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#175063 Posted on 2018-06-15 19:56:44

Trying to make my artistic come back. But, alas I've got so many ideas, but want to first know what you are all interested in.

Those that help with my decisions, and ideas; may get a little present c;

My questionnaires

Tag Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?:

What character(s) do you use least?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?:

What do you value EVC at?: 

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?:

What is your preferred breeds for tags?:

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?:

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?:

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc)

Anything you'd like to add?:

Signature Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?:

What character(s) do you use least?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?:

What do you value EVC at?: 

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?:

What is your preferred breeds for sigs?:

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?:

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?:

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc)

Anything you'd like to add?:

Large Art Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?:

What character(s) do you use least?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality semi custom large art?:

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality fully custom large art commission?:

What do you value EVC at?: 

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?:

What is your preferred breeds for large arts?:

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?:

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?:

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc)

Anything you'd like to add?:

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#175064 Posted on 2018-06-15 20:20:42

Tag Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Anpan & Vilubrio

What character(s) do you use least?: Caerula & Paeynea

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?:100k (honestly depends though. I’d pay more if it was a really good tag that I needed to have)

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: 1 mil

What do you value EVC at?: 60-75k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: evd

What is your preferred breeds for tags?: either a draft breed or a lighter breed.

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: nope. I like both the same!

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: depends again. I like for the horse’s pose to really fit in with the background and for the background to be super beautiful! But simple backgrounds are fine too, especially if the horse is the main focus.

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc): I like planets/the solar system very much as well as just some natural scenery. Nothing very special, but when drawn in a way, makes it super pretty c:

Signature Questionnaire

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: 200k (depends as well)

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?: 1.5 mil

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: I feel like a lot of sigs are background. My favorites are the ones with one or two horses, but the background/scenery is most of the sig. 

Large Art Questionnaire

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality semi custom large art?: 500k (depends)

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality fully custom large art commission?: 2.5 mil

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: honestly for large arts, I don’t mind as much about the background, unless it’s a full on digital painting/piece. It can have a transparent background and I wouldn’t care less.

I kind of condensed the form – I hope that’s okay!

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#175073 Posted on 2018-06-16 08:23:14

Tag Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Her and Her

What character(s) do you use least?: HimHim, and Her

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: It depends on the tag and how well it would fit my character but probably about 75k-80k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: Honestly I'm not totally sure as I've never commissioned somebody, but probably because I'm a cheap-o probably like 100k-200k

What do you value EVC at?: 50k-75k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD I guess

What is your preferred breeds for tags?: I really like Arabian/light breeds

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Maybe just a little, but both pretty evenly loved by me.

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: Backgrounds are usually a big thing for me, and I like bright tags sometimes, (it kinda depends on the sig I'm wearing :P) But either I'm big on backgrounds or I prefer transparency. It depends on the horse in the tag and the character in it.

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc) Nope, nothing really

Anything you'd like to add?: 

Signature Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Mango + Ceilo

What character(s) do you use least?: Him + Him

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: 150k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?: Uh, I have no idea. 400k? That is ridiculously low but I have no idea :P 

What do you value EVC at?: 50k-75k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for sigs?: Arabian/light breeds. I don't love foals, I prefer adults.

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: It's a tie.

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: Tropical, or slightly dark and mysterious, depending.

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc) No preference.

Anything you'd like to add?: Nah

*Hope it's okay I didn't do the large art one, I don't know anything about large arts and don't really like them a ton, I can edit with it if it's a must to do all the questionnaires*

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#175077 Posted on 2018-06-16 11:58:40

Ooh this sounds like fun. :)

Tag Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Agave, Orchid, and Wish ♥

What character(s) do you use least?: Unnamed, Bubblegum Pie, and Blue

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: 65-75k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: Probably around 75-100k

What do you value EVC at?: Around 65k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: I prefer to pay in EVD, I'm rather clingy with my credits

What is your preferred breeds for tags?: I usually get light build tags because most of my characters are like that, but drafts are really nice. :D

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Usually, although I'll pay for fantasy tags

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: I like mountains and waterfalls/rivers, tall grass is cool too though

Any Themes You Have in Mind? I love the idea of a group of horses, four or five maybe, or a horse trotting by a pond.

Anything you'd like to add?:

Signature Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Agave and Conch

What character(s) do you use least?:TwilightUnnamed, and Violeta

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: 150k maybe

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?: 200-250k?

What do you value EVC at?: Around 65k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for sigs?: Any really

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Not really, I'll do either

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: ^^

Any Themes You Have in Mind? Something cloud/mystical/magic themed, maybe.

Anything you'd like to add?:

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#175131 Posted on 2018-06-17 14:43:57

Tag Questionnaire
What character(s) do you use most?: it depends
What character(s) do you use least?: ^
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: probably up to 275k if I absolutely adored it
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: ^, maybe a bit more, though I hardly ever order custom art
What do you value EVC at?: 50k
Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD currently
What is your preferred breeds for tags?: regular/light horses, since most of my characters aren't drafts or ponies
Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: not really, I like both
What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: any kind of natural landscape! I love BGs!
Any themes you have in mind: not particularly, though themes inspired by the past are always cool
Anything you'd like to add?: nope :)

Signature Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: it depends
What character(s) do you use least?: ^
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: probably up to 275k if I absolutely adored it
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?: ^, maybe a bit more, though I hardly ever order custom art
What do you value EVC at?: 50k
Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD currently
What is your preferred breeds for sigs?: regular/light horses, since most of my characters aren't drafts or ponies
Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: not really, I like both
What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: any kind of natural landscape! I love BGs!
Any themes you have in mind: not particularly, though themes inspired by the past are always cool
Anything you'd like to add?: nope

Large Art Questionnaire
What character(s) do you use most?: it depends
What character(s) do you use least?: ^
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality semi custom large art?: probably only up to 225k if I absolutely adored it, since I really don't have as much of a use for large art as I do for tags/sigs
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality fully custom large art commission?: ^, maybe a bit more, though I hardly ever order custom art
What do you value EVC at?: 50k
Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD currently
What is your preferred breeds for large arts?: regular/light horses, since most of my characters aren't drafts or ponies
Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: not really, I like both
What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: any kind of natural landscape! I love BGs!
Any themes you have in mind: not particularly, though themes inspired by the past are always cool
Anything you'd like to add?: nope... this was fun!

Last edited on 2018-06-17 at 14:48:04 by Raptor

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#175143 Posted on 2018-06-17 18:54:46

Tag Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Alrededor | Joya | Algre

What character(s) do you use least?: AlgeriaKaruFeorce

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: 100k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: Probably about 200k

What do you value EVC at?: 50k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for tags?: Arabians or Draft horses

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Usually, both are nice though

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: Natural landscapes like mountains or beaches

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc): Maybe something fire themed, like a pheonix-horse or something

Anything you'd like to add?:

Signature Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Alrededor | Algeria

What character(s) do you use least?: KaruClementine | Feorce

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: 200k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature commission?: 500k

What do you value EVC at?: 50k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for sigs?: Drafts or Ponies

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Either is nice

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: Same as tags

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc): Maybe something underwater or coral reef based?

Anything you'd like to add?:

Large Art Questionnaire

What character(s) do you use most?: Algeria

What character(s) do you use least?: Clementine | Karu

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality semi custom large art?: 300k

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality fully custom large art commission?: 500k

What do you value EVC at?: 50k

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for large arts?: Arabians(or other light breeds) or sometimes drafts

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Eh, I like both :)

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: Meadows or forests.

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc):

Anything you'd like to add?:

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#175168 Posted on 2018-06-18 09:52:07

~Tag Questionnaire~

What character(s) do you use most?: Bergenia

What character(s) do you use least?: the one that hasn't been given a ref yet

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: 100 000EVD

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: 10EVC if it would be very high quality, technique nice, appealing author's style, etc. ;), for "just ok" ones I wouldn't pay more than 2 EVC

What do you value EVC at?: max 60 000EVD

Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD

What is your preferred breeds for tags?: i don't have one

Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: any as long as it looks nice

What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: nature, landscapes, etc.

Any Themes You Have in Mind (example: floral, victorian, superhero, etc):

Anything you'd like to add?: I wouldn't mind a nice pixel bird tag ;)

~Signature Questionnaire~

What character(s) do you use most?: Bergenia

What character(s) do you use least?: the one that hasn't been given a ref yet

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality signature recolour?: 200 000EVD

What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: 10EVC if it would be very high quality, technique nice, appealing author's style, etc. ;), for "just ok" ones I wouldn't pay more than 2 EVC

What is your preferred breeds for sigs?: i don't have one

Last edited on 2018-06-18 at 09:52:42 by sikora

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#175308 Posted on 2018-06-19 21:58:20

Tag Questionnaire
What character(s) do you use most?: Silent Night (First Blue Horsie)
What character(s) do you use least?: Starry Skies (Bottom Blue Horsie)
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag recolour?: Good question. I don't buy a ton of tags, but I've got a few decent ones around. No more than 150k, I think.
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality tag commission?: 200k ish. Again, like I said, tags are not where I do most of my purchasing. (Mostly I get them from purchases who come along with tags)
What do you value EVC at?: For art, either 50k, or the current market value, which is about 100k most days, as ya might know. :)
Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD
What is your preferred breeds for tags?: Racing horses ... I think that's mostly because I don't own many draftie charries atm. :(
Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Realism for tags. 
What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: For tags, I just like the character to be the center of attention, that's it. 
Any Themes You Have in Mind: None really.
Anything you'd like to add?: For some reason, I super really like headshots of horses for tags.

Signature Questionnaire
Anything you'd like to add?: I own absolutely 0 Sigs, so I feel I cannot responsibly answer this. XP

Large Art Questionnaire
What character(s) do you use most?: None of them have more than one piece atm. I've been expanding more on characters first, but I might later expand to more art for individual characters. However, Nyarai is the most likely to first recieve a new art. If not the pixely pons I have from Jas. 
What character(s) do you use least?: None really, for reasons above.
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality semi custom large art?: 250k, for budget reasons. Otherwise more like 350-400k.
What is the maximum you'd pay for a quality fully custom large art commission?: 500k, again for budget. I think that 750k is still in a reasonable range.
What do you value EVC at?: See Tag Question. Because I am lazy. Sue me. 
Do you prefer EVD or EVC?: EVD
What is your preferred breeds for large arts?: I don't really care. Anything and everything. :)
Do you prefer realism over fantasy?: Surprisingly realism ... 
What kind of scenery do you like for a background?: I like pools and ponds and weeping willows.
Anything you'd like to add?: Good luck figuring out the market! Hopefully I could help. :)

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