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heeeelp tree is scared

#1421 Posted on 2016-02-14 12:38:55

So...Tree has an operation tomorrow. *screams*

I am so nervous. It will be my first time being completely knocked out. This time on Monday I shall be lying in a hospital bed. No thank YOU. Also I'm not allowed to eat. *sobs in corner*

Has anyone else been in this position? How did you calm down lol?

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#1424 Posted on 2016-02-14 12:42:08

I've had my adenoids out, both tonsils at different times, and wisdom teeth....

Honestly, it's hard to calm down beforehand. But don't worry, the knocking out is SO FAST. They have you count back from 10, you're out at 7 at most. No worries. No nervous. Then when you wake up, you'll probably be too numb and doped up to care either. The pain once it wears off sucks, but trust me. You'll be fine, you won't remember being nervous once you wake up.

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#1426 Posted on 2016-02-14 12:48:08

That's a relief. It's really just the whole 'being knocked out' process that scares me, even if it does only last two seconds. xD

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#1432 Posted on 2016-02-14 12:55:52

The anesthesiologist stopped by and talked to me before the surgery, so that made me feel better. That was my only major surgery, and all I really remember is (I think) the counting thing (Zell is right, it only lasts a few seconds) and waking up and being moving to my hospital room.

For wisdom teeth, I just had conscious sedation and it literally felt like I blinked my eyes and my mouth was full of gauze and I had no wisdom teeth.

If it's not too personal, what kind of surgery?

Edit: the worst part before surgery was the not eating. Gah!!

Last edited on 2016-02-14 at 12:56:25 by Demure Dutchies (Jenneth)

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#1435 Posted on 2016-02-14 12:57:05

Honestly being knocked out scared me to death. When I was coming out of it I started freaking out, it was awful for me. The pain was no big deal; but when I woke up in a different room than I went under in is scared me to death. You might have them show you the room where you'll be waking up so the process is less frightening and if you can have a familiar face there while you come out it might be helpful. Also you'll feel extremely loopy for a while (at least I did) and make sure if they give you something to read that another person is in charge of that paperwork (lol, learned that the hard way).

I honestly hope it is much better for you than it was for me. I have extreme anxiety about certain things and the process really triggered it for me, so you'll probably have an easier time than I did. :)

Thought I'd clarify that going under was no big deal, happened in a few seconds and wasn't scary. It was only coming out that messed with my head.

Last edited on 2016-02-14 at 13:10:41 by Aɢʟᴇᴛ

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#1440 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:02:32

I've never had surgery, but I have a hilarious story about a friend of mine who went in for surgery.

After he was knocked out, he woke up after thinking that he had managed to climb out of his bed and punch a nurse. He was extremely apologetic to them (of course, he was still loopy from the drugs) and the nurse just laughed saying that none of that ever happened.

Good luck in your surgery! I'm sure everything will be fine :3

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#1444 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:04:57

My experience with being knocked out was pretty much exactly like Zell said - it happens so quickly you only have a second or two of awareness that it's actually happening at all. An hour or so before I went to get my wisdom teeth out I put these little numbing patches on my arm and hand where they would put the IV in (the idea of which scared me but really it turned out fine), and by the time I arrived for the actual surgery those spots were totally numb.

I didn't look when they did the IV and I didn't feel anything at all, which was great cause I was scared about that bit. Once that was done the sedation was super fast - basically after a couple seconds the oral surgeon (he was super nice) asked me if I could feel it taking effect, and after saying 'yeah' I was out in about a second. All it really felt like was an oncoming feeling of sleep, and I found it surprisingly pleasant and not frightening at all. When I woke up it was fine and I turned out to be a laugher so it was all good. XD

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#1456 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:12:04

Yep, I've removed a cancer when I was 17 so I understand how nervous you can get.
Try to calm yourself being entertained with something else. A book, movie, game, just foccus your mind on something you enjoy doing so you won't think about it as much.

And once you reach the hospital, if you are feeling too nervous, talk to your anesthetist, they may give you something to calm you before the procedure. And you'll probably do or say something funny under the effects of the medicine and will have good stories to tell in the future.

Me, for instance, was super hungry because, like you, I couldn't eat the day before.
So I kept telling the nurse that I was hungry, so he asked if I wanted a hot dog (joking, of course) and I was like ewww no, "then do you want some barbecue?" "nope" "so what do you want"
Then I said I wanted a PINNEAPPLE

It will all go well. Just don't think about it too much. ♥

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#1462 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:14:38

Wow, thank you all for such a response!

The surgery I'm having is inside my mouth. It's complicated to describe exactly what will be happening, and honestly I'd rather not talk about it. e.o

I feel a lot better about this after reading all your experiences, thanks. :p

@Siren, oh my gosh. xD If that were to happen to me, I would most likely believe that I stole a dragon or something. lol.

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#1469 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:18:07

Since it's happening inside my mouth, I won't be able to eat anything solid for an entire week. Uugggghh. xD

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#1477 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:23:11

I've been sedated 5 times and had 4 operations in my life time. Most recent sedation was for an endoscopy back in December of 2015 (that's when they stick a long camera down into your digestive tract and look/biopsy stuff) and as others have said the sedation process is so quick. Literally was knocked out within 3 seconds and then I woke up in the recovery room. I've also had three operations in my mouth (x2 for wisdom teeth, and one for 8 cavities I had when I was little-no I did not have bad hygiene, I have very soft teeth and cavities have always been an issue). I've never really had a bad experience with sedation, when I was really little I threw up when I tried drinking apple juice after waking up but it's probably because I was so young (4-5 maybe?) and my body had a reaction to it. But honestly, the doctors do this so many times each day, you have nothing to worry about! If you're really worried then please talk to the anesthesiologist about your concerns and they should calm you right down. I suffer from bad anxiety and was really worried in December that'd i'd wake up with the tube mid stomach and i'd like choke or something. The anesthesiologist reassured me i'd be fine, and guess what? I was :D

Please feel better, hoping everything goes well ♥

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#1484 Posted on 2016-02-14 13:27:58

Eating non-solid foods is actually kind of fun - I had lots of creamsicles, mint ice cream, yogurt, applesauce, and pudding after my wisdom teeth were taken out and it wasn't bad at all. Just so long as you're stocked up on those foods you'll be fine. c: I wanted to get a smoothie too afterwards but sadly the smoothie shop here was closed for renovations, but smoothies/slushies/things like that would work too.

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#1588 Posted on 2016-02-14 15:16:51

Thank you everyone ♥ I'm not the best at long responses, but I'll tell you all how it went on Wednesday! (Hopefully the flights won't get cancelled haha...)

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#1595 Posted on 2016-02-14 15:27:46

I was on non-solid foods for 6 weeks! I had corrective surgery for an underbite/misalignment. I had a plastic molded splint wired to my top teeth for those six weeks and swelling didn't fully go down for 6 months. Lots of loaded potato soup, oatmeal, and delicious smoothies.

2 weeks after surgery... chipmunk face!! The white thing is literally holding my face bones in the right place while they heal

Last edited on 2016-02-14 at 15:28:14 by Demure Dutchies (Jenneth)

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#1606 Posted on 2016-02-14 15:48:24

Whooaa, Demure, that sure is a long time off solid food! Thankfully my recovery won't last that long.. O.O

Last edited on 2016-02-14 at 15:48:51 by Tree

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