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Whittaker Farm - Role Play

#141016 Posted on 2018-01-15 10:24:32

Alex kept pace with Cam, smiling up at her. "I have my animals coming later with a transport service, is that alright?" He knew the transport service very well, and trusted them with all of his animals. He usually would have brought the truck and float, but he needed room for more than two horses, as he had a couple new ones that he felt like bringing - he could continue to train them in the background to work.

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#141020 Posted on 2018-01-15 10:51:01


Eden paced next to Cam and her pony, flinching slightly as Blue turned his head towards her. She felt excited and nervous about the arrangements. What if she didn't like her roommate, or she didn't like Eden? She narrowed her eyes. This was not normal for her, she would accept strangers usually. Shaking herself, she picked up Dragon so he wouldn't trip up the Connemara and kept walking determinedly. Turning to the girl next to her who had blonde hair and a black cat, she smiled. 'Hi, I'm Eden. This is Dragon; what's your cat's name? And your snake's?'

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#141040 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:01:27

Cam smiled down at Alex. 
"Yep, of course! When they arrive just put them into a paddock but I can split the paddock into 2 if you like." Just as Cam said that, they arrived at the big farm house. "So guys, horses in paddocks please: Alice and Kelsie's horses in paddock one, Eden and Carmen's in paddock 2, and Alex's in paddock 3. Your pets can go where ever you like, so now, feel free to get settled! But could Alice, Kelsie and Eden please come over to me?" Cam stood to the side of the farm house where everyone else was getting in.

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#141042 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:05:29


Eden walked over to where Cam was standing, having no horses to put in a paddock. She watched as everyone was getting settled, and then asked, 'Where should I put Dragon?'

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#141044 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:12:34

"Dragon? Oh! Dragon! You could keep him inside or in one of the runs or just roaming. It doesn't really matter round here." Cam smiled. "But the other other thing I wanted to talk to you about was if you wanted to borrow a horse from here to ride in lessons. That is what I am going to ask the other 2 girls. I have plenty of completely bombproof horses that you can use, like Blue here! You can make your mind up later if you want." Cam finished.

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#141045 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:14:56


Kelsie smiled at Alice. She was glad to be in a room with her. She turned to Eden but they were interrupted by Cam asking them to follow her. She quickly put Orion and Dipper in an empty run and promised to come back later. She tagged along behind the Eden and Alice.

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#141046 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:15:31


'Oh! I'm glad that I can keep Dragon with me!' Eden said happily. 'And...' I've got to do this, she thought. She took a deep breath and said, 'I'd love to borrow a horse! As long as it is...bombproof...' she finished awkwardly, wondering whether she had just made a big mistake.

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#141052 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:23:00


Kelsie smiled ecstatically. It had been so long since she had ridden a horse, let alone touched one. "Wow, thanks! I'd love to borrow a horse! I don't mind if I have a less bombproof one." Kelsie screamed internally. She couldn't wait to start riding! Eden's face caught her eye. She gazed at her frozen expression quizzically.

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#141053 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:23:50

"If you could, please." Alex pulled out his phone, and sent a text to his friend. 'Drop them around to the third paddock, and we'll split Major and Jack up from the others.' 'There in 5.' She replied back, and he could already hear the truck pulling into the driveway.

Last edited on 2018-01-15 at 12:41:49 by The Gaiaphage

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#141057 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:31:20


Eden saw the other girl looking, confused, at her. She sighed and looked sheepish. ‘It’s a long story.’ she tried to explain, Dragon watching Blue like a hawk. ‘Anyway, what’s your name?’ Eden asked. She seemed nice, and she looked like she knew how to ride and keep her nerve around horses. Maybe she can help, Eden thought optimistically. Horses can’t all be bad.

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#141063 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:38:56


Kelsie shook herself out of a daze and realised someone was talking to her. It was the girl with black hair and dark blue eyes standing next to her. "Hi, I'm Kelsie!" she said, "What's yours?" 

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#141065 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:44:53


'Nice to meet you Kelsie! I'm Eden, this is my cat Dragon. Hey, where did your cat and your snake go?' 

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#141068 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:50:45


"Nice to meet you too! I put Orion, my cat, and Dipper, my snake, in one of the runs." Kelsie smiled at Eden.

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#141073 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:57:00

Alex looked up as the dark green truck pulled up in the driveway, and a tall blonde girl jumped out of the cab. "Hey Alyona. Were they well behaved?" She grinned, tugging the cap on her head lower. "Very well behaved. I have somewhere to be, so can we get these guys off quickly?" Alex nodded, turning to the group of girls. "Hey, can you guys help me unload the horses?"

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#141074 Posted on 2018-01-15 12:57:39


'Oh, right! Do you...have any riding experience?' Eden asked hesitantly. She might be able to teach me a little, she thought hopefully.

Then she turned to the boy. 'Sure!' she said. This will be a big step, handling the horses, she thought. She walked over to help.

Last edited on 2018-01-15 at 12:59:05 by 🌙 Io

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