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Small project...

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Small project...

#161213 Posted on 2018-03-18 21:08:38

Hey everyone! I have been gone for a bit. I'm not going to be around much right now but I need some advice on my latest project. This is a wedding gift to a friend so I sort of want this to reach its full potential. I need some expert help on this. 

Here is a link for you:

Pony thing

If you see something that can be improved let me know! 

Also, I'm looking for someone to sort of help me complete this. It will be drawn traditionally so there wont be any sales of this or anything. I'm looking for some who has a ton of experience with backgrounds and can be there to help me with some questions I might have. I'm willing to pay for the help. If you are interested in mentoring me on this, please message me. We can work out something and a time to sort of chat about what I want to actually do with this thing.

Thanks for any advice you can give to help me improve! 


Last edited on 2018-03-19 at 07:20:12 by Sara

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#161310 Posted on 2018-03-19 07:43:25

I can't really help you out, but just wanted to pop in to say it looks amazing!

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#161543 Posted on 2018-03-19 22:00:51

Thank you! It's a major WIP! 

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