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Club Activity? What keeps you from it?

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Club Activity? What keeps you from it?

#233890 Posted on 2021-01-25 19:27:41

So this is a hot take and I don't mean any disrespect but here it is:

I think club inactivity is a little deeper than players realize. I think with EV having a poor economy, the same contests with prizes that don't really switch or change, and Abbey being MIA for what feels like forever, a lot of players have just left or become inactive. I think if the game switched things up a bit (for example: back when I first joined the snowball fight have multiple categories which if you won, you got 500k and 10 EVC, we had an advent calendar, etc). Now I feel like it's the same thing with the event shops. I'm not trying to complain because I appreciate everything that River and the other admins have done but personally, the game feels a bit stagnant and I think a lot of players are losing interest. It's also hard for new players to save money and make money, and I feel like that drives them away off the bat. 

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#233894 Posted on 2021-01-25 20:19:13

I agree on many of those points, which is why I am exciting for all the new things that will be implemented into the game this year! I am hoping it helps things pick up! 

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#233899 Posted on 2021-01-25 22:19:27

Thank you for the reminders to set things up, It's hard to be regular with newsletters and contests with so many things going on in life. 
I personally have very little time right now and never have horses unlocked for contests, someday we'll get back to it. I like the contests where horses are given out too though. It's easy to toss that one in the outside division. I know some people hate having extra horses so those can also be hit or miss.
I do try to vote whenever a voting notification goes out, those are very helpful!
As to Member incentives I'll be honest and say that I don't really need the money for reaching goals so I never claim them, but if there were achievements with some little badges..... I'm a sucker xD

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#233935 Posted on 2021-01-26 13:28:25

It is the first time that I have heard about member incetives, but it sounds great! For some time I've been the member of some of the TB clubs, and I always tried to participate in contests and votings. For me it's a great pain that as I start to grow attached to a particular club, after some months the owner disappears or goes to hiatus and the club life just dies. That's way now I register but then don't bother to actively follow up with club life.

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#234013 Posted on 2021-01-27 11:22:41

Olivia - I am still an admin on the Jockey Club, and try to make contests, but as admin I can only do so much. I haven't heard from the owner in at least a not sure what they are and aren't okay with. 

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#234041 Posted on 2021-01-27 20:53:34

Personally, a lot of the time I just don't have the right horses unlocked/signed up for the club of the contest and I get lazy. Sometimes I just don't have a horse that fits the description of the contest, either. I try to enter when possible, though. As for voting, because theres no notifications unless a newsletter is sent out, I often forget that there even was a contest to begin with and I forget to vote lol

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