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Secrets in the Mist 1x1 RP

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Secrets in the Mist 1x1 RP

#172243 Posted on 2018-05-29 12:18:17

He peeked out from behind Lugar. “Ok!” He said, quickly recovering his courage now that Lluvia was there. He settled himself comfortably against Lugar. 

She stayed outside the entrance of the cave, still entranced by the storm. She gave another purr of awe as more lightning ripped across the sky. 

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#173942 Posted on 2018-06-09 19:06:46

"All right. So, this happened just a year before I was born. Zoomba was going on a trip, to see the great wall of china. He had heard from is cousin that there was a great hunting site there and he wanted to check it out, as he and his family was low on food. He started his trip the very next morning. Now, your great-uncle lived in India, just like we do! He actually only lived a few miles away from here, although he's family did travel quite a lot. Now his journey got off to a bad start. Immediately after he left, he got in a fight with a pack of Dohles. They injured his leg, so he was unable to return back. He thankfully was a fairly fast healer so just a night or two later he was fine and continued on. The rest of his trip went well, he didn't meet any more Dohles along the way." Lluvia stopped as as there was a loud thunk outside.

Lugar leaped under his mother. "M-mamawwhatwastthhatttt," he quivered.

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#174081 Posted on 2018-06-10 13:01:24

She peered in the direction the noise had come from and slipped into the cave, padding over to her family. “What was that, Ma?” She questioned. 

He hid behind Lluvia. “Ya, Ma wha..wha.. was that?” He whimpered. 

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#174161 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:29:05

"Not sure..." Lluvia trailed off. Suddenly there was a loud sort of cry. "I'll go see what we've got here. Haunt you're in charge." She ordered as she left quickly.

"What, come on! Haunt's in charge again? She always is! It's not fair!" He shouted, but his mother had already left. 

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#174163 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:34:58

She watched her mother go then turned to her brothers. "We better stay to the back of the cave" she purred gently, shooing her brothers to the very back then laying down beside them.

He happily listened to Haunt and curled up at the back of the cave. He trembled slightly, scared something would happen to Lluvia.

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#174164 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:36:49

Lluvia slowly crept around outside the cave. The noise had been loud, she figured it must've been quite near to the cave. She looked around, not seeing anything. She continued to look.

"I wonder what it is?" Lugar said, is curiosity to strong to be scared anymore.

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#174168 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:42:59

"I'm not sure" she murmured, also curious.

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#174169 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:44:28

Lugar hid his face behind his tail. "Let me know when Mama's back," he murmured quietly.

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#174170 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:55:26

"Alright Lugar" she said fondly. She looked lovingly at her brother then turned her blue eyes back to the cave entrance.

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#174172 Posted on 2018-06-10 19:58:53

Lluvia looked around curiously. She suddenly heard a loud BOOM. She looked around, startled, and saw a small boulder of some sort rolling towards her. She jumped out of the way confused where on earth the small boulder had come from. "Agh!" She shouted quietly. 

Lugar lifted his fave from his tail startled. "Haunt! That's Mama! She shouting!" He cried to his sister. 

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#174174 Posted on 2018-06-10 20:07:05

"Shhh. Mama knows what she's doing." She assured her brother.

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#174555 Posted on 2018-06-12 13:18:36

Lugar wasn't so sure about this, but he remained silent.

Lluvia looked around confused on where it had come from. She decided the best thing to do was keep her eyes open and go back into the cave, so that's just what she did.

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#174766 Posted on 2018-06-13 14:07:48

She looked up as Lluvia re-entered the cave. "Ma's back now Lugar and Ghost" she purred.

He looked at his mother in relief. "Ma, you're safe!!" He chirruped happily.

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#174773 Posted on 2018-06-13 15:06:04

Lugar ran and jumped at his mother. "Mama mama mama you're back!" He cried with relief.

Lluvia smiled at her cubs. "Yes, I'm alright," Lluvia said, silently fretting with worry. What if it hit the cave? It could injure one of them! It could block up the cave entrance and get us stuck! We'd starve to death. We only have a bit of food stored, we'd run out soon. Lluvia tried to push these thoughts out of her mind. She debated in her head about whether or not to tell her cubs about what was going on. She didn't want to frighten them, yet it might be necessary to keep them safe.

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#174778 Posted on 2018-06-13 15:14:06

"What was it, Ma?" She questioned in a low, charming purr. She could smell the fear on Lluvia.

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