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tag . sunset vigil . auction

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tag . sunset vigil . auction

#243842 Posted on 2021-07-21 06:28:22

trade offer!!
you get: funky tag
i get: idk tbh i just like this bg its trippy

80k // 1 EVC
SB: 50k
AB: n/a

⟡ 200k = 1EVC we love inflation dont we yeahhh

⟡ 1 tag per slot per person
⟡ no add-ons, might customize mane + tail according to ref if bribed
⟡ i wont do irl horse photos, oc + clear ref please
there's like 30 layers on this and my device is complaining i need to complain i usually keep everything on like 5 layers why do i do this

- Slots

- ENDED July 23th 20:00 EV time July 23th 1:00 EV time
snipe guard of 2 hours.
if bids made within the last 2 hours, auction ends 2 hours after last bid.

- Form if won
floof: y/n
payment type:


Last edited on 2021-07-23 at 06:37:03 by Aspen

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#243844 Posted on 2021-07-21 06:31:04

1. Renvers

- Form
ref: Unnamed
backup: Atlas
floof: y
payment type: evd
other: sending payment

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#243845 Posted on 2021-07-21 06:33:50

1. Renvers
2. Nebula

- Form
ref: Faye
backup: Adara
floof: y
payment type: evd
other: sending payment ❤️

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#243846 Posted on 2021-07-21 06:35:59

Aww no! So cute, I wish I didn't miss this!

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#243927 Posted on 2021-07-22 03:31:55

Pickups are up! Will do an auction for last two slots. :)

- Slots

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#243929 Posted on 2021-07-22 04:16:55

- Slots
1. 100k by Arty! 
2. also 100k by Arty for reasons lol 

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Arty ~🤎~

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#243940 Posted on 2021-07-22 06:46:25

1. 100k by Arty! 
2. 150k by BlueScorpion  

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#243944 Posted on 2021-07-22 08:04:43

1. 150k by box
2. 150k by BlueScorpion  

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#243951 Posted on 2021-07-22 08:56:46

1. 300k by siren
2. 150k by BlueScorpion

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#243957 Posted on 2021-07-22 09:34:40

1. 300k by siren
2. 400k + 3 EVC by Corvus (so 1 mil if I calculated right xD )

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#243965 Posted on 2021-07-22 12:27:33

1. 800k by Arty
2. 400k + 3 EVC by Corvus

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#243978 Posted on 2021-07-22 13:56:22

1. 900k by Shadow
2. 400k + 3 EVC by Corvus

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#243988 Posted on 2021-07-22 17:12:44

Custom mane + tail confirmed for both slots at this stage btw lol. Tail still needs to fit in the frame though so it'll be squished up against the side a lil, keep that in mind. :)
Moved end time earlier.

Last edited on 2021-07-22 at 17:47:13 by Aspen

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#244026 Posted on 2021-07-23 07:13:39

I sent you a response by PM but I'm going to be working a long shift today so I wanted to go ahead and get this posted and paid ♥ And just realized that you ask for a backup anyways so that answers my question xD

ref: Guardian
backup: Meteoro
floof: y
payment type: mix
other: The cute little bob tail is fine but if you could make the mane long and luxurious that would be cool ♥

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#244037 Posted on 2021-07-23 10:04:16

- Form if won
ref: Phantom's Dream
backup: Rogue
floof: y
payment type: EVD
other: Thank you sending over payment now.

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