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Trotting Horse [OPEN]

ForumsTag & Signature Sales → Trotting Horse [OPEN]

Trotting Horse [OPEN]

#244584 Posted on 2021-08-01 17:59:48

Hello ! My name is alpina & I am new here so please bear with me I am trying to figure out pricing and such.

I have decided to put up some trotting horse tags made by the lovely bronze halo & colored by me! 


Each premade is 25k EVD

i. flaxen chestnut  | N/A

ii. palomino | N/A

Custom Colors:

Each recolor is 50k EVD or 1CR

If you are ordering a custom color please provide me with a reference image (I will do my best to replicate markings)


I am only allotting three orders at a time, so please check back later if all slots are full! 




Examples: One | Two


Deer Creek's Aslan | Deer Creek's Titan

Last edited on 2021-08-02 at 08:31:50 by alpina

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#244591 Posted on 2021-08-01 19:22:05

i. Deer Creek



Refs: AslanTitan

Backups: TritonStorm

Other: I love these! ♥

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#244592 Posted on 2021-08-01 19:42:23

Great, thank you for ordering! I will get started on them for you :)

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#244673 Posted on 2021-08-02 08:31:36

I love them! Thank you!! ♥

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Deer Creek

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