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#158039 Posted on 2018-03-08 14:05:38

Maybe you can start a breeding program with a friend?(if you find someone equally as active and looking for something new to do)
Maybe one person has all the mares and one has all the stallions? Or a mix of both to each person? It’s almost like starting your own lines but a second party is involved, meaning more breeding ideas can be tossed back and forth. Idk, it’s just a thought XD I haven’t actively played the horsey side of ev for awhile now 

I just thought of another time waster idea. You could breed for a horse with 0 stats and see how many stats you can get stacked on it until it dies. Or maybe start with two horses at 0, then breed them when they are nearing retirement and have lots of stats. Sort of counterproductive, I know.. but hey if it kills your boredom then why not right? XD

Last edited on 2018-03-08 at 16:39:34 by Siren

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#158110 Posted on 2018-03-08 18:22:05

just keep going honestly if you don't want to play dont.. i always leave ev for a break and come back to my same herd because i don't want to waste time and money on a new herd i know i will not be super active with anyways lol there is no right or wrong way to play with your pixel pons just do it how you want, my herd isn't super profitable and when i do sell some they don't go quickly for what i want but they all come out the way i want them too :3

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