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Daily Showing - how do you do it?

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Daily Showing - how do you do it?

#216501 Posted on 2019-12-30 20:44:57

This is for all those that show their horses daily verses waiting until they are at the top of grade level or any other method. 

How do you do it? Do you hand show? Auto show? Only put a certain number of horses in each show? 

Right now I do a mix of auto/hand showing depending on how many horses I have in each grade level. I try not to have more than 5 per show but once in awhile I end up with 6 in a show due to lack of options. However, I am switching jobs and may not have time to use the hand showing method or making sure only 5 horses per show, so wondering what everyone else is doing. 

With the method you use, what kind of results do you get? Average stats per horse by the end of it's life? If you do auto show which option do you use from the drop down menu? most expensive? lowest entries? highest entries? 

Also, I guess I'm not too obsessed with the actual number of stats a horse gets as I am the number of top 3 placings they get. I love getting those ribbons for my horses!

Last edited on 2019-12-30 at 20:46:01 by Rogue

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#216507 Posted on 2019-12-30 22:58:59

Usually I care first (including training) and check for horses about to bump a grade (within 1-2 stats), or horses that will bump up with the use of their stat boost (11-23 stats depending on Grade). Those horses I enter on Highest Entries before treating or using the stat boost.
I then use the "Improve Horse Grades" (my arch nemesis when showing, there's always one that goes up in the middle!) and show all my horses, usually on "Cheapest" because I'm too lazy to change it and that's what it refreshes too each time I have to go make more shows. Then so I don't forget I always finish off with tack repair! Nothing worse than a notification to throw off your grove entering shows.

I usually average a gain of 800-1200 stats depending on when grades shift in a horse's lifetime. The national-international horses recently averaged between 1400 and 1600 gained stats over their lifetime (see All-time TB Horses with the Most Gained Stats, ELE horses in there retired from showing the 29th). I'm sure you can eek out more stats with a more complicated mix of hand showing and or riding school, but for the amount of horses I have in varying disciplines and grades I find this works best for me. 

When I had a large number of Foundations Chincos just starting in the dame discipline and grade I found my best method to ensure I didn't just flood shows with only my horses was to make sure I had enough to enter at most 5 of my horses in each show and then show on lowest entries for that batch (each time the lowest entry shows will shift so it alternates horses into shows if there's enough). I usually don't have that many in the same discipline and grade though so just ensuring a variety in the shows does fine!

I'm really interested to see how other people handle showing! 

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#216523 Posted on 2019-12-31 04:08:10

I auto show daily with the "lowest entries" option. Ideally, I'd like less than 4 - 5 of my horses in each show but sometimes that's not possible with over 300 horses. ;3 If I notice a lot of the same grade level in a division while showing, I'll add a few shows to try and ensure they're spaced out.

I'm not really a high stats/confo/ribbons person, I'm more of an overall player points/breeding for generations person but I think my horses turn out okay for what they are.

Last edited on 2019-12-31 at 04:08:35 by Suzy QQ

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#216527 Posted on 2019-12-31 08:11:15

I hand show, because its entertaining to me but if I ever didn't have time I would auto show. If I have way too many horses for each grade I just show as many as I think I can with enough people to follow behind me to fill up the shows. I really try not to have more than 3 of mine in a show, it gives me fits, but if the show the day before ran without anyone else's horses I usually have to reluctantly fill the shows up with 5 of mine the next day.

If its a grade where there seems to be a bunch of horses showing every day, I will make a bunch of shows and put 3 of mine in each and hope and pray someone will fill them up after me.

I don't really look at the price for each show, but if its a $100 show and they are empty with 2 hours left or something, I skip those since I don't think anyone will get there in time after me to fill them up that will pay $100. I love when there is enough horses in the higher entry fee shows, I usually make most of my shows at $20 because too many times my shows have run with only my 3 horses and all the horses were entered in the $20 show after mine. I always look for shows close to running without enough entries that I can fill up with mine first.

Last edited on 2019-12-31 at 08:13:44 by Blackstone

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