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credit prices?

#179047 Posted on 2018-07-15 19:54:25

I haven't been on here for a while so this could just be how things are now but I thought normal credit prices were either 25k or 50k per credit (I can't remember which one!) and now the average credit price on the sales page is over 100k!  Is this the new normal or are the credit sales on the credit page inflated? 

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#179048 Posted on 2018-07-15 19:57:00

normal credit prices were always 50k, now they’re just inflated like crazy. it’s all apart of supply and demand, if people really need them they’ll pay that price so people who sell them take advantage of that. i personally can’t bring myself to purchase them for that price unless it’s so renew deluxe or auto care/show as those are necessities to me, but for anything else i would not pay that price, it’s awful. 

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#179050 Posted on 2018-07-15 20:05:27

It used to be 50k as the average price for credits, but people are posting for closer to 150k/200k now. It's actually been a while since I've seen credits priced for 100k or less, credits costing 80k or 90k get snapped up instantly now. For some reason people keep trying to post higher and higher prices for credits, in hopes they can make two, sometimes even four times as much as they used to for the same amount of credits I guess. It is the new normal by now, unfortunately.

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#179051 Posted on 2018-07-15 20:06:07

yeah. The price was 50k, which I found quite reasonable. But now I'll sometimes even find 200k credits in the credit sales! I can't stand the thought of having to cave in and buy some at such a crazy price. It makes me sad to think about how I  just about never see a person selling for a reasonable price anymore. 

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#179055 Posted on 2018-07-15 20:16:18

I do sell them at least once a month but they're snapped up immediately. The highest I go is 75k and the lowest is 50k. :)

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#179056 Posted on 2018-07-15 20:19:36

and something was mentioned today in the discord chat about having credits being flipped, someone sold credits at a lower price and the person who bought them resold them for higher, which is really annoying that people are doing because after seeing so many people needing credits i was gonna try to sell them at 50k again but would be really not happy if i saw someone do that, which makes me not trust selling them at 50k, so i’m kind of stumped. i don’t want credits to become unavailable to people who don’t have real life money to purchase them nor 200k to spend on ONE credit, but it would be just sad for someone to take advantage of purchasing them at a regular price and i don’t want to get ripped off /:

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#179058 Posted on 2018-07-15 20:51:15

I agree with everyone.

when I was a new player, I spent months (4-5, maybe longer, I can’t quite remember) saving up EVD so I could buy credits and pay for deluxe. the only reason I could afford it (or felt motivated to save so much; save up to 1.1 million) was because of the credit price. during that time, being new and the such, 50k felt like such a reasonable and fair price to me (it still does). EV is the first and only game I have ever had deluxe perks with (and, personally, that means a lot to me).

I feel like the outrageous prices (anything over 100k, in my opinion) could discourage potentially new players (especially for players who don’t want to/can’t afford to spend real money on games). 

more so, the influx in credit price also messes with other established prices. for example: tags have always gone for 50k, with some for slightly more or less, and I feel that +100k per credit makes people second guess those prices. should they sell their tags for 50k? or for 100k? how can they ask for 50k or 1 EVC when the credit is valued as twice as much? idk, I just feel like it could potentially mess up other prices as well.

I personally can understand prices between 50-100k; but anything over that is just unreasonable. I feel like the current credit market is just taking advantage of those that can’t/won’t buy credits with real money. but that’s just my opinion.

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#179066 Posted on 2018-07-15 21:39:23

:/  The credit price is crazy.  While I haven't directly seen credit flipping, (since I only really get to check the credit sales page once a day or so, and never see the lower prices) I'm certain it's happening.   I personally will not pay over $100k per credit.  And I hope the credits are not actually selling for those over inflated price, but I'm sure they are as people get desperate and can't find anything cheaper. 

Credit cost of most credit items and perks outside of just the deluxe status have doubled.  EVD price of credits have more than doubled.  This means that new players are looking to pay more than 4x what players pre-recode paid for the same functions.  With leisure riding less profitable and games harder to earn money from (apple bobbing used to be so easy!), now it's harder to earn EVD.  Summation - costs have increased 4x and income potential has diminished.  It would be very, very hard for new players to come in, especially if they can't pay USD directly for credits.  If they can pay USD, they may find an easy path by selling credits, but that's not an option for everyone.

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#179070 Posted on 2018-07-15 22:03:20

Yup. Let me tell you, I have had a hard time in the past getting credits (still haven't gotten deluxe, only auto show/care) for the reasons which timbergray listed. But, supply and demand is a real thing, so unfortunately this isn't going anywhere right now, especially with the sad horse economy. :(

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#179073 Posted on 2018-07-15 22:06:41

I’ve noticed it as well. Before the recode I didn’t have the want to have deluxe and such, and now I couldn’t even get any credits to do so, as I don’t really have any means of income, and dont spend real money on games. All markets seem to have gone haywire. Even like looking at the item market, there’s like single use items with like, 10 uses or something for over a thousand bucks. 

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#179094 Posted on 2018-07-15 23:29:48

i feel like maybe we could put a cap on credit prices in credit sales at 100k. that way, it still allows room for the market to flucuate or respond to supply and demand, but it doesn’t become impossible for members to have credits. i’m lucky that i can spend real life money on credits so when i don’t have the evd to purchase credits from players i can just purchase credits themselves and renew my deluxe and auto features, but i do feel that if i were to ever lose those functions i probably just wouldn’t play anymore because there are so many perks of a deluxe that i consider necessary to my gameplay and with over 100 horses there’s no way i could care for and show all of them without auto without losing my mind. 

with a cap at 100k, many members i’m sure would reduce their prices back down to 50k because it would be easier to sell more credits for a good price than sell one or two for a ridiculous price therefor the profit would either be the same or most likely more if people wanted to make evd by selling credits, and then, if all of the 50k credits were gone, people would still have to respond to supply and demand by purchasing higher priced credits even if they were 100k, because sometimes people just need to have credits for their features, so it wouldn’t be impossible to sell credits for more than 50k, but it wouldn’t be impossible for newer members or members with little income to purchase credits and credit features either.

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