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*auction house

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*auction house

#204341 Posted on 2019-06-05 05:35:00

Just a thought.. I know the auction house was introduced to the game a while back, before we got the marketplace. Just thinking, the auction house really isnt being used anymore, as most horses/items etc can now be bid on via the marketplace. Thinking maybe we can get rid of the auction house now that the marketplace has pretty much taken its place.. 
Just a maybe help simplify/improve the game *smiles*

Last edited on 2020-10-27 at 09:22:33 by River

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#204348 Posted on 2019-06-05 08:04:12

I'm not yet at the level allowing me to access the auction house (I think) so have no idea what it looks like but maybe it can be revived again ? I imagine it's a place only to sell horses which sounds just fine to me. Actually I'd much rather prefer if horses were not allowed to be traded in the market place. Maybe if this happened then auction house would start functioning again ?
I have to say I find the market place super messy and disorganised. Very often horses, tack and treats are all thrown into one trade offer - which is hopeless for me because sometimes I'm just interested in one horse or just certain piece of tack or treat but I can't get them's all mashed up together.... Other times title says: "arab for sale" and the horse linked there isn't even Arabian....
I would find it much much better if people were listing thing separately: horses in auction house, treats and other items (separately) in the market place...but I guess that's just my specific taste...obviously others like it all mixed up....which is a pity for me....

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#204349 Posted on 2019-06-05 08:12:30

^ Yesss I feel you 100%. It being mixed up bothers me a bit too, and the fact that people can name what they're selling themselves makes skimming through it a challenge because nothing is uniform. I think we should split the two apart like Lenka suggested, not so much get rid of the auction house entirely, though I do agree that right now it's kind of useless.

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#204351 Posted on 2019-06-05 09:26:44

Yeah.... I never even try in the auction house when I'm looking for a horse, I just go to horse search and set it to horses for sale (actually more efficient because I can sort it by breed, stats, genetics, etc.) or look at the horses available in the Rescue Center. The few times I've actually looked in there (just out of boredom), all I see is a few horses (or none at all) that no one's even bid on. Maybe it's really helpful to some people for a reason I'm not aware of, but to me, it just doesn't seem to do anything or help anyone right now.

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#204352 Posted on 2019-06-05 09:27:41

It's such a pity that players don't sell in "item listings" individually. This part of marketplace seems to be totally ignored. I'm constantly looking for red apples and turnips but when they're offered together with sugar cubes or saddles then I'm not interested :(

Maybe auction house is not in use also because it required such high level (10) and all new players don't have access to it.
However it remains another problem why long time players don't find it appealing to use it...?

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#204371 Posted on 2019-06-05 15:55:14

@Lenka I agree with the such a high level thought process. When I used to play 5 yrs ago I know I had frequently went to the auction house to places foals for bid or find new horses for myself. Now I don't even have access to it and when I look at others profiles out of curiosity I haven't seen many above a 10 either. Seems to me this is a bit to high of a level barrier for the player base in EV currently. 

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#204372 Posted on 2019-06-05 16:09:19

everytime I pop in to the auction house..its completely empty.. nothing goin on at all.. because all auctions/biddings now in marketplace.. just seems deserted now

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#204373 Posted on 2019-06-05 16:31:14

I'm curious what is the percentage ratio of players below level 10 v above level 10 because it seems to me that players below lvl 10 transformed marketplace into their own version of auction house....
Maybe auction house would be used by players if it was accessible from a lower level ???

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#204414 Posted on 2019-06-06 08:35:30

Going along with what I said previously, I can't fully support the idea, because I don't want to get rid of the auction house, seeing as I would see it as a way to gauge the value of the horses I produce, depending on how much people bid on my horses that I would put there, where as the marketplace, someone might just offer up to trade anything they would want to in lieu of EVD. Which isn't beneficial to me. 

I do feel that it possibly needs to be a lower level access, like possibly Level 6, we can breed horses at Level 6 but we can't auction them seems a little bit off.

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#204466 Posted on 2019-06-07 06:24:47

I don't think the auction house should be deleted, I do agree that horses shouldn't be traded in the marketplace and that the level barrier might be a tad too high.

I tried using the auction house for a while but never got horses sold, I didn't want them going for dirt cheap but they weren't expensive either. I stopped looking in there from the hoards of foundations that would end up in there, and it was just easier for me to find what I wanted in the horse search (which is never anyway) or just having to buy a foundation. I don't like using the marketplace for the bundles, I only use it for private trades.

I feel like the auction house should include a rotation horses up for public sales in a separate tab, maybe if you pay a small fee for them to be featured on the rosta. There just needs to be more incentives to actually use the auction house, either achievements for selling/buying horses there or ensuring only a certain grade of horse can be entered into auction (guaranteed quality etc) or auction events that waive deposit fees if your horse meets x criteria. 

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#204467 Posted on 2019-06-07 06:39:44

I think I really would like the idea that horses generated by the game would appear in the auction house for players to bid on. However they would have to be special in some way, higher stats, colours unobtainable from EC, etc.

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#204468 Posted on 2019-06-07 07:20:23

I would much rather see a change done, rather than getting rid of the auction house.
The market place needs to be organized better. People shouldn't be able to come up with their own names, and I don't think horses should be sold there. I would much rather horses be sold at the auction house and items be sold at the market place.

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#204469 Posted on 2019-06-07 07:23:16

Thats an awesome idea ShowLow.. I like that.. keep the focus of the auction soley on the horses.. use the marketplace for other stuff.. Maybe get more action with horse sales!! I like it!

I also thought.. maybe have auctions on set days.. eg. tues, sat or sun.. so people can be more focused on them and bid more.. if they know horses are only available on those days.. would be kinda neat.. Maybe horses that arent sold.. go back to owner or back to 'riding school' 

Last edited on 2019-06-07 at 07:25:25 by 🌀 WINDSPUN APPALOOSAS

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#204471 Posted on 2019-06-07 07:41:35

Compete support from me for those two ideas above :)

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#204475 Posted on 2019-06-07 10:21:44

I also think that the required level to get into the auction house is way too high. As someone else stated, we can breed horses by level 6, but can't auction them by that point? 

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