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Trust Me RP

#185506 Posted on 2018-08-20 12:11:53

"Don't even try, Outlaw. It'll just make some of your injuries worse. Just let Trent help you, and then you can go off on your own again and I won't bother you." 

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#185669 Posted on 2018-08-21 08:20:49

She was gonna argue, but then slid down the wall into a sitting position. “Alright” she mumbled, on the verge of passing out. 

Last edited on 2018-08-29 at 15:00:52 by Midnight Outlaw

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#193651 Posted on 2018-11-08 18:52:41

Auberon eyed Rayden, then nodded slowly and followed him subssively. I'm gonna die, great yay what have I done...

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#197745 Posted on 2018-12-23 17:35:35

"If we're gonna go then can we just go? That garden ain't gonna weed itself you know." She informed Parker dryly.

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#197751 Posted on 2018-12-23 19:01:56

"Yeah, we're going to go. Do you need help getting to the car? I want to give Auberon a chance to come with us once he's done talking to Rayden so you might need to sit in the car a couple minutes. Trent has some blankets so hopefully you'll warm up a little bit. He's got the heat in the car on right now." 

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#197752 Posted on 2018-12-23 19:11:15

Brooke figured she had dozed off at least ten times now, but her dreams weren't being very kind to her. "This better stop or I'm going to go insane," she muttered, downing the rest of her water. 

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#197753 Posted on 2018-12-23 19:35:24

"No I don't need help" she muttered, using the wall to help pull herself to her feet. She walked over to the car, shooting Parker a "see?" look when she made it at a steady walk with no tripping, stumbling, or unsteadiness.

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#197758 Posted on 2018-12-23 22:29:58

He wasn't sure what was going on, much less what had happened. He knew he was being affected by something, but it felt so connected to him- like it was him. He couldn't imagine himself turning into a demon suddenly; why would he? Sure his life was a bit rough, and he was having a hard time coping with it, but he knew he wouldn't deliberately try to harm someone because of it all. Something bizarre had implanted itself, rooting down into his soul and poisoning his mind, but why couldn't he fight it? He never thought he was volatile enough to not defend himself, but now he was just a vulnerable kid who was infected with some strange disease that slaughtered his intellect whenever it tried to revive. 
Auberon tripped over some stone, not realizing Rayden had led him somewhere fairly dark and secluded. He cursed at the ground and stood back up unsteadily, fixing in his spot and glancing around quietly. Rayden stopped walking and spun on his heels to look at Auberon quizzically. Somehow that made Auberon angry, but he forced his acrimony down his throat and resolved to stepping back a few steps while silently watching the darkness. Rayden exhaled, crossing his arms and looking at the obscurity along with the other boy. Auberon guessed he wanted to say something, but whatever wanted to come through the teenager's mouth never made it out. He tensed defensively for no apparent reason, his exemplar endeavoring to keep him calm and natural. Heart pounding with the effort of trying to keep himself at bay, Auberon collapsed onto his knees as he felt something in his body go completely wrong. He didn't necessarily know how he understood what was happening to him, but he also didn't bother fighting against something that felt like the only right thing. He hadn't realized Rayden had come next to him and was trying to talk to him, not that Auberon could really make out what he was saying anyways. It sounded taunting, though he partially doubted that's what Ray was trying to do. His brain seemed fuzzy and a bit stupid, the rest of his body reacting by causing immense pain through his spine. The worst part was that there was a noticeable voice in his mind- a murky, damp sound that muffled every other sound he come in contact with. Darkness caused his fantasies to dissolve into a nightmare that galloped freely in his mind, spreading chaos and destruction with every vibration it caused. If Auberon had known it was only a distortion of his intelligence, he would've forced his himself back into consciousness. But he felt tied down and forced to submit, surrendering to a violence that was murdering him slowly and painfully.  

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#197759 Posted on 2018-12-23 22:48:17

He shook his head and trailed her to the car. Parker opened the door for her and, despite her protests, helped her inside. It was a furnace in there to Parker, who wasn't freezing to death. Trent was leaning against the outside. Parker dug a blanket out of the trunk while Trent turned and found a metal water bottle. The water was still cold inside. Trent handed the water to Outlaw about the same time Parker tossed the blanket out of the trunk and into the seat next to her. "You need to make sure you're staying hydrated," Trent said patiently, before returning to his position outside the car. It was too hot for either of the males, so they stood outside the car to wait and see if Auberon would turn back up. Rayden and Auberon had disappeared, Parker noted. "How're things going?" Trent asked, glancing at Parker curiously. Parker shrugged. "Good, I suppose. Besides the recent events of getting kidnapped and all. At least I don't have a family to worry over me for." He paused, thinking back to the younger girl who had died meaninglessly in the underground cell of the gang. Parker sighed. "Well, at least I have some evidence to take back to the police once you get these guys patched up. I feel obligated to them, I guess. Thanks for helping out, by the way." Trent smiled. "No problem. I owed you." 

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#197760 Posted on 2018-12-23 22:54:46

Rayden was pretty confused as to why Auberon wasn't responding, but it was making him panic ever so slightly. The boy had collapsed into unconsciousness, although visibly he seemed aware of what was happening. Ray wasn't sure whether he should go back and get help or stick around to see if Auberon was playing some kind of trick to get away.

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#197806 Posted on 2018-12-24 15:52:33

"What the heck are they tryin to do, fry me??" She grumbled irritably to herself, shoving the blanket off and also turning to heat in the car to 19. She studied the container of water suspiciously, giving it a cautious sip, then determining it was normal water.

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#200808 Posted on 2019-02-26 15:12:05

He opened the car door and turned the heat up again - not as high as before, though. "You're fingers are blue. We're trying to get you warmed up. You don't have to use the blanket, but don't you dare mess with the settings again." Parker closed the door again and glanced at Trent. "If she touches the heat again, let me know. I'm going to go check on Auberon." With that, he headed to where he guessed Rayden and Auberon were, if they hadn't moved far.

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#200933 Posted on 2019-03-02 18:35:12

She scowled after Parker, then studied her fingers. "That's bruising from the hammer, not cold" she volunteered, even though he was already gone. She studied the settings, wondering if she should listen for once or just keep up her record streak of not having listened to basically any instructions.. ever.

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#205546 Posted on 2019-06-30 20:52:14

Brooke blinked a few times as she woke up from her impromptu nap on the couch. Everyone else had gone and the small house was very quiet, which must have woken her - it had been pretty loud when she fell asleep. With a mental shrug, she got up to get a drink, then laid back down and drifted off again.

Last edited on 2019-06-30 at 21:20:15 by 🎶Bandit🎶

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#256476 Posted on 2022-04-13 18:12:48


there ya go

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