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[Discussion] Listening Session Topics

#229280 Posted on 2020-10-20 14:51:31

Hey everyone! As you know, we've been holding listening sessions for a while now, and our discussion topics are based almost entirely on member-contributed suggestions posted on the suggestions board.

We wanted to give everybody a chance to help decide what some of those topics might be, by providing this topic where you can nominate suggestions for discussion in upcoming listening sessions! All you have to do to nominate a suggestion is post using the format at the bottom of this post.

If you like a suggestion someone has added, please hit the like button on the post. This will help us figure out which things everybody's most excited to talk about.

Please try to nominate suggestions that have good support, ideally 80% votes for support, but any suggestion that is strongly supported as long as it's over 50% in favor is welcome. Also, please keep posts to nominations only! Any discussion on a particular suggestion should go on that suggestion's own topic, rather than here. We want to keep this topic as clean and easy to refer to as possible.

Here is the nomination format:

Link to the topic: 
Is Quality of Life update: Y/N 
What you like about it:

A Quality of Life update is one which essentially make playing easier.

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#229286 Posted on 2020-10-20 15:42:41

Title: Community guided discussion on EV economics
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Is Quality of Life update: Y ?
What you like about it: 
Now I understand its not a conventional suggestion, and its hard to directly link one specific post that summarizes the various issues players have brought up. I think it would be really nice and healthy to just listen to the dev/admins discuss what is being outlined or in the works for tackling the beast that is EV economy. I think it would put a lot of players at ease, or at least give them peace of mind, knowing that it is something that is actively being worked on behind the scenes. I am only suggesting this as a listening/asking questions session for the players, not as the players contributing suggestions to the discussion because I am pretty sure there is a general trend in what has been suggested between then and now and there is no real issue to rehash the same things over again.

Its also something that can be broadcast on-site as well afterwards, and maybe we could get a poll or two trying to pinpoint what direction players would like to see things head first.

* Link has been updated 

Last edited on 2020-10-22 at 20:26:56 by Sabriel

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#229304 Posted on 2020-10-21 02:50:27

If we  could just stick to suggestion posts that would be great, it’s much easier to gauge interest that way. 

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#229320 Posted on 2020-10-21 07:31:15

changes to shows
Link to the topic:
topic one
topic two
topic three
topic four
Is Quality of Life update:
What you like about it:
Many interesting suggestions have been made there, among others: to make shows more profitable, provide incentive for showing, re-arranging show entry to prevent highest level horses from loosing out on stat gain due to not enough entries, etc. In topic one, River mentioned that there were possible solutions, which may be slated to happen. Since this was said in November last year, maybe it's time to try to see what kind of fixes could be implemented.
Topic four has another suggestion that requires just a little tweak which makes showing easier for those who hand-show like I always do.

Last edited on 2020-10-21 at 08:22:57 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#229322 Posted on 2020-10-21 07:56:36

new discipline requiring agility and strength
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It would be beneficial to see agility and strength being in higher demand, which in return would make many foundation horses, with stats prevailing in these disciplines, more desirable rather then being dumped in RC. Plus I would finally find another outlet for these tonnes of red apples in my inventory :)

Last edited on 2020-10-21 at 11:26:39 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#229326 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:21:38

deciding the fate of auction house (delete or improve and adjust?)
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topic one
topic two
topic three
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What you like about it:
I decided that it's a quality of life update because if fixed and expanded, auction house may create more sales/purchases and generally help with economy. I feel it's time for a decision whether it'll be fixed or discarded all together because at the moment it's collecting dust for more than a year... Many good ideas suggested in topic three.

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#229327 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:33:57

conformation shows
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What you like about it:
 I imagine that confo breeders would appreciate the possibility to see their dedication appreciated in the form of monetary gain and generally having fun of competing. It would also raise the awareness or another breeding goal and hopefully more players become interested in the venture. Another thing to do and strive for, more stock and chances for trade and breeding possibilities.
This linked post was just a loose discussion. If there already is a suggestion on the subject, then I must have missed it in my search.

Last edited on 2020-10-21 at 11:28:30 by ℒ🍓Lenka

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#229328 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:37:41

notifications of other bids
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This would potentially allow more "bidding traffic"

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#229329 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:42:31

items as club contest prizes
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What you like about it:
just a nice variation of prizes

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#229331 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:46:24

little bank tweaks
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topic one
topic two
Is Quality of Life update:
What you like about it:
little improvements which help

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#229332 Posted on 2020-10-21 08:52:24

name in death notification
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Is Quality of Life update:
Y ?
What you like about it:
helpful to players who like to keep track of horses' final stats

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#229334 Posted on 2020-10-21 09:05:55

adjust horses' winnings display on their pages
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Only the beginning of this post is relevant. It would be nice to see misinformation to stop. Even though I know now how to check the results from the previous day, I can't see a point of keeping a feature which is displaying information incorrectly.

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#229335 Posted on 2020-10-21 09:10:10

allow a display showing what part of foal training has been done so far
Link to the topic:
topic one
topic two
Is Quality of Life update:
What you like about it:
makes life easier for those who care about maximising foal's stat gain

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#229336 Posted on 2020-10-21 09:29:27

adding win percentage to the Hall of Fame
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What you like about it:
creating another visual indicator of horse's success

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#229338 Posted on 2020-10-21 09:53:26

replace random leisure riding stat boosts
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Is Quality of Life update:

What you like about it:
Players who don't show 2-year-olds (to prevent them from gaining random stats in undesirable areas/specialties), would finally be able to do it. Players who's been showing them and not knowing about these random undesirable gains will not suffer from it any more.

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