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Coming Back from Hiatus!

#234708 Posted on 2021-02-04 04:27:46


I just came back from a long Hiatus XD

I was just wondering how active Equiverse still is.

I want to focus on QH and those i didnt seem to have trouble finding some decent stated mares to buy or studs to breed to.

I wanted to have some breeds in other disciplines but while it seems most breeds are quite high stated already there are not many horses for sale or for stud, is it cause most players breed in house and dont sell to the public?

I want to focus on Dutch Warmbloods for Jumping.

And maybe for dressage: TWHs or Welsh Ponies or maybe i need to go Andalusinas (but im not sure how competitive it is on stud fees or horses for sale)

Ane advice is all welcome!!

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Ragnarok Stables

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#234709 Posted on 2021-02-04 05:12:46

Im dropping everything and will be focusing on Quarter Horses.

Just been to a shopping spree and i see my money going away XD

Last edited on 2021-02-04 at 05:26:15 by Ragnarok Stables

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#234722 Posted on 2021-02-04 08:22:58

Welcome back! 

What parameters were you searching for? I have plenty of show quality Quarters for stud and brood right now. 

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#234723 Posted on 2021-02-04 08:40:20

thank you!

ive bought quite a few QH already but i see a trend on their sires xD
I tried to buy foals/horses from different parents but my oh my xD

I dont really care much for linebreeding if its minimal but im not sure on how that reflects on the market.

Is it hard to sell QH on the market?

Its still best to breed them as late as possible in their life correct?

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Ragnarok Stables

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#234725 Posted on 2021-02-04 09:26:25

I've not seen much of an impact on linebreeding but I tend to avoid the populated conformation/high stat lines as they don't fit my showing playstyle, a lot of them are cubed for generations and are pretty much unfixable aka would instantly ruin my show horses. 

I wouldn't say it's hard to sell them at all, all of the Quarters I've sold have gone very quickly compared to other breeds. 

As for breeding, depends on your goals. Progressing a high stat showing line you want to breed at 18-20 years old and use horses with 60 or below non-speciality stats where possible for the best show horses. 

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#234726 Posted on 2021-02-04 09:30:03

ohhh man now im not sure if i bought any of those populated conformation/high stat lines.

ive tried reading the showing guide but its taking me a while to get my head around it.

Have no idea where to start with showing my QHs XD or even if they good ones to start on or if i should just build from scratch with foundation horses XD

is the pricing guide calculator still viable? or is there more or less a guideline on ow to price the horses for sale?

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#234739 Posted on 2021-02-04 11:58:53

Welcome back! ^^

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#234740 Posted on 2021-02-04 12:46:20

Pricing all depends on your goals etc, showing horses are definitely a lot more pricey than non-show horses as they take longer to produce. 

You can always message me if you need any help with showing. 

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#234741 Posted on 2021-02-04 12:58:25

Thank you!!

Is the price affected by how a breed is popular?

say for example, there are a ton of andalusians, does that make them cheaper? or because there are so many a really great one costs more?

More unpopular breeds cost less? I would imagine they would cost more cause there would be so few good ones for sale XD

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#234742 Posted on 2021-02-04 13:07:14

Welcome back! :D

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#234743 Posted on 2021-02-04 13:08:31

thanks! :D

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