#19375 Posted on 2016-03-14 19:41:56
Just bred my oldest former Swed kiddos, and only got three babies, so I'm looking to get one more so I can pair them all up.
I'd like to get one with over 200 stats. Really want one with a Show jumping Specialty, but I'll look at ones with crossover stats that are high in speed or Agility.
Not too picky about color but I'd love some Tobanio or Roan kiddos, and prefer Black or Bay. Love higher conformation, but anything over 50 is fine.
Got plenty of money so you can name price if you want. I'd like to pay a max of 150k, but I'm willing to haggle up for a great horse!
I'm thinking to pair with , who goes back to my original pair of Sweds on EV if you want to take a look xD
Show me what you got!
Reusing this thread for a hot second because I'm lazy
Last edited on 2018-05-29 at 17:27:47 by Sabriel
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