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#190317 Posted on 2018-09-28 17:57:43

Jackie reached out to shake Jill's hand. "Wonderful," she said with a smile, nodding to Nyla.

Last edited on 2018-09-28 at 17:59:23 by Spinoodle

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#190323 Posted on 2018-09-28 18:45:36

Skye wasn't sure if her presence had been acknowledged, but she didn't care. "So... what's going on with this meeting?"

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#190873 Posted on 2018-10-05 12:41:59

Jackie's face became grave as she turned to reply to Skye. "I'm sure you all can guess."

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#190877 Posted on 2018-10-05 13:16:56

"I prefer not to play guessing games when it comes to things like this," Skye murmured.

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#190879 Posted on 2018-10-05 13:18:52

"... The Head. We're here to talk about the Head."

Last edited on 2018-10-05 at 13:22:39 by Spinoodle

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#190881 Posted on 2018-10-05 13:24:13

"I gathered that, but is there anything specific in mind?"

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#191884 Posted on 2018-10-20 10:21:44

She rocked on her feet slightly. The conversation needed to go somewhere if they were to accomplish anything. Jill looked very serious. The eight-year-old waited patiently, not wanting to speak unless she felt she had something important to add to the discussion.

He walked through his patrol grounds, an eye out for lawbreaking. So far this shift had been relatively quiet, a nice break from the pace of the rest of his day.Β 

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#191887 Posted on 2018-10-20 11:39:47

"I believe there is hope of a resistance against the Head. I know that with enough people and planning we will be able to overthrown the Head, but I obviously can't do it myself. I know you all are against the Head, and I'm asking you to volunteer to this cause. You don't have to, obviously, but I know that with your help we can do this." Jackie paused. "So, will you join my resistance?"

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#191888 Posted on 2018-10-20 12:07:23

Skye nodded. "Be nice to actually have a backup plan when things go south," she murmured.

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#191889 Posted on 2018-10-20 12:09:33

Jill nodded as well, and Nyla followed suit. The Head was one of the main causes of the terribleness that was the current economy and state of the world. Nyla would gladly join the fight against it.

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#192022 Posted on 2018-10-22 17:32:45

Jackie grinned. "From now on, 'til the end of the Head, may we be loyal to eachother and to our new order." She held out three small orange coin-like items. "A symbol of our alliance."

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#192029 Posted on 2018-10-22 18:11:50

Skye nodded and took the coin, slipping it into the pocket of her jacket. "Do we have a date for the next meeting?"

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#192047 Posted on 2018-10-22 20:26:54

Jill automatically took a coin. Nyla hesitated, then did the same. I'm not carrying this around all the time. If I drop it, or someone someome sees it, questions could be raised. Though I do have the advantage of being a child... I'll warn Jill later. She's in more danger than I am doing this.

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#192065 Posted on 2018-10-23 13:48:08

Jackie took out her own coin, which she had disguised as a locket. She placed it over her neck and nodded. "I was thinking we could meet up again next week. Hopefully we can convince a few other people to join us as well."

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#192066 Posted on 2018-10-23 13:51:30

"If it's at the same time and same place,that'll work for me," Jill replied. Nyla spun the coin in her hand just for the sake of fidgeting.Β 

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