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Fighting the Urge to start over/Breeding Advice?

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Fighting the Urge to start over/Breeding Advice?

#118659 Posted on 2017-08-22 16:52:20

So, I've been showing and trying to get my Trakehners all the same age.

However, I'm feeling kind of like I want to start over? Maybe even a different breed? My Trakehners are pretty nice and I've spent probably 60 credits on them to get most good coats and patterns. They've been shown and have pretty darn good stats for their ages, etc. None have been bred yet, etc.

When I first started though, I made mistakes on what to feed them, bought them at 3 instead as foals to take advantage of foal training, etc. 

So part of me kind of wants to do a full clean-out and start from scratch with EC foals and do it "right". My problem is I did put quite a few credits into them. I don't expect to get every single one back, but I'd rather not be at a total loss. I'd like to be able to sell well enough to get some credits and renew my Deluxe as well if I did?

What do you guys think?

Last edited on 2017-08-22 at 18:19:27 by Snaffle Bit

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#118667 Posted on 2017-08-22 18:19:05

Bah, honestly I think my problem is I'm kind of going slow because I'm waiting for some foals to age up. Decided to round out to an even 40 so I had 20 mares and 20 stallions for the foundation.

So I paused a bunch of my best horses at 7 so they could catch up and they're only like 2.

Hmm, any experienced breeders (since I haven't tried matching yet) want to offer me some help matching up my Traks for conformation? Mostly I'm aiming to get "all goods" in all foal conformations if possible in the second generation.

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#118693 Posted on 2017-08-23 03:53:14

Felt the same way when I was getting and finding some pretty foundation Gypsy Vanners in the RC. I aged them all up differently, I finally am almost done. At the end I will have 32 horses that are 12yrs, 10 yrs, 8yrs, and 6yrs old. It takes a long time and can definitely be boring.

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#118698 Posted on 2017-08-23 06:34:24

I feel you. I started off with Trakes. I bought whatever horses I thought would be good for me...then changed my mind and decided I wanted to start from foundations and work on confirmation. So I ended up selling (at a loss) most of the lined Trakes I bought. but waiting is hard so i picked up foundation Paints, Appys, TB, and Dutch WBs. 

Clearly I am not patient enough and just kept using the Equine center. I have since decided that that was not realistic once I started breeding so I am getting rid of the Appys and Paints. Even though they have high confirmation they are pretty hard to sell at the moment :/ but I am going to see what I can do with the 3 breeds, and keep it to less that 7 breeding pairs for each. 

*Edit- I've noticed that I also have the problem of constantly searching the rescue center for higher confo foundations. So then I run into the issue if I should get rid of a lower confo, even though I generally feed all my foals peppermints, and they seem quite difficult to re-sell :/

Last edited on 2017-08-23 at 13:47:28 by Tupelo

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#118900 Posted on 2017-08-25 04:17:54

I'd keep going, Snaffle Bit! 
You could always finish aging them (reaping the benefits of $ and Exp.) and breed them once/twice. 
You could then keep the very best foals (wether that's stats, colors, or confo for you) and sell the rest.

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