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[UB] Seasons layout

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[UB] Seasons layout

#109331 Posted on 2017-06-16 06:39:33

This is a layout I've been putting together recently. This is going to be my first dynamic layout. Once it's coded up the header image will change automatically with Equiverse's seasons. This one is currently showing Autumn. The effect I'm trying to go for is like looking through portals onto different realms, one for each season.

This still isn't complete, but it's getting close, and I just wanted to get some feedback on it. I'm not sure I'm happy with the Spring image, or the stone effect. I feel they're a bit plain.

I think I'm reasonably satisfied with this now. Feedback and critique still welcome though. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

*edit* Coded version can be seen on my page.

Click for full size.

Previous version.

Last edited on 2017-06-17 at 05:08:28 by UlyssesBlue

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#109332 Posted on 2017-06-16 06:44:22

I really like the images just like that ♥, but I do agree that the stone is a bit plain... it doesn't look like realistic stone to me if that makes sense

Last edited on 2017-06-16 at 06:45:17 by Raptorfang Ω

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#109335 Posted on 2017-06-16 07:17:33

I do agree the stone is a bit too plain, but I adore everything else, and can't wait to see the finished piece. 

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#109342 Posted on 2017-06-16 08:34:45

This is such a neat concept! I think you totally pulled off the portals into different realms sort of feel, it's honestly really cool and unique ♥ I think a more realistic kind of stone might solve the plain issue, but otherwise it's really lovely. 

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#109351 Posted on 2017-06-16 10:03:09

maybe if you're gonna keep that stone you could do stained glass instead of photos? or you could just make the stone more realistic and it would fit the pictures better :)

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#109368 Posted on 2017-06-16 11:35:27

I so loving this idea & the photos you used for the seasons are gorgeous! I don't mind the look of the rocks too much but I can see how making them look more realistic would work better with the portals. It would make them look even more amazing! So... um... just wondering... were you thinking of selling this or customs of this?

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#109450 Posted on 2017-06-16 20:13:30

^ Yes, I'll eventually auction this off as a premade. ;)

Thanks everyone for your feedback. I'll post an update once I've resolved the stone issue.

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#109462 Posted on 2017-06-16 21:11:46

woah this is awesome! :D

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#109489 Posted on 2017-06-16 22:54:36

I've updated with a new stone effect. I've still got the bricks, but now they have a rougher stone texture. Hopefully this looks more like a castle wall, which is the effect I was originally going for. The stone isn't too overpowering now, is it?

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#109492 Posted on 2017-06-16 23:06:08

Maybe bring the opacity down where the text goes? A tad bit overpowering.
But other than that I love the realism!

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#109493 Posted on 2017-06-16 23:09:45

I'm thinking I might replace the background for the textboxes entirely. Maybe a smoother stone pattern? Or a solid colour?

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#109495 Posted on 2017-06-16 23:13:06

Smoother pattern 100%
I think it's the shadows in the stone(in the text area) that I'm not too fond of

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#109505 Posted on 2017-06-17 00:03:11

I've updated with a smoother stone, but I'm not happy with the colours. It seems too out of place. I'm not sure how to fix this but I'll work on it.

I reckon I've got this working now. :)

Coded version can be seen on my page at the moment.

Last edited on 2017-06-17 at 05:11:42 by UlyssesBlue

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#109543 Posted on 2017-06-17 10:28:58

The new stone looks lovely! I love the sort of mossy look it has, very enchanting ♥ Also I forgot to mention last time that the way the mountains line up is really such an interesting touch to it, it's a perfect little detail to bring it all together. 

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#109633 Posted on 2017-06-17 20:37:53

Thanks, lacey. :) I worked really hard to get those mountains to line up just right, so I'm glad you like it.

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