the son of the great Hidalgo, was born amongst the herd during a thunderstorm in the middle of the night. There was no where for the herd to go except for a small cave. Not much longer, and Ondina had gone into labor. It was crowded in there, and Ondina only wanted to leave the cave to have her first son in peace. Hidalgo wouldn't allow it, and by the next morning, a colt was born. He was named Navajo, but what none of them knew is what his future had in store for him. The colt would be the only colt born that season, and was destined to take over the herd when the time was right. Though, something else would get in the way. Although Navajo would fulfill it when he was ready.
     "Momm! Why can't I go with dad? I never get to go with him anywhere!" said the young colt as he was bored. The month old colt annoyed his mother as always.
     "Your too young Navajo. Your only a month old. You can go when me and your father say you can, but until then play with the fillies. I'm sure they'd love to play with you," said Ondina knowing he wasn't going to like that answer. She felt bad that he was the only colt, but there was nothing she could do about that. 
     "Play with them?" he said looking over at the fillies disgusted, "All they do is play girly games, and it's annoying," he said bored. Navajo just walked off hanging his head low as he tried avoiding the fillies as they were always watching him. "Can't they just leave me alone for once?" he said to himself with a snort before a butterfly landed on his muzzle.

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#256721 Posted on 2022-04-19 15:41:36

Taemah tilted her head, listening to the conversation between the mother and foal. she agreed though, the other fillies were quite annoying and she didn't like the games they played. it never did suit her

"We can go down to the river if you want," Taemah suggested, wincing when she realized he probably wouldn't appreciate being listened in on. "Sorry. I just happened to overhear and thought you might want to get away from you-know-who," The foal nodded towards a group of fillies who were prancing around "I promise I'm not like them," 

With a flick of her tail, the light coloured filly made her way down towards the softly running water, listening behind her in hopes the colt would follow, she wasn't in love with him but he seemed lonely, and she hoped she could help.

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#256724 Posted on 2022-04-19 16:34:25

     Navajo was a bit startled by the presence of the filly causing the butterfly to fly away. "Believe me. I'm used to it," he said looking up at the filly. The colt had a feeling she was telling the truth about not being one of them as he got the feeling she was indeed different. The colt had walked over following her. He flicked his small tail side to side as he took a small drink. "I'm the only colt that was born this year, and that means I'll have to take over the herd one you think that's why the other's are all over me?" asked the colt as he let out a sigh and slowly looked over at the filly beside him. Navajo was unsure if he would be cut out to take over, after all his father is one of the most respected stallions in the land. 

     Hidalgo wasn't too far from the herd as he was patrolling the area. Nothing was out of the ordinary as he walked back to the herd. The mighty stallion had nuzzled his mate, Ondina, as he noticed his son. "Let me guess. He tried come with again didn't he?" he said already knowing the answer.
     "I'm afraid so dear. I feel bad for him being the only colt. I don't blame him for not wanting to play with those fillies." she said nuzzled him in return as they watched their son.
     "Soon enough and he can come along. After all he will take over the herd when my time comes, but until then he needs to discover the world, and know the dangers." spoke Hidalgo in a wise way.
     "Your time isn't near, so we shall not speak these things dear," she said unhappy with some of his words. The mare had walked over to some of the mares to socialize after speaking with her mate.

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#256817 Posted on 2022-04-21 17:21:33

Taemah shrugged "I'm not sure. Probably," the filly looked at the colt, snorting slightly. "At least you are liked," The cream coloured foal murmured, her ears folding back. "I'm pretty sure they hate me. even though I haven't done anything. maybe it's because I'm not caught up in a colt craze like most of them," She huffed in annoyance leaning down to take a small sip of the cool spring water 

(short sorry, I'll be writing longer responses tonight im just busy atm)

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#256818 Posted on 2022-04-21 18:17:17

     The colt sighed, "Honestly, I don't want to take over the herd, and I'd like them to not be all over me," he said with a small snort. He looked at her as she got a drink from the spring, "It's not a bad thing to be different...I guess it's a good thing.." he said with a small smile. The colt had noticed his father returned, but he stayed away. Navajo knew his father hated it when he distracted him from his job as protector of the herd. The colt sighed, why did it have to be him that was to take over the herd?

all good ♥

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#256848 Posted on 2022-04-22 18:20:01

She thought for a moment before responding, "You're right, I guess,"  looking over at the cool forest edge the filly realized how hot the sun was, beating down on her back and making her feel sticky with sweat

"Wanna go hang out in the trees? I bet it's way colder," Taemah flicked her tail, starting to make her way over anyway, he didn't have to come with, but she was hot and wanted some relief. Taemah didn't know why she suddenly spoke up earlier, she hadn't ever done that. she was used to being alone. 

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#256853 Posted on 2022-04-22 19:28:10

     Navajo wasn't the only one that felt the hot sun beating down on him. As the filly moved to the shaded trees, the colt stayed near the stream. His short tail flicked side to side as his mother walked up, "I see you made a friend," she said looking over at the filly.
     "Mom! Really?" said the colt clearly annoyed. Navajo shook his head as his mother Ondina had started to nibble on his mane, "Do you really have to do that?" he said with a snort.
     "I am your mother Navajo. Of course I do, and your going to let me," she said preventing him from getting away as Hidalgo walked up.
     "Navajo listen to your mother," said Hidalgo as he walked up.
     The colt sighed and stayed put, "Yes father," he said not even daring to look up at him.

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#257115 Posted on 2022-04-30 12:02:09

Taemah tilted her head, slowly making her way over to the colt and his parents, too nervous to directly look Hidalgo in the eye she gives a small nod to Ondina "Hi, can me'n Navajo go play 'n the river?" her voice sounded nervous, even to her own ears, but she tried to look confident, her tail swaying side to side as she awaited an answer

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#257121 Posted on 2022-04-30 15:43:39

     The appaloosa colt stayed put as he slightly pinned his ears while his mother cleaned him a bit. Navajo gave a small snort, "Ow! Momm!" he said as she had accidentally bit him.
     The mare snorted, "Navajo what have I told you? If you just stay still things will go quicker. Not only that but you are to take over the herd one day. Your going to have to learn to do things you don't like so get used to it." she said unhappily as the filly had approached. Ondina looked up at the filly then glanced down at Navajo as she let out a sigh, "I suppose...but you won't argue with me later Navajo." she said before walking off. 
     Navajo looked over at Taemah and was surprised his mom let him. Furthermore, he'd take what he could get since his father was going to start teaching him how to be a lead stallion. The colt trotted off with the filly rather quickly to get away from his parents as they both scared him sometimes. 

     Hidalgo looked at the filly as she approached and said nothing as he walked a short distance away to graze while he could. The stallion looked up to see his son and the filly trotting off a little ways as he slightly pinned his ears and gave a snort, "That colt of mine will never lead a herd if he keeps going like this. I'm not going to have some bachelor take over the herd when my time comes." he said turning around to watch the rest of the herd as he blew off some air while doing so. Hidalgo wasn't a rude stallion, but he could be intimidating quite often though protecting a herd this size was a lot of work.

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#257240 Posted on 2022-05-03 00:06:02

Taemah softly grinned at the colt, "I thought you'd want a break," she sighed dramatically, "Parents, amirite?" the small glint in her eyes gave way that she was joking.

"What should we do?" Tasman looked around, her eyes catching sight of a cloud, grey and rising from the earth. the voice in her head told her to ignore it, screaming danger, but she was curious. and like all curious foals wanted to explore.

"Do you see that?" The filly turned her head to the colt, stopping in her tracks.

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#257241 Posted on 2022-05-03 03:09:20

     Navajo gave a chuckle, " parents are always talking to me about me being the lead one's annoying," he said catching a small glimpse of the gray cloud. The colt stopped, "What was that?" he said as his curiosity had started to take over. Navajo looked back at his parents before he looked back over at Taemah with a grin on his face, "You thinking what I'm thinking?" he said tossing his head in the direction of the strange cloud they had both seen. "Let's go see what it is before our parents catch us," he said pawing the ground a bit as he pranced into the woods.

     Ondina grazed beside some of the other mares in the herd while she tried to blow off some steam. She looked up slightly as she gave a quick look around before returning to grazing. She knew Navajo was close by, so she wasn't concerned. The mare sighed, "Maybe we shouldn't push him too much about taking over..." she said realizing that she had been pushing it on him.
     "Enforcing it will only push him away Ondina," said one of the mares, Akela, "Just give him some time, and when he's ready you'll know."
     "Yeah...I just have to convince his father to lay off the subject for awhile," she said looking over at her mate.

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#257291 Posted on 2022-05-04 15:38:26

Taemah shrugged,  
"I'm not sure, looks interesting though," 
the filly followed Navajo, ears pricked for any new noises. her steps slowed down as they got farther, maybe this wasn't such a good idea, but not wanting to disappoint Navajo she continued. uneasiness settled like a rock in her stomach, her gate apprehensive, every hoof-fall gentle and deliberate.

"Are you sure abo-" 
Her words were quickly cut off. a strong smell assaulted her nose, it burned her eyes, and left a bitter taste in her mouth. "do you smell that?" she scrunched her nose up, snorting to try and rid it of the awful odour, her eyes welled up with tears. shaking her head the filly looked forward, she could make out the cloud of grey the breeze blew it their way. and under it hairless two legs (the ones her mother warned her about, stories of evil "men" as she called them, cutting down trees and emptying the river.)

her instincts told her to run, run far away from these 'men', that they were dangerous.

she never did listen to them.


sorry my responses are so sparse, I have a hard time making them feel right

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#257299 Posted on 2022-05-04 17:17:15

     As the two foals wandered deeper into the woods, Navajo grew to be more unsure if they made the right choice. He glanced over at Taemah as he came to a stop before he smelt the awful smell, "What is that smell coming from?" he asked as his uneasyness grew stronger as time passed. He saw the strange creature and took a step forward. His mother had never told him about humans and the danger they were. The colt had noticed the creature had two legs, "I've never seen anything like it..." he said as his curiosity had started to get to him even though he had a bad feeling about all of this.

     Ondina grazed with some of the fellow mares when she looked around to see what Navajo was up to. "Navajo?" she said when she hadn't seen him or the filly around. "Navajo!?" she said once again as she started to fear for the worst. The mare had rushed over to Hidalgo, "Our son is gone. I-i don't know where he went!" she said panicking.
     Hidalgo quickly turned all of his attention to Ondina, "I'll go look for him. He shouldn't have gone far, but you need to stay here," he said nuzzling her to try and calm her a bit before he ran off in search for his son. 

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