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An idea?

#230675 Posted on 2020-12-02 00:00:40

School is thankfully *almost finished* for me (we are gonna pretend I'm not procrastinating part of a 5 part research methods presentation due in a few hours) but this idea came to me and I figured it might be helpful for the economy/something fun/motivating? (Mods if this is the wrong spot than you can move it, sorry!).

I was thinking something along the lines of the 12 days of Christmas? I have a lot of money and random items sitting in my inventory that I was thinking about potentially giving away in some sort of raffle each day for 12 days? My thinking is that 
1.)It would be nice for the holidays
2.)It could help throw some money/credits back into the economy
3.) It could help new players (as I had an idea about potential categories below)
4.)Maybe something to motivate more players as I've scanned through the forums and just read 3? forums of people leaving that I never saw coming

I was hoping to give away between 5-10 mill+ (if other players want to donate to the pot)+credits+miscellaneous items

Level idea:
To try and get new players to have a fighting chance with the struggling in game economy maybe have a two level span for raffles each day, so one is random and any player no matter there standing financially etc, can enter, and one level strictly for players who are new or under a certain financial threshold? 

I was planning on also contacting artists to see if I can buy a tag of theirs now and when the raffle is drawn have them do the recolor later but I honestly don't know if that's too much of an ask? I used to make art but it was super basic stuff with free lines for the most part so I'm not sure how "real" artists would feel about it?

The twelve days would start the 13th? of December and run through to Christmas.

Ideas?Thoughts? Yay/nay?

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#230677 Posted on 2020-12-02 00:53:07

As someone that sometimes does art I wouldn't really mind. I mean it depends on the entries/how many recolors you want later. As long as I get paid I usually don't mind :D

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#230768 Posted on 2020-12-03 22:24:21

Yay for me, sounds like a fun idea!

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#230812 Posted on 2020-12-05 15:58:52

I love this! I could donate some credits!

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