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Appaloosa Mare needed!

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Appaloosa Mare needed!

#127078 Posted on 2017-11-06 11:03:41

Spittin' Image needs a mate and also is up for public stud!

Nice foundation stud, obviously a custom horse that I found in the RC back in 2015. Yeah, yeah, he's been locked for quite awhile. :P

Basically, I need a Appaloosa mare who:

#1 - In Western
#2 - 60 or less non-specialty stats
#3 - 60+ in conformation please!

I am willing to trade breeding's, you get a foal from him with a mare of YOUR choice, and I get a foal from him with a mare of MY choice. :)


Last edited on 2017-11-06 at 11:04:41 by ✿ BAF's Spotted Paints

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#127088 Posted on 2017-11-06 12:23:16

So I found out something real quick. My horses aren't as good as I remember and I have bought a bunch of appies from you in the past. Here's what I do have that fits above criteria and is otherwise non-related (or a horse that would share the same lines as yours)

Sheeza Dazzler 17 yr old mare, 63.67 confo, 729 stats, Smoky Black Dun Varnish Roan, 1 foal bred 
She's got Windspun horses in her pedigree.

Magic Cat 19 yr old mare, 64.38 confo, 688 stats, Black Roan Snowcap, 0 foals bred
Foundation horse

Pitch Perfect 11 yr old mare, 65.50 confo, 635 stats, Silver Seal Brown (ZZ) Frame Overo w/ Blanket, 0 foals bred
She's got Cast, Windspun, and Fabelhaft horses in her pedigree.

Last edited on 2017-11-07 at 04:16:52 by Notori

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