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66.25 Confo Foundie?!

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66.25 Confo Foundie?!

#220393 Posted on 2020-04-07 08:50:13

Check out this little cutie!


I've never seen conformation that high in a foundation, so i snagged her up quickly at the Rescue Center! I did use a color randomizer to make her palomino (instead of a graying bay).

What's the highest conformation you've ever gotten in a post-recode foundie?

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#220395 Posted on 2020-04-07 09:20:56

Makeshift Love, also a TB with 66.25.

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#220402 Posted on 2020-04-07 11:08:45

That's a great find!

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#220404 Posted on 2020-04-07 11:33:08

Awesome! I believe Citizen Fang is the highest conformation I have gotten in a foundation horse at 67.75 followed by Sin City with 67.13

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#220406 Posted on 2020-04-07 11:41:05

Many... many moons ago I bought my foundations Caracalla and Iovita who both ended having 73 conformation and I didn't realize it until their grand-children were born with high conformation. 

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#220407 Posted on 2020-04-07 11:56:52

i never get good luck with welsh pony confo from foundations i probably bought 60-70 stores to get 5 over 60.00 and 3 of those have no poors ;n;

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#220757 Posted on 2020-04-12 07:48:17

I have a locked foundation with 98,38 coformation. I got him in 2016 xD

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#220829 Posted on 2020-04-13 03:45:15

I believe this is my highest post-recode foundie:
With his 64.38

I think theoretically you can get a 70 confo max. right now, but that's like if it scores everything thing to the fullest, which is like... never... haha
It's like scoring +30 stats in 10 shows or +10 stats in riding school *dreams on*

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#220847 Posted on 2020-04-13 08:30:29

I think the highest I have gotten in a foundation horse is 63 confo

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#221113 Posted on 2020-04-17 15:21:56

Funny, I have a similar TB filly that I also snagged from the RC.

Her stats aren't the best, but her confo is 66.88. Now I just have to decide what discipline... driving would be 56 nss, endurance 59, and dressage 60. Should I go with dressage, or stick her in a less popular discipline for TBs?

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#221124 Posted on 2020-04-17 18:20:21

Wow, what luck!

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