Pedigree of DR Island Base
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
DR Island Base Appaloosa |
S/W Island Time Appaloosa |
Renan (W)!!!!!!!!!!! Appaloosa |
*WS* Paladin ScEeAaF... Appaloosa |
[SoSK] The Boneway Appaloosa |
[SoSK] Laughing Tree Appaloosa |
Tobiano EeAaCrFFT+ 7... Appaloosa |
*WS* Hero VrEECrCrFF... Appaloosa |
*WS* She Lion NpeeAA... Appaloosa |
*WS* Sorceress EeCrF... Appaloosa |
DJ Tempting The Bass Appaloosa |
Manhattan lplp 69,97 Appaloosa |
Flirting Temptations Appaloosa |
Ocean Mist (West) Appaloosa |
☼ Zips Smart Chip Appaloosa |
☼ Ultra Cat Appaloosa |
• Just A Temptatio... Appaloosa |
FLS Wild Tempting [W] Appaloosa |
DJ Tempting The Bass Appaloosa |
Manhattan lplp 69,97 Appaloosa |
Flirting Temptations Appaloosa |
FLS Wild Band [W] Appaloosa |
FLS Wild Call [W] Appaloosa |
1910 // 70.71 Appaloosa |
⚜️ Hindsight | 1951 Appaloosa |
*WS* Grey Fox BlEeGg... Appaloosa |
[WIA] Hindsight's 2020 Appaloosa |
[♚]{India}[70.59] Appaloosa |
[♚]{Tempting Abrid... Appaloosa |
[♚]{Jaguar Time}[6... Appaloosa |