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What Kind of Art Do You Like?

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What Kind of Art Do You Like?

#110083 Posted on 2017-06-19 17:11:10

Hi :) I'm Aedri, new here. I was just bored looking for something more to do and stumbled across this site.

I do equine manips for Ponybox (Where I am Nessie/Darkfall Wonderland in case you play too :D ) and I was wondering if they were popular here as well? I noticed a lot of art seemed more hand drawn or digitally drawn instead of manips.

Then again, most of my stuff is Equine Fantasy.

Examples of what I mean can be found on my dA page:

So would it be worth my while to try a few here?



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#110118 Posted on 2017-06-19 18:39:32

Hi Aedri!
From what I've noticed, manips tend to not sell very well here unfortunately. Although it is possible for players to have layouts, and subsequently use manips for that, there doesn't seem to be a very high turnover rate for them. Players tend to find what they want and stick with it for a long time. Not to say there aren't buyers for manips, they just seem to be more few and far between. And even then players like to go to the people who can code as well just to get the entire layout in one go. That's just for large manips though, if you did smaller ones that could be used as tags or signatures you may potentially find more buyers there. I haven't really seen anyone do that before though so you'd be branching out into some new territory. 

The art section of this site plays around with custom horse designs/characters a lot. Because of this a lot of players lean heavily toward customizable art so it can look like the designs they own. If you go more that route you'll probably be a bit more successful than if you made premade manips. 

I wish manips were more popular here but they just don't tend to sell super well. There hasn't been anyone actively trying to sell them in awhile though so maybe you can jump in and run with it and get some customers :)

I wish you the best of luck! And welcometo EV :)

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