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Tell Me About You

#115439 Posted on 2017-07-25 01:55:17

I want to get to know you all better, so tell me about yourselves. I'll give you some quick suggestions, since I usually can't come up with anything to say when asked the same.

Favorite Bands::
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To::
Favorite Colors::
Your Lucky Number::
Your Favorite Childhood Memory::
Your Favorite Holiday and Why::
Favorite Scents::
(Bath&Body Works, Scentsy, Febreze etc)
Best Family Vacation::
Favorite Board Game::
The Foods You Absolutely Hate::
Any Past or Current Struggles::
(If you care to share them)
Best Subject in School:: (Whether current or past)
Worst Subject in School:: (Whether current or past)
Favorite Season::
Do You Like Camping::
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: (What flavor{s})

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: (What flavor{s}, did you like it)
Favorite Sport:: (Equestrian events included)
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: (The place{s} you love to eat at, but don't admit to)

You can use any of these, all of these, or make up your own.

Favorite Bands:: Too many to list them all - Avenged Sevenfold, Evanescence, Godsmack, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Jamie Cullum, Tool, Jeremy Kay, Stone Sour, and a lot of others.

Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To::
Focus, for sure. Although The Beatles' White Album gives them a run for their money.

Favorite Colors:: Slate Blue, Turquoise, Teal, Pink, Rose Gold, Periwinkle, Lavender, Dark Purple, Coral Pink, Sage Green, Shortbread Yellow (This is an actual shade of Yellow. It's sunny, yet muted so it's not overwhelming)

Your Lucky Number:: 8, 17, 22

Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: I don't know why this sticks in my memory. It was just a normal early summer evening. My... dad... was being his usual grumpy self. He had just gotten finished with mowing the lawn. He got cleaned up a little, then took my older sister and me to get snow cones. I can't remember what I got; I think it was either Silver Fox, Tiger's Blood, or Dragon's Blood. Anyway, he got himself one and we got one for mom. We all sat outside on the front porch, with Citronella candles lit, and ate our snow cones and talked. There wasn't anything special or unusual about the day, but it somehow stands out in my memory.

Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: I used to like Thanksgiving the most, but now that I'm older, I find I have a deep appreciation for Halloween. Thanksgiving and Christmas stress me out. The obligation to cook, buy gifts, decorate, be in large crowds (even though they're family).. it just causes my anxiety to skyrocket. Halloween, however, is amazing. I get to hang out with my bestie, eat junk food, and watch horror movies. No stress comes with it at all. It's just good, clean fun. Well... I can't say it's ever truly "clean". We mess up the kitchen making popcorn balls (that are stuffed with mini M&Ms or Reese's Pieces in the center, then coated in white chocolate), Candy Corn colored cupcakes (with real, homemade buttercream icing), Brownies, or whatever else we want. Also, horror movies are rarely ever clean. 

Favorite Scents:: I love Cranberry anything. Especially Bath&Body Works' Winter Cranberry. I also like anything that's more fruity, earthy, or spicy. I don't care much for sweet floral scents. As for Scentsy, I absolutely adore Luna, Huckleberry Sage, Sunkissed Citrus, and anything that smells like a baked good. I really like combining Baked Apple Pie with Sugar Cookie in one warmer, then putting Mochadoodle in the other warmers. It smells like a real apple pie being baked in a coffee house. My husband calls it "false advertising". He comes home from work, smells some baked good yummy, but there's not an actual baked good.

Best Family Vacation:: My grandparents used to have several Time-Shares, so my parents, sister, and I got to go to some pretty cool places. I think my favorite was in Eureka Springs, Arkansas at Holiday Island. We stayed in a really nice little condo, went to an amazing Pizzeria, and wandered around Eureka Springs. The view from the place we were staying at was INCREDIBLE! I really liked that trip.

Favorite Board Game:: Ok, so it's not technically a board game, but I really enjoy Apples to Apples. Each game is so different depending on who you're playing with. You can get some pretty wild and hilarious combinations. This one time, I remember playing with my mom's family at Thanksgiving. The play card said "Well preserved". I threw down a card that said "Carmen Electra". I won that particular hand.

The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Livers/gizzards of any kind. Just... no. Not on your life. Eggplant is another one that I avoid. However, my sister came up with a brilliant eggplant lasagna. The eggplant is roasted then used in place of the noodles. I didn't think I'd like it, but I did... don't tell her that though. She'll gloat. 

Any Past or Current Struggles:: Other than serious medical issues, the only thing going on currently is that I totally cut my... dad... and his entire side of the family out of my life. Those people never treated me like family, always caused me stress to the point of physical illness, and made my blood pressure soar. Without their constant manipulating and drama, my life is a lot calmer. I know it sounds harsh but... family doesn't necessarily have to be by blood relation.

Best Subject in School:: Geometry and English.

Worst Subject in School:: Algebra and History, funnily enough.

Favorite Season:: Autumn. Forever Autumn. It's a time of year when the leaves turn beautiful colors, the temperature is optimal for opening windows, and I finally get to break out my insane candle collection. Like: Mulled Cider, Exotic Amber Woods, Toasted Caramel Pecan, Coffee Cake, Apple Cider, Pumpkin Maple Pecan, and many more.

Do You Like Camping:: I do. I haven't been in forever, though. Oddly, every time I've gone camping, the weather turned cold and rainy. Never mattered what time of the year we (my family and I) went, it never failed. One time, we set up camp in the pouring rain. The tents flooded a little, and the sandwich stuff we packed for that night's dinner got soaked. We didn't care. We were all so hungry by the time we got it together that we ate the soggy sandwiches and loved every bite. On that same trip, my... dad... slipped on some shale and broke the bone right under his eye. We also had a skunk that liked to hang around with us. Until the night that we had a thunderstorm. Apparently, the little guy was asleep next to our tent and got spooked when the thunder crashed. He sprayed the tent. Interestingly enough, it's the most hilarious camping trip we ever had. It wasn't funny at the time, but now? LOL!

Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: I prefer Snow Cones in the summer and Ice Cream in the winter. Since I live in Texas, it gets really, really, stupid hot during the summer. Putting something as heavy as Ice Cream in my stomach when it's 104F at 76% humidity makes me sick. Snow Cones are so much lighter and easier on the stomach. My number one Snow Cone flavor is Strawberry+Cheesecake+Wedding Cake+Cream. Ho-ly cow. It's amazing! As for Ice Cream, it really depends on the time of year. The place I like to get my Ice Cream at has seasonal flavors, like: Gingerbread, Hot Cocoa, Molten Lava (which is a chocolate Ice Cream with chocolate cake chunks and a ribbon of hot fudge), White Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake, and Peppermint Chocolate Chip.

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: There's a place in my hometown called Blue Spruce. They have Gelato and Sorbet. I tried the Dark Chocolate Sorbet with the Peanut Butter Gelato. OMG! It was a bit expensive but oh so worth it! I have dreams about that stuff.

Favorite Sport:: College Football. Primarily Oklahoma State University. I bleed Orange. I don't care if they win or lose the rest of their games, I'll love them no matter what. Just so long as they beat Oklahoma University (OU) at the Bedlam game at Thanksgiving. Shoot, I'll root for any team that takes down OU. You may have guessed by now that OSU and OU are indeed serious rivals.

Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: -conspiratorial whisper- McDonalds. I like the Hot & Spicy McChicken, the McDouble (preferably with McNuggets on it), and their fries with their spicy mustard. Also, those little pie things are.. -drools- OMG! And their sausage biscuits! I could eat those all day. Also... Taco Bell. Crunchwrap Supreme, Nachos Bell Grande, and the Chicken or Steak 
Quesarito. Ooo! And those cinnamon twist things. Yaaaas!

Last edited on 2017-07-25 at 01:56:30 by Mouse

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#115441 Posted on 2017-07-25 02:27:29

Favorite Bands:: Hollywood Undead, Alice in Chains, Eurythmics
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Eh, idk
Favorite Colors:: Purple, black and teal
Your Lucky Number::3
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: When my old riding instructor said my grandfather couldn't ride a horse. He hopped the fence and jumped on to my horse(but to be honest, she was a Fjord abs she was like 14,2 hands) and rode her around the arena.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Halloween. Oh my goodness. I live scaring people. Every year we have a theme and spend at least $200 for the new stuff over the year. IT IS AWESOME
Favorite Scents:: 
(Bath&Body Works, Scentsy, Febreze etc) LAVENDER AND CHASMERE MIST
Best Family Vacation::Hawaii last year! 
Favorite Board Game:: Fact or Crap
The Foods You Absolutely Hate::Broccoli and Corn
Any Past or Current Struggles:: 
(If you care to share them) Sometimes Anger and Not wanting to get close to anybody for fear that they would leave
Best Subject in School:: (Whether current or past) Science, and History(Though I LOVE English)
Worst Subject in School:: (Whether current or past)Math, though I actually really like it. I just had a really crappy teacher this year
Favorite Season:: Winter
Do You Like Camping::Nope
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: (What flavor{s})Crap, this is hard. ack, why you make me choose. Snow Cones though. I LoVE ice

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: (What flavor{s}, did you like it) No but I want to!
Favorite Sport:: (Equestrian events included) Archery and Gaming(horses)
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: (The place{s} you love to eat at, but don't admit to)I donr Reply have one. I'm vegetarian so it is kinda hard but I guess Olive Garden for the Zepoles!!!! I love those dang things.

Hobbies: Riding horses, Archery, blowing glass, and reading

Last edited on 2017-07-25 at 02:30:57 by Ride4Life

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#115443 Posted on 2017-07-25 03:57:51

Favorite Bands:: evanescence, Tool, GWAR, the Beatles,  A few others with names not appropriate for small ears....
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: GWAR my husband got me to one of their shows. It changed my perspective on music forever.
Favorite Colors:: pale blue and lavender
Your Lucky Number:: 13
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: waking up on Sundays at my childhood home my dad always cooked a big southern breakfast. He never did this after we moved from there.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Halloween by far. I'm pagan, and Halloween has always been a holiday that meant something to me. I will not work on Halloween. After I lost some friends and family to various causes, Halloween carries even more significance to me.
Favorite Scents:: bb&w would be their energy soaps with ginger. Other than that anything lavender 

Best Family Vacation:: my honeymoon on Anna Maria Island
Favorite Board Game:: so many....o.o... X-Files, Catan, anything pandemic....
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: cottage cheese, coconut, pineapple
Any Past or Current Struggles:: I am battling severe anxiety, ptsd, depression, and chronic migraines. Couple that with permanent damage to my ribcage as well as a bad back.

Best Subject in School:: I'm a history back probably history
Worst Subject in School:: anything math
Favorite Season:: fall...Florida's bareable season
Do You Like Camping:: only in winter Florida is just too hot.

Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: oh gawd icecream...plain ol vanilla
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: yes salted caramel with nuts!
Favorite Sport:: i did equitation for a while...but i envy those in dressage

Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: checkers for their fries...but they give me migraines bc of the msg.

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#115444 Posted on 2017-07-25 04:30:56

Favorite Bands:: Imagine Dragons, OneRepublic, Panic at the Disco, The Killers, Coldplay, Foster the People, Linkin Park, and Against the Current. But, there's so many more. 
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: I'm not real sure. Maybe, Smash Mouth, even though I enjoy their music. 

They are definitely different. 
Favorite Colors:: Black, Red, and Turquoise
Your Lucky Number:: 57
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: 
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Christmas. It's such a beautiful and gorgeous holiday, not just in looks but in the fact you're with those you love most. We share laughs, and memories while watching nostalgic Christmas movies or new ones. It's just such a magical holiday. 
Favorite Scents:: Moonlight Path, Apple Cinnamon, and Honeysuckle
Best Family Vacation:: That's really hard it's either my 16th B-day trip to Baltimore with my parents or virtually any trips to the Disney parks. 
Favorite Board Game:: Chinese Checkers, Chess, Checkers, Candyland, and Monopoly.
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Off the top of my head, black eyed peas and grits come to mind. 
Any Past or Current Struggles:: Oh dear god, here we go *sighs*. In 2003, I had to be rushed to the hospital due to having a horrific seizure. I was groggy, and couldn't remember what had happened. About five hours later at the hospital; I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. At the time, I was only 6 years old; I didn't understand how big of a diagnosis this was. Following the diagnosis, was years of tests, appointments, and wishes; all with little results to help. In 2008, we were at my neurologist's office, and they took my parents out of the room. I knew that something was wrong, especially when my mom came back in with tears running down her face. They'd found out that I wasn't eligible for Epilepsy removal surgery and I'd probably struggle with it for the rest of my life. My mom didn't know how to tell me nor did the doctors. It ended up a few days later they told me, and I took it surprisingly well. After having Epilepsy for five years at that point, I hadn't really saved many hopes or wishes for a cure. All I hoped for was that each day, I could not have a seizure during class or whilst doing something I loved. 

In August of 2009 my dad got a job offer in Virginia, that was too good to be true. But, he consulted us first as that would me us leaving our small town life in Georgia. We both agreed it was for the best, and once the decision was made we were only given two months to find a house, move into it, and for my dad to start his new job. Not a lot of time considering we had to sell or give away many horses, dogs, cats, birds, and exotic pets as the property we picked just didn't have enough space for 10 horses, 10 dogs, 7 cats, 30 birds, 2 chinchillas, and a number of other pets. We had to make sure they went to appropriate homes, that would keep them for the rest of their lives. The downsizing was heart-wrenching and there's pets that I wish we didn't sell and I wish I could track them down and find them. Once we moved up there we only had 4 horses, 7 dogs, and 5 cats. All others were sold or given away to good homes. 

I had been at the best private school in Georgia, with so many friends, and virtually no seizures. When I started public school in Virginia; the seizures started back up and there was a significant difference in friends. I was bullied, primarily by the teachers due to my Epilepsy and learning disabilities. They'd even grab me in bruising grips by the arm, and drag me out of the class room to the clinic because they thought I was faking a seizure. In 2010, I had a particularly severe seizure in the cafeteria, and my blood pressure was through the roof. So, much so that the nurse checked one of the teacher's blood pressure to make sure the machine wasn't malfunctioning. It wasn't. My home room teacher had the guts to ask if I could've made my blood pressure rise to that level (about 120+ bpm). I swear even in my severe lack of awareness I saw the nurse give her a killer glare. She advised the principal to call my parents and an ambulance but they declined. Since by that point the seizure was finished and I was just passed out (friends and the nurse told me what happened). So, the nurse had to convince the principal to call my mom, who at the time was very sick and couldn't get out of bed (the the principal was aware of this) So, she sent our house keeper, Gabby to pick me up. 

A few weeks later another seizure occurred and I overheard whilst resting in the infirmary the principal ranting to the secretary about my 'episodes'. Which for those that don't know is considered a derogatory term for seizures, and very rude. I forced myself to wake up, and get off the cot, and walk up to her. I told her I'm going to try to go back to class even though I feel really bad. The look of absolute shock from the principal was so satisfying and the nurse's smirk was great too. 

6 months later the bullying had gotten too severe from both ends, the teachers and the students... that I declared whilst on the bus at the end of one particularly terrible day of ridicule; that I was going to kill myself. I told my best friend, and she immediately started crying. But, I was pretty drained and emotionally unaware of how others would be so effected by my death. That's how bad off I was. I planned to kill myself that day, by running out in the busy street or jumping into the deep end of the pool (I can't swim). But, what I didn't count on was the police showing up at my door an hour after I got home. My mom let them in and they told her that my best friend's grandmother had called them. I was in my mother's bedroom sobbing, and fearful. I never met them face to face, because they didn't want to scare me. After talking for a bit they left after my mom swore she was taking me to the hospital that night once dad was home. 

And so they did. The doctors took me off one of my medicines that can cause worsening depression.They had me see a therapist every day for my entire stay in the hospital, and it helped a lot. But, the day I remember best is when I was in a particularly depressed mood that day and the door comes a lady carrying a Bichon Frise therapy dog, and my spirits just lifted. I was grinning, laughing, and seeing what life had to offer again. They were only in there for 10 minutes at most, but that's all I needed. And I have to say that's what really convinced me to feel better and live is remembering the moment that dog came and brought joy to my world again. 

After I was released from the hospital; I became homeschooled, and life was so much better. My best friend remained with me, through it all. 

In 2015, my dad got laid off his job, and we had to move back to our old property in Georgia. I was happy, as it meant I'd be with so many more friends again. By that point my best friend and I had lost touch, so I wasn't so hung up about leaving her. I was sad about leaving Vos (we met irl in 2013 or 2014) though as we only got to see each other twice a year at most already. But, we promised to visit each other. 

By June 2016 we had moved back to Georgia and were super happy. Friends we hadn't seen in 7.5 years greeted us with open arms and teary eyes. In November 2016, I graduated and got my highschool diploma. My Epilepsy is well controlled now without medication. I'm just no longer really stressed out, and stress was the main cause of my Epilepsy. 

Other than Epilepsy I also have PTSD (from the 2009-2010 events), Depression, Anxiety, Mild Autism, Bi-polar, and Developmental Coordination Disorder aka Dyspraxia. Life's a struggle but I try to look at the bright side of things when I can. 

We're having money struggles and yet we're the closest we've ever been. 
Best Subject in School:: My favorite was Science, but I was best at Literature and Spelling.
Worst Subject in School:: I was terrible at and hated Math. 
Favorite Season:: Autumn
Do You Like Camping:: I've never been camping, but want to so bad. 
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Both. Blue Raspberry and Cherry for Snow Cones. Cookie Dough, Cookies n' Cream, and Neapolitan for Ice Cream. 
Favorite Sport:: Equestrian sports (endurance, trail, and hunter jumper). Mini golf, and Basketball. 
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: Dairy Queen, Checkers, and Taco Bell. 

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#115453 Posted on 2017-07-25 07:09:39

Favorite Bands:: GooGoo Dolls, Five For Fighting, Rascal Flatts, 3 Doors Down....

Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: err I dunno

Favorite Colors:: Orange and purple

Your Lucky Number:: I don't believe in luck lol

Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: Definitely going up to the lake in New Hampshire every summer and staying at a cabin with zero wifi and sketchy electricity. Made us get outside more and enjoy our surroundings.

Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Christmas. I'm Christmas obsessed. I love the atmosphere, the cold weather, the decorations, and that extra 'pep' people have in their steps.

Favorite Scents:: BACON! I could roll in that stuff lol.

Best Family Vacation:: The many cruises we went on as kids.

Favorite Board Game:: Battle Ship

The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Hmm... I don't really 'hate' foods. I think there's so many ways to make foods good/taste different.

Any Past or Current Struggles:: Pregnancy symptoms.

Best Subject in School:: History and English

Worst Subject in School:: Math

Favorite Season:: Winter! Gaia LOVES cold weather!

Do You Like Camping:: I'm a full-time RVer soooo everyday for me is camping lol but I also enjoy tent camping as well.

Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Ice cream. I recently discovered Tiramisu flavored ice cream and ohhmygawd ITSOGOOD!

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: My new found Tiramisu ice cream is gelato sooo that :)

Favorite Sport:: Any equestrian sport, football, and swimming

Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: Taco Bell D: I don't eat there much anymore as Gaia is trying to be extra healthy for the tiny human growing within her belly.

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#115454 Posted on 2017-07-25 07:10:31

Favorite Bands:: N/A
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: N/A
Favorite Colors:: Black...And cyan I guess
Your Lucky Number:: 3
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: I don't really have a favorite one, I like them all.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: My birthday. The day where I get cake and OH WAIT I don't wanna be older Christmas. I get presents, and hey, it's a good excuse to eat the cookies that were for 'Santa'.
Favorite Scents:: Don't really have one.
Best Family Vacation:: Right now, when I'm in Washington D.C!
Favorite Board Game:: Uno (I guess it's not a board game, but I refuse to state a favorite board game :P)
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: LIMA BEANS. But, even worse... Baby milk formula. (Please don't try it unless you want to taste death)
Any Past or Current Struggles::  I don't want to share... I would, but I have trouble talking about it without wanting to die and feeling traumatized.
Best Subject in School:: (Whether current or past) Recess. Just recess.
Worst Subject in School:: (Whether current or past) Math is M. Mental. A. Abuse T. To H. Humans, but ALGEBRA IS DEATHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Favorite Season:: Summer.
Do You Like Camping:: Goodness, NO! (Maybe I would if little kids weren't so annoying in the car, buuut probably not.)

Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: (What flavor{s}) Really depends about how I'm feeling. When I'm sad, Ice cream. Happy; Snow cones. At the moment I'm sad, so Ice Cream.
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: (What flavor{s}, did you like it) I believe I did when I was younger, and didn't like it.
Favorite Sport:: (Equestrian events included) Ooh, that's hard. Pretty much all Equestrian events, but not cruelty like rodeos and cow catching wait no that's not what it's called oh I give up, it randomly disappeared from my mind, at least no one who taught me horse lessons knows XD I'll remember later.
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: 
(The place{s} you love to eat at, but don't admit to) *sigh* ...Well... I guess I have to admit McDonalds :P

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#115458 Posted on 2017-07-25 07:51:45

Favorite Bands:: Coldplay, The Neighborhood, Imagine Dragons
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Hollywood Undead, Da Vinci's Notebook
Favorite Colors:: Red and Purple
Your Lucky Number:: 11
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: Feeding ducks at the duck pond with my grandma
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Christmas, I love being able to spend time with my family and friends!
Favorite Scents:: N/a

Best Family Vacation:: Anytime we go to Florida
Favorite Board Game:: Monopoly and Cards Against Humanity (if this qualifies)
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Most things with cinnamon in it, spinach, cauliflower 
Any Past or Current Struggles:: I was diagnosed with PTSD, GAD, and OCD in 2014, my dad used my siblings and I as his punching bag, to put it in short. I constantly worry though medication has helped, and I pick my scabs out of stress. I have a lot of scars on my hands and legs because of this.

Best Subject in School:: English or History
Worst Subject in School:: Math or Science
Favorite Season:: Summer
Do You Like Camping:: No
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Chocolate, Cotton Candy, and Cake Batter Ice Cream!
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: Yes! Very good, I love lemon and chocolate
Favorite Sport:: Hunter Jumpers, and Tennis
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: McDonalds and Chik-fil-a 

Last edited on 2017-07-25 at 07:53:24 by Zest

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#115459 Posted on 2017-07-25 07:54:12

Favorite Bands:: Too many; Panic at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Jon Bellion, and Maroon 5 are a few of them
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Not real sure though Jon Bellion definitely has very different music than what I usually listen to
Favorite Colors:: Dark Purple, Teal, Ocean Blue
Your Lucky Number:: 39
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: I was at a barn where they trained Paso Finos and I had recently sold my horse. The trainer asked a woman to ride one of the mares on the trail ride that day in which she declined saying that "the mare is crazy and dangerous". The trainer then turned to me, knowing that I did not have a horse to ride and asked if I was willing to ride the mare on the trail for him since he had numerous other horses to ride that day. I happily accepted and tacked the mare up and followed at the back on the trails. The mare did perfect for me and against everything that the woman said, the mare did not act in any way like a dangerous, and I was pleased to ride such a great horse that day. 
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Halloween, I love dressing up and getting discounted candy the day after.
Favorite Scents:: Lemon, Vanilla, usually sweet smells
Best Family Vacation: Last summer my dad had work in Mississippi and my mom, boyfriend, and me went down to visit him and hang out at the beach. We spent a whole three days just hanging out with him and having fun. Nothing truly special about the vacation, but we spent a lot of time together. 
Favorite Board Game:: Life, Monopoly, Checkers, and Operation
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Squash and Bananas
Any Past or Current Struggles:: social anxiety was a big thing I struggled with and still do, but not as bad as it was
Best Subject in School:: English & Biology
Worst Subject in School:: Geometry & History 
Favorite Season:: Autumn is no doubt my favorite and will always be my favorite. All the colorful leaves and the air getting colder excites me.
Do You Like Camping:: Yes, I love camping and being out in nature where there aren't so many distractions and its more peaceful.
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: I love both, but I like snow cones just a tiny bit more. I always get Cherry or Tigers Blood when I get a snow cone and only get Cookies N' Cream or Salted Caramel Cheesecake flavored ice cream. 

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: Never tried it, but I would love to.
Favorite Sport:: Lacrosse and Hunter Jumper
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: Zaxby's is my all time favorite place to get fast food.

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#115461 Posted on 2017-07-25 07:56:58

Favorite Bands:: Palaye Royale, Motionless In White, Get Scared, etc.
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: I dont even know lol
Favorite Colors:: Black, Lime Green
Your Lucky Number:: Good 'ol 7
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: My favorite childhood memory would probably be going to Great Wolf Lodge. That place is literally a child's paradise. An indoor water park, an arcade, buffets, bunk beds, ice cream shopes, everything a kid needs to stay busy. I wish I could go again ❤
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Thanksgiving and Christmas for obvious reasons ;)
Favorite Scents:: Okay, so these might sound weird because they arent meant for smelling. I like Chlorine, Sharpies, Bleach, Detergent, and Gasoline. I love those kind of smells.
Best Family Vacation:: Once again... Great Wolf Lodge!
Favorite Board Game:: Either Sorry or Jumanji. I used to be in love with the Jumanji cards, and Sorry was just fun to say when sliding back.
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Meatloaf! Omg I hate it so much.
Any Past or Current Struggles:: I am tereified to drive but because I am a legal adult starting college, I have to learn at some point. I just wished we were back in the days of using horses at transportation (as an excuse to have my own horse). 
Best Subject in School:: English and History. I love to write and learn about past wars.
Worst Subject in School:: Math for sure, some Sciences too.
Favorite Season:: Fall. The leaves and cooling air is nice, and I love the cloudy weather that usually comes with it.
Do You Like Camping:: I've never done it.... O.o
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Strawberry icecream is 10/10, BUT I simply cannot turn down Apple A La Cold Stone ❤

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: Nope.
Favorite Sport:: Cross Country. I have never done it on a horse yet, but after I am done with my Western lessons, I want to get into that.
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: Everyone trashes on Taco Bell but I have loved that place since I was a kid, and I always will. Taco Bell for life ❤

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#115470 Posted on 2017-07-25 08:44:36

Favorite Bands:: Bring Me The Horizon, Panic! At The Disco, Falling In Reverse, Nothing More, Sleeping With Sirens, Twenty One Pilots, Pierce The Veil, Imagine Dragons, Breaking Benjamin, Five Finger Death Punch, Black Veil Brides, Shinedown, My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Avenged Seven Fold, Metallica, Highly Suspect
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Between The Roses- Say We Can Fly
Favorite Colors:: Black, Red, Blue
Your Lucky Number:: IDK
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: Anytime I am racing motocross.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: I don't celebrate
Favorite Scents:: 
(Bath&Body Works, Scentsy, Febreze etc) Bath&Body Works
Best Family Vacation:: When we went to California for my aunts wedding. 
Favorite Board Game:: IDK I like spades
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Coconut, Liver, Anchovies, Fish, All other seafood but crab legs
Any Past or Current Struggles:: 
(If you care to share them) I am severely bullied and it is getting physical. 
Best Subject in School:: (Whether current or past) P.E, math, science, English, computer, Spanish I am a straight A student except for Art I still am A in that class but I suck :/
Worst Subject in School:: (Whether current or past) ART 100% it never looks how I want it to :/
Favorite Season:: Summer
Do You Like Camping:: I LOVE IT
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: (What flavor{s}) Ice Cream Mint Chocolate Chip
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: (What flavor{s}, did you like it) Yes Lemon
Favorite Sport:: (Equestrian events included) Motocross, BMX , Mountain Biking, Basketball (all competitive)
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: (The place{s} you love to eat at, but don't admit to) Five Guys I love there burgers

Age:: 13
Name:: Mackenzie 
Favorite Animal:: Horse, African painted dog, Mexican grey wolf, dogs
Favorite TV Show:: Marvel's Agents Of Shield 
Favorite Movie:: The New Transformers Movie
Pets: I have 3 dogs Fuggles, Mertzen, and Fuggles, a Praying Mantis Feisty, a Ball Python Mocha, a Leopard Gecko Treeko, and a Bearded Dragon Charmander

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#115474 Posted on 2017-07-25 09:56:15

Favorite Bands:: Florida Georgia Line, James Barker Band, Midlandda Geor
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Flo Rida
Favorite Colors:: Black, Blue, Green
Your Lucky Number:: 13, 24
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: First time I loped
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Christmas cause it's when Jesus was born
Favorite Scents:: Horses!
Best Family Vacation:: Going to a big city to a hokey game, zoo, mall, and such
Favorite Board Game:: Herd Your Horses
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Mushrooms!!
Any Past or Current Struggles:: Finding a new horse, being bullied
Best Subject in School:: Litature (I love reading, lol)
Worst Subject in School:: English
Favorite Season:: Summer and Spring
Do You Like Camping:: Yes!!!!
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Ice Cream, and I love the bubble gum!!
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: I've never tried it and don't actually know what it is, lol!
Favorite Sport:: Trick Riding!!!
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: Mary Browns, Burger King

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#115478 Posted on 2017-07-25 10:25:42

Favorite Bands:: Imagine Dragons, The Neighbourhood 
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Never really listened to a 'weird' band before.
Favorite Colors:: Purple, black and orange
Your Lucky Number:: 13
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: When I got a pig as a stuffed animal. I got it for my birthday (really can't remember which one), but I remember my sisters wouldn't stop making fun of me. It's my favorite because I was just so surprised to get a pig. I still have the pig after all these years, and still sleep with it, as it has turned into a kind of pillow.
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: I actually don't have a favorite holiday. If this question had been asked maybe 5 years ago it would have surely been Christmas, but when your no longer a kid and the presents seem to evaporate it more became a family gathering, and since my family meets each other fairly often, it rather lost its charm.

Favorite Scents:: The smell of food cooking, any type of food. I don't really like the scents that come from skin lotions or shampoo and stuff like that as it often causing me to burst into a fit of sneezes. 
Best Family Vacation:: 
My favorite holiday was when my sisters, mother and I went to Bequia (an island apart of St. Vincent and the Grenadines). I was just so relaxing to be there, and I've been dying to get back every since, and it is an extremely short trip to get the island from where I live anyway. Sadly I don't really have anytime (or money) to take the trip again. 
Favorite Board Game::
Sorry, Monopoly, Life
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Peanut Butter
Any Past or Current Struggles:: Interestingly enough, I haven't had any major (at least what I consider major) struggles in my life. Sure there have been moments where I've had a lot of stress, (and certainly moments in the future where I will be under great stress), but in hindsight, my life has been fairly struggle free thankfully.
Best Subject in School:: English, history, biology
Worst Subject in School:: Math
Favorite Season:: Wet season (we don't have the traditional 4 seasons)
Do You Like Camping:: Never have gone before, but somehow it does not appeal to me.
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Ice cream for sure. Favorite flavours are chocolate and vanilla. 
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: Yup. When I went to Europe I tried a mango and passion fruit flavors which were amazing
Favorite Sport:: Show jumping
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: KFC

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#115480 Posted on 2017-07-25 10:38:40

Favorite Bands:: (these aren't exactly bands) Daft Punk, deadmau5, Flight Facilities, Hot Natured, Madeon, Muse
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: I have no idea
Favorite Colors:: Black, grey, white, gold, cyan
Your Lucky Number:: 12 I think
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: I have a really bad memory so this may not be the best but it's the biggest thing I remember . . . when I was in second grade I submitted an artwork for this statewide art contest, and I ended up winning. My drawing (funnily enough) was of a pegasus and her baby leaping off of the ground into flight. I guess I was into horses even way back then. XD
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Christmas, cause it's so happy and it's fun to buy and exchange gifts, and it has a kind of magical feeling to it. Also it's more of a season than a holiday that is simply over after the single day it happens on, which makes it kind of different from most other holidays.
Favorite Scents:: I absolutely love the Tahiti Island Dream scent from Bath and Body Works, that's kind of my favourite thing.
Best Family Vacation:: My brother was in boychoir when he was young, and as part of that the choir would go on an international trip and they had one planned to the Czech Republic, so my parents decided to go on the accompanying parents' tour and bring me along as well. I don't think I would have traveled there purposefully on my own without having taken this trip, and it was really kind of fascinating (and now I still know a handful of Czech words I picked up). Also it helped that after the choir's time there ended, my family decided to take a trip to London too rather than going straight home afterwards.
Favorite Board Game:: Scrabble I think
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Cucumbers (the smell alone makes me nauseous), tomatoes, anything with artificial cinnamon flavor/scent (I'm allergic to it), eggplants, doughnuts, pizza
Any Past or Current Struggles:: Uhhhhh life, life is a struggle
Best Subject in School:: I was best at art, but I liked science a lot too
Worst Subject in School:: Chemistry, that was the one thing I couldn't do, which is ironic cause I did fine at other science subjects but not that one
Favorite Season:: Winter, if I have to choose, but I do love wearing shorts in summer
Do You Like Camping:: Not so much anymore. Sleeping on the ground was ok when I was a kid but now it makes me really uncomfortable and I don't get well rested.
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: Ice cream, anything coffee or peanut butter cup
Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: Yes, it's amazing, I love it - I had coffee and nutella kinds while in Italy (that sounds pretentious) and they were so good, especially together
Favorite Sport:: I love watching the dressage events during the Olympics, also I personally enjoy horseback riding and I habitually do yoga, running, and lifting free weights
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: I'm not a big fast food fan cause it usually makes me feel sickish but I am a total sucker for the cheeseburgers at Shake Shack because they are so good and not too greasy or anything

Last edited on 2017-07-25 at 10:45:43 by River

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#115487 Posted on 2017-07-25 11:21:14

Favorite Bands:: Alice in Chains, 3 Doors Down, Boston, Styx, Toto...
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: Scepultura
Favorite Colors:: teal green, blues..ocean colours
Your Lucky Number:: 6
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: probably Christmas
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: Halloween...just love the whole ghostly thing about it!
Favorite Scents:: vanilla cupcake , chocolate bourbon, salt water taffy, christmas cookie yankee candle scents
Favorite Board Game::
dont have one
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: fish, asparagus
Any Past or Current Struggles:: 
(If you care to share them) medical issues have had me off work for almost 2 yrs now..hoping to be back to work within the next month or so
Best Subject in School:: music, ar
Worst Subject in School:: physics
Favorite Season:: FALL!
Do You Like Camping:: yup, but havent done it in years
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: ice cream..candy cane!

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: no
Favorite Sport:: IM A NASCAR FANATIC ! and of course any equestrian events
Guilty Fast Food Favorites: pizza - thick crust, double cheese, pepperoni and pineapple...yummm

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#115752 Posted on 2017-07-27 18:06:56

avorite Bands:: Z-Ro,Slim Thug,UGK,Paul Wall, Oasis,Nirvana,Soundgarden 
Weirdest Band You've Ever Listened To:: umm...all current pop music wierds me out lol
Favorite Colors:: Purple and Turquoise 
Your Lucky Number:: 3
Your Favorite Childhood Memory:: riding my first horse EVERYWHERE,an Arabian Mare registered as Spring Fevorr lol
Your Favorite Holiday and Why:: 4th of July because its my birthdaaaayyy!
Favorite Scents:: Horses and Dogs, and Gain..Or fresh cut Cedar and Hay

Best Family Vacation:: either Hilton Head Island or Lexington KY to watch Arabian Nationals
Favorite Board Game:: Monopoly or Scrabble
The Foods You Absolutely Hate:: Sour Krout..My grandparents are german..yuck
Any Past or Current Struggles:: Desperate to buy a house with land for a horse again but alas my credit sucks and my child os expensive.

Best Subject in School:: English Literature 
Worst Subject in School:: Math
Favorite Season:: Autumn
Do You Like Camping:: nooo...its like pretending to be poor..had enuff poorness
Do You Prefer Snow Cones or Ice Cream:: (What flavor{s}) Snow Cones!! Fruit Punch or Cola

Have You Ever Tried Gelato:: (What flavor{s}, Nope
Favorite Sport:: I love the beauty of a good Hunter horse but not the politics.
Guilty Fast Food Favorites:: I could eat Taco Bell 3 meals a day lol

I LOVE pitbulls!!! Best breed I have ever had the joy of owning.I have been horseless fpr the last 3 yrs for the first time in my entire life and it causes me much depression..hope my child will beg daddy for a pony soon...

Last edited on 2017-07-27 at 18:07:49 by SpringHillEstates

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