Pedigree of 3© BooTee Swing
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
3© BooTee Swing Quarter Horse |
xL5 Quarter Horse |
rollins // 70.02 Quarter Horse |
Apache Quarter Horse |
Foundation |
Foundation | ||||
too old Quarter Horse |
ℚǶ || Kingston ||... Quarter Horse |
1M1P || Marigold || ... Quarter Horse |
Prized Allstar Quarter Horse |
Salted Caramel Allstar Quarter Horse |
CC Nuts & Caramel 92.62 Quarter Horse |
Salted Star Quarter Horse |
Prized Picasso Quarter Horse |
Prized Glory Quarter Horse |
Kacee Quarter Horse |
Milky Way Mayer 66/82 Quarter Horse |
± Dipped Up Reasons Quarter Horse |
Rocket Of Reasons [9... Quarter Horse |
Ricochet [93.32] Quarter Horse |
Horse Quarter Horse |
Dipped Up Wild 83.54 Quarter Horse |
Dipped in Cream / 87.64 Quarter Horse |
QH - 0504 Quarter Horse |
Dawn Light Heart // (R) Quarter Horse |
🌸 {zz} *Dawnlight... Quarter Horse |
☼ •4• Vegas Quarter Horse |
Allure 3P Quarter Horse |
*CW* Swing Time Sally Quarter Horse |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||