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#213232 Posted on 2019-11-14 07:39:49

So, i am currently in Spanish intro. And, our school got a new Spanish teacher. He does not like me. He gives me bad grades and is just rude to me. So, we hadn't even done this and he gave me a 50 for it! Everyone else in the class got 100s. He doesn't explain the material well and goes way too fast. I try and do all i can, but he doesn't like me! I listen in class, focus, don't talk and answer questions! But he always gives me bad grades! But all the other people are always talking and playing, but they have 100s in his class. I don't know what to do. I have talked to my mom about it, my friends, other teachers but they say i am exaggerating! But i have prof! But they say i will be fine! And they won't let me switch classes because they want to make him feel welcome.

Got any advice? I have tried talking to him ,but his is just rude. 

When he is rude, i am nice to him but i don't know if i can much longer. I respect him and listen, but it is just getting old. 

And, my grades have to be above an 80 or i am grounded, but i have a 63 in his class! He is ruining my life! I am grounded now. :(

Then, on top of that, the kids in the class have started laughing at me and making jokes about me. 

Last edited on 2019-11-29 at 14:29:32 by ꉓꋪꍟꌗꉓꍟꈤ꓄ ꉓꋪꍟꍟꀘ ꌗ꓄ꍏꌃ꒒ꍟꌗ

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#213360 Posted on 2019-11-16 20:25:16

Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, justice will never be served. You just have to ride out this mess until the year is over (not saying don't try, though. Still do your best work). Just get through this class and after that you can be free of him (if he teaches the following courses you could switch languages). You can always hope karma will get him in the end, but all you can do is stay polite and remind yourself that this is not forever. As for him going too fast and not explaining, you can always look up online study sources or find a tutor.

Last edited on 2019-11-16 at 20:32:42 by Spinoodle

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#213371 Posted on 2019-11-17 04:31:25

I think if the issue persists you really should ask for an explanation on why he gave you certain grades on certain assignments. Make sure your requests for this are specific to individual assignments/projects, as just saying "Why are you giving me low grades??" will likely illicit the predictable response that you should try harder or pay better attention. Be calm, concise, and respectful, but if he refuses to give you a straight answer I personally think it's okay to be stubborn and refuse to drop it - but again, be respectful about it. If things don't get resolved, I suggest going to your guidance counselor about it.

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