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Horse pricing

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Horse pricing

#105345 Posted on 2017-05-18 17:25:39

When selling a horse, how to do you determine a price on this game?

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#105354 Posted on 2017-05-18 18:01:13

Price of horses is very subjective so there's no set pricing method to selling. It depends on a lot of factors like age, breed, discipline, stats, color, conformation and more. Some people still try to use 10k per 100 stats, but with so many other factors that matter to people the method is a bit outdated and cumbersome. You also have to price to your audience. If you want a quicker sale to a newer player price lower, or if you want a lot of money be prepared to wait and possibly not sell. 

I put together a section on pricing factors in my guide Hassle Free Buying and Selling if you want even more information.

In short though there's no set way to determine a price and you'll have to come up with your pricing yourself!

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