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Lock Confusion

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Lock Confusion

#109223 Posted on 2017-06-15 14:29:08

Hi there! 
I have just come back from a long hiatus. I made sure to lock my account before leaving. When I came back, I unlocked my account, rolled the day over, and when I tried to look in my barn it turned out all of my horses are now deceased. 

I'm not sure if rolling the day over just after I unlocked my account did this or if the horses passed while I had my account on lock.

I don't mind starting over, but some clarification would help. Thanks!


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#109224 Posted on 2017-06-15 14:40:24

Hi there! Looks like your Hiatus was too long for me to be able to help you since it was before User Logs were implemented and I'm unable to see that you locked your account, only your most recent unlock. I'll send this along to see if we can get the information about if it was game error or user error for you to see if it was an actual issue or just an unfortunate thing. Horses should not die while your account is locked, but if there was a problem with your locking before leaving, or you unlocked at any time after unfortunately there's nothing we can do.

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#109599 Posted on 2017-06-17 15:18:32

Hi Sabriel!

Thanks for clearing everything up for me. 
I've started with a few new horses and noticed I can purchase a few items in the store to revive some of the older horses I had. I'm not too worried, considering I did lock the account some time ago. I'll check in to see if there are any updates.

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