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Braces? HELP!

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Braces? HELP!

#216905 Posted on 2020-01-06 16:04:19

So, i am getting braces, and if anyone here has had them or does, i am in need of opinions or advice on like what not to do and such. Thanks you guys! 

I will put some pics here once i get them :D 

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#216906 Posted on 2020-01-06 16:13:49

I had braces for a number of years - we're not to provide medical advice here, since it's against the rules, but more generally speaking when they give you the braces they will tell you what to do and not do, and care and things like that. There will likely be some foods they'll say you shouldn't eat (I was told not to have things like taffy or popcorn), and maybe some specifics like some care or things like that. They can be uncomfortable to start with but you get used to it, and to the adjustments as well. I had pretty badly arranged teeth so I really needed them and the results were well worth it, so if you ever get too annoyed, that's something you can bring to mind. c: It's one of those things that seems and feels kinda weird at the beginning, but it's easy to adapt to it pretty quickly too. 

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#216907 Posted on 2020-01-06 16:18:59

I'm not sure if this would qualify as asking for real life advice/against the rules so I would just double check with a moderator first but here's what I have to say:

-Make sure to take good care of your teeth (oral hygiene is even more important when you have braces)
-if you fail to do that you could be in danger of having the squares permanently stain your teeth
-Try not to chew gum or popcorn etc (they should give you a list of do's and don'ts)
-Spacers (tiny rubber bands that space your teeth around a week before you get your braces will hurt after you get them (at least they did for me-I would eat softer food I,e soup, mashed potatoes, rice etc)-getting them on though really did not hurt (at least for me)
-If you notice anything out of the ordinary then please call and make an appointment with your orthodontist-they will help you out!
-Orajel will be your friend (and those wax sticks) for any pain with braces 
-Wear your retainer when you get your braces off (I didn't and my teeth have moved, not terribly but enough wear I notice)
-Wear those animal bands if you get them (I had tortoise bands) because they help adjust your bite

*This was my experience with braces from August 2010-October 2011, everyone is different and will have different experiences, I'm not a real life doctor or dentist and the tips I gave you are purely from what I experienced*

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#216910 Posted on 2020-01-06 17:14:02

Basically just what everyone else said, plus if something is badly poking or hurting you, just make an appointment to get it sorted out instead of doing what I stupidly did and using a copious amount of wax to try and cushion the large cut on the inside of your cheek from a poking wire for several weeks lmao. Good luck!

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#216941 Posted on 2020-01-07 14:51:00

Wow!!!! Thanks you guys! 

@River just to clarify, i wasn't really trying to get any medical advice just what you guys think and how it went for y'all! Thank you so much and i hope i didn't break any rules :)

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