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Friend Making Topic

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Friend Making Topic

#110087 Posted on 2017-06-19 17:17:08

Hey guys, noticed we didn't have anything similar.

This is, essentially a friend making topic.

Introduce yourself, feel free to message anyone who has similar interests or you'd like to be friends with! 

Remember don't give away too many personal details like your name, city etc.

I'm Maine, a 20, nearly 21 year old girl in a northern part of Ireland.

I've been riding for nearly 14 years, and owned my own horse for 6, nearly 7 years.

He's called Barney and he's part trotter, he currently is getting some rest as he has soft tissue damage in his foot, he's having to go for an MRI to see how long he'll need off.

I am meant to be going to uni next year and study politics or history, but that's turned into a bit of a disaster.

I love pizza, and don't have many hobbies atm. 

I work for a local eventer and I love it! I haven't rode much in the past few months though, other than in work and I only really hack horses in work.

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#110089 Posted on 2017-06-19 17:19:10

Hi! Just read my home page to know stuff about me since I'm a lazy typer :p

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#110098 Posted on 2017-06-19 17:34:34

I am RemRem (or just Rem)! I am an 18 year old girl who lives on the eastern part of the United States.
My family is a big part of the military so we pretty much constantly move around every 2-3 years. 

I have been riding for about 2 years, but they aren't really formal lessons until recently. Currently, I ride a lazy, bay, Mustang named Sebastian. I have only been riding him for 1-2 months, but I feel like he is the best horse I have ridden. I ride Western right now, but my trainer really wants me to get into English before I leave for a university, so it's in my bucket of goals. 
I have not owned a horse before, but I've wanted one ever since I was a little girl. I'd really like Mustang, a Mule, or a Knabstrupper.

I just graduated last Tuesday, and am currently prepping myself up for community college. I plan on going to a private university afterwards to major in Equestrian Science so I can become a professional trainer, and competitor.

I have an unhealthy obsession with eggnog, and I despise chocolate. (I can take it in small doses though)
My hobbies include sketching, roleplaying, gaming, riding, reading, listening to music, and basically not doing anything.

Edit: I forgot to add some important things. I have a thing for creepy things like the paranormal, legends, and monsters. I also have a love for anime like Tokyo Ghoul (the manga is better though), Fairy Tail, Noragami, Another, etc.

Last edited on 2017-06-19 at 17:41:30 by RemRem

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#110102 Posted on 2017-06-19 17:38:09

Hey there I am Wishy!  I am an avid horse fanatic, although I am horseless at the moment I would love to have a herd of them some day.  8)  I am 42 years old and have 2 cats.  I read and watch a lot of horse based books and movies as aell as delve into some sci-fi stuff too.  I do make photo-manipulations but I see it is more character based on this site, however if you need a manip, I am open to attempting it and showing you my work on DA.  I am open to making new friends on here so please feel free to send me a note if you want to talk.

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If Wishes Were Horses

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#110121 Posted on 2017-06-19 18:55:40

I'm Skye! I'm a 27 year old hair stylist who is obsessed with horses but can't have any of my own. I have two pitbull pointer mixes, they're Oskar and Spartacus...and they're dumdums. I also have 3 adopted chickens that roam around my
Apartment, we call them Pikke Subban, Taylor Swift, and Dumplin. I grow tomatoes on the porch of my apartment that I share with with my super awesome boyfriend. I don't have any kids (though I do want children one day) my boyfriend has a seven year old son. The three of us go fishing A LOT. I recently caught a 17in 6lb large mouth. It was my personal record and super cool.  

I am completely open to making friends, I'm a bit awkward, I have a mild anxiety problem. I AM ONLINE A LOT. Haha. 

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#110123 Posted on 2017-06-19 19:25:38

Hi! I'm Jenna, almost old enough to have to purchase my own health insurance (I turn 26 in a few months) and I live in Colorado with my wonderful boyfriend, who's a computer engineer.

I am a vet tech student and have been working in the field for about 5 years. I love animal behavior and am obsessed with positive training. My job is my biggest hobby!

I currently have one pet domestic rat, Leela (she sadly only has one eye), but am hoping in the next year or so to be able to adopt a shelter mutt with my bf. I grew up with kitties.

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#110226 Posted on 2017-06-20 09:48:17

Hey there! I'm Raptorfang, a girl who lives in the United States. I own a horse, as well as a mini donkey, 3 goats, 7 chickens, 2 rabbits, and 2 dogs. I enjoy reading books, listening to music, writing stories, singing with my friends despite the fact that I'm terrible at singing, and a bunch of other shenanigans. If you want specific details, I highly suggest reading the "about me" section in the left scroll box on my home page.

Last edited on 2017-06-20 at 09:49:19 by Raptorfang Ω

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