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Foundation Quarter Horses

ForumsLooking For... → Foundation Quarter Horses

Foundation Quarter Horses

#125823 Posted on 2017-10-29 07:23:16

Recently, I converted to a foundation Quarter Horse barn, and I have been doing pretty good so far. My lines are starting off strong and everything is going smoothly. But, I to introduce some color into my lines are I fear I will be trapped in an endless amount of chestnuts, bays, and blacks.

What Am I looking for?
- a foundation horse, preferably 3-5 years old (I may be open to younger/older horses)
- has not been bred before (I want to keep it's lines exclusive to me)
- is not bay/black/chestnut (any other color, and I mean any other color, is great!)
- is not a gelding (filly, colt, mare, stallion - I don't care but just no geldings please)

I tried not to be too picky! I would go buy a ton of foundation horses and just RC the ones that don't work for me, but I don't have the money or the space. 

If you have a horse that you are not sure meets what I want, PM me! Most likely they do! I know I seem picky, but I am pretty open!!

*Also* I have a GV trade up so if you want to see it it will be under my post in the "horse sales/classifieds" forum.

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#128584 Posted on 2017-11-17 10:59:53

if ur still looking I have this baby   she's a grulla Tobiano called Widow Makers Ridge, she is younger (she's 0) but either than that I believe she meets all your needs. if u like her lemme know and we can work out pricing and all that. :)

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