Pedigree of ! Burning Flame ff 90.45 *
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
! Burning Flame ff 9... Mustang |
Finnick ff 93.83* [28] Mustang |
Sweet Hope 94.76 [19] Mustang |
Sweetwater 92.83 Mustang |
♥ Bloodmark 80.72 Mustang |
Westworld 96.56 Mustang |
Habañero EeAta 93.87 Mustang |
[MiS] | Brenin | 97.10 Mustang |
Feminista 94.66 Mustang |
Femi Power EeAta 92.06 Mustang |
TP Power EeAta 84.39 Mustang |
+Infinite Power+ [84... Mustang |
TP Romance eeaa 80.48 Mustang |
Feminista 94.66 Mustang |
ϟ CENTURY OF SILENC... Mustang |
For What It's Worth ... Mustang |
!!Ember 85.34 *^ [2] Mustang |
+FinallyDun+ |Np|132... Mustang |
+Back In A Flash+ [9... Mustang |
+Century of Love+ [... Mustang |
+Smokin' Hot Sistar+... Mustang |
+Dreams of Romance+ ... Mustang |
[MiS] | Jos | 96.83 Mustang |
+Splash of Romance+ ... Mustang |
Sirus Moon EeaaW+ 80.32 Mustang |
w. Sirius | 95.68 Mustang |
[MiS] | Tonn | 97.50 Mustang |
PH Cloud 9 Mustang |
Dr. Elisabet Sobeck Mustang |
R's Figaro 59.13 F WSb Mustang |
JS Tiempo Por Té Mustang |