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Deceased Horse Question

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Deceased Horse Question

#118881 Posted on 2017-08-25 00:04:04

I've seen some deceased horses with names who are clickable & viewable still, and some with "deceased" for their name & no trace left of them other than the broken link left on their ancestors pedigrees....  

What determines that a horse will be wiped like this once it dies?  Or is this just an inevitable thing that happens to all horses who pass on?  

Is there any way of preventing your horses from being wiped like that without locking them and taking up stable space?

Thanks in advance for any help!

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#119150 Posted on 2017-08-27 19:28:29

The horses that say "Deceased" in a horses pedigree belong to someone who did not import their account after the recode. You don't need to do anything special to keep that from happening.

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#119151 Posted on 2017-08-27 19:29:39

The "Deceased" in pedigrees is a remnant from the earlier days of EV when deleting a horse was an option. Deleting a horse used to wipe all traces of it from the system thus destroying pedigrees and leaving the "Deceased" horse behind. Now horses can no longer be deleted in this fashion instead their pedigree information and horse information is kept intact and deleting a horse's records only removes it's association with your account, and probably a lot of other back-end things, but essentially they just become a horse in the "paddocks in the sky".

When a horse "Dies" it goes into your former horses on your account unless you delete the horse's records, which will result in the above, unlinking the horse from your account. You can still change the name, notes and public notes on a horse in your former horses, you can no longer do anything to a horse that you delete the records of. 

Let me know if you have further questions about this. I'm not sure f I explained it well at all.

EDIT: Deceased does not have to do with people that did not import their accounts anymore. In February of this year those horses were imported and are still linked to the account IDs, but are not accessible to the person's who own those accounts. Where the Owner name should be it only has an ID that links to an error page: example

Last edited on 2017-08-27 at 19:38:21 by Sabriel

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#119305 Posted on 2017-08-29 13:31:14

Ohhh, ok - thank you both!  Your replies were indeed very helpful ^_^ 

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