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Marketplace thoughts

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Marketplace thoughts

#162377 Posted on 2018-03-22 12:50:50

People selling items in the marketplace for substantially more than they can be purchased for at the general store.... what's the deal? Do people actually pay? I can see if it's a huge bundle paying a little extra for the convenience, but single treats, level 1 tack...are people buying this stuff?

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Starfall Dressage

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#162378 Posted on 2018-03-22 12:51:45

I think the same. I know I don't buy them, but I dunno bout others.

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#162379 Posted on 2018-03-22 12:57:38

I don't buy them. But there is no cap on pricing, so they can list for whatever they want, it probably just won't sell.

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Papercut Skins

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#162557 Posted on 2018-03-23 15:30:05

Yeah, it boggles my mind, too.  I think there are a lot of people who don't realize a single use of any of the apple/turnip/carrot treats is only worth $40 EVD, tops, and you can buy them at that price in infinite numbers in the general store.  And that store-bought treats are exactly the same as single-use ones, just that they can only be bought five at a time, and single use treats are even cheaper than store-bought, because you either get them at random for nothing, or you are given them as payment, along with money, through riding schools.  I really don't see why anyone would pay more than $40 a use for any of those standard treats, except through ignorance.  And as for pricing them, well, it's not all by ignorance, unfortunately.

Same goes for tack, too.  So much of it is so overpriced, and all I can think of is all of the new members who don't realize yet what things are worth, and end up paying way too much for stuff, which is kind of rotten because these are usually the same ones who are struggling for money.

I'll buy treats at market price, because I have a large herd and I don't use the riding schools much usually, and I'd rather give my money to another player and help them along, than sink it into the general store where it doesn't do anyone any good, but I won't pay a penny more than $40 a treat, even if it is a huge bundle, because it really doesn't take long to buy even massive amounts of treats from the general store.

I really dislike when other players try to profit off others' ignorance of the game.  It leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.

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#162924 Posted on 2018-03-25 12:54:34

I have 48 Winner's Circle decorations...someone is selling them as low as $100, and there are two listed at $50,000. lol

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Starfall Dressage

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