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New player here :)

#142404 Posted on 2018-01-21 13:31:39

Welcome SmaugsDefender! Hopefully you enjoy it here! Feel free to look through my horses and see if there’s any that suit your breeding plan. :)

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#142409 Posted on 2018-01-21 13:43:02

Thanks, Ducky and Midnight :) 

I'll definitely check your horses out ^^

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#142565 Posted on 2018-01-22 11:04:28

Hi and welcome!

Actually I might see you more often than others, for we might be in the same time zone :)

So if you have some questions and need a response during the time where the long-time-pro-gamers here are all asleep: I try to do my best in helping you out, if you pn me :)


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#142569 Posted on 2018-01-22 11:12:13

Hello, and welcome back!!!! Good to see new players come on. ;) 

If you have any questions, or just wanna chat, I'm open to doing so!!! Just send me a message! (Btw, I LOVE your username).

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#142571 Posted on 2018-01-22 11:15:55

Welcome back and congrats on the short story being published!

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#142574 Posted on 2018-01-22 11:30:48

Thank you gyus :D 

@Vex: Ha, that's cool! :D 

@Rainy: Yesssss. I've started using this username for about every horse sim game I play (which is like... one other xD apart from EV of course ^^), but can't remember when I came up with it. Must have been when the second Hobbit movie came out, I guess... 

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#142582 Posted on 2018-01-22 12:02:58

Haha, I apsolutely adore the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings films. 

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#142583 Posted on 2018-01-22 12:03:09

Welcome SmaugsDefender! Can I just call you Smaug? XD

I'm Magic and I try to breed Throughbreds and Gypsy Vanners, but I also have a line of rescues. 

You will LOVE it here. Just message me if you ever need help with anything!

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#142587 Posted on 2018-01-22 12:14:48

@Rainy: Yes! Me too. Tolkien is actually what first got me into writing stories, so... big fan over here xD 

@Magic is Awesome: Thank you! And yeah, feel free to shorten that name xD 
Which discipline are you specialising on with the TBs if I may ask? :)

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#142589 Posted on 2018-01-22 12:22:56

Welcome back!! ♥

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#142594 Posted on 2018-01-22 12:34:48

Thanks, Stormy! :D 

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