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Sales Discussion

#173726 Posted on 2018-06-08 12:25:38

I don't know if it's just me but there are times I find it incredibly hard to sell horses. 
I feel like my horses are well bred and fairly priced yet it is almost impossible to ever sell them. 

I breed Paints and quarter horses, could some breeders maybe tell me what they look for in these horses as at this point I'm considering changing breeds. 

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#173728 Posted on 2018-06-08 12:42:26

I have the same problem. I’ve had some horses up for several weeks already, they’re good color, good confo, pretty good stats and pretty cheap, but no one buys. 

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#173732 Posted on 2018-06-08 12:51:33

We had lengthy discussions - EV's Market and Economy

There are several theories why our market is horrible. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do expect for wait until Abbey to code in solutions for some of those theories.

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#173735 Posted on 2018-06-08 13:00:46

I breed DWBs not paints but I really only look at stats. Overall stats and low (under 60 total) non spec stats. Conformation aren't really important and colour is just a bonus

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#173773 Posted on 2018-06-08 16:06:42

Selling horses is a struggle for everyone right now unfortunately. 

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#173834 Posted on 2018-06-09 03:33:42

my theory is that it’s too easy to buy foundations, and that’s why sales are suffering. It’s cheap and easy to create your own foundation line, and the overall preference for short/clean lines makes multi-gen horses (even horses with high stats/confo/color) less desirable.

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#173835 Posted on 2018-06-09 05:31:05

It's not impossible to change things from a player point, we just need to try and be more open to other players, allowing and using public studs when needed and buying horses to introduce to own lines for example. This stigma around line breeding and overbreeding needs to go, if everyone had a public stud with three foals, that's a way healthier population than one stud having 50+ foals bc it's the only one available/cheapest/highest stat.

I've always tried to buy in new stock from other players and use studs for a long time. However, with the majority of horses for sale and stud being cross-disciplined and/or cubed, it's making it harder and harder to find horses that won't take my next generation out of showing. (I also currently have a lack of space from hoarding horses from before cubing) So the introduction of free sugar and hay cubes has also played a part in reducing horse value in general, as well as easy access to foundations. 

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