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To Be Human-Story

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To Be Human-Story

#205667 Posted on 2019-07-03 20:33:28

The being could hear the clicks and whirrs of his own body as he continued onward. He didn't know what he was supposed to be, had no clue at all. He simply went with one thought on whatever acted as his mind: keep moving forward. Footsteps clanged against the flooring with a metallic tone as he strode along, his vision sharp as a hawk's.

He wasn't sure what he was supposed to do or where he was supposed to go. He didn't really care at the moment, only continuing his journey to a mysterious destination. 

Though he wasn't a philosophical creature, he did often wonder over and over again whether he was alive or living, both, neither, or simply in existence.

He often hosted debates in his own mind of what differences there were between the two terms, and the options of whether it truly mattered or not. He liked to think he was human, he certainly felt the emotions of one. Oh, he was aware he was different. But, how different was he really?

He knew that his body was metal, he knew that his mind worked much different, much faster than any normal human. He was aware he was several times stronger, faster, smarter, among other things he far exceeded according to human capability. 

But, he wondered to himself, what was the definition of a human being? Was it being a creature of flesh, blood and bones? Was it being someone who walked on two legs, used two arms to hold things, with hands and feet that held five digits each? With two eyes, a nose and a mouth with teeth and a tongue? Or maybe even a heart that beat within their chest? 

Pausing his internal reflection for a moment, he strode towards a mirror that lay on the wall opposite of where he stood. He took a long look at himself, and the mirror revealed several things to him. 

Indeed, he could see a two legged being, with two arms. He raised those arms and saw two hands with five digits each. He could see two...eyes? on his face, with a nose and mouth. 

So, he thought to himself, I think I'm human. But, am I really? 

He continued his investigation, wondering about the other qualifications to be considered human. 

Was being human a being who felt things? Like, anger over something that someone did or said, or the absence of aforementioned things? Sadness over the loss of a friend, family member or loved one? Happiness over something good? Or was it having the freedom to make mistakes and be forgiven them and given the second chance to get it right? 

He wanted to know.

What did it mean to be human?

(Would love y'all's opinions on this!)

Last edited on 2019-07-03 at 20:34:24 by Thunder

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#205668 Posted on 2019-07-03 21:25:03

For intriguing and a great start. 

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#205673 Posted on 2019-07-04 06:47:12

This is very thought-provoking. I often wonder the same things myself. I enjoyed it a lot. :)

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#205677 Posted on 2019-07-04 15:12:06

That's awesome!! Thanks for sharing it!

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#205693 Posted on 2019-07-04 22:06:27

I love it! My only suggestion would be varying sentence length a bit so it flows better, but it's really cool!

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