Pedigree of Silver Buckskin - 98.11
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
Silver Buckskin - 98.11 Andalusian |
Galáctico Andalusian |
Njörðr [98.48] Andalusian |
Gustoso Andalusian |
Millenium Sword (98.... Andalusian |
97.66 Andalusian |
Freya Andalusian |
Osiris Andalusian |
Electra Andalusian |
± RS Infinito [AN/BC] Andalusian |
Lillemortove Andalusian |
The Death Of Fire Andalusian |
Black Cauldron Andalusian |
Ds//Beso Andalusian |
± El Dorado {SC} Andalusian |
Golden Temptation (9... Andalusian |
~SS~ Negative Dreams Andalusian |
Negative Truth Andalusian |
Negative In Black Andalusian |
Unformed Andalusian |
Black Temptation Andalusian |
True Queen Andalusian |
Battle To The Death Andalusian |
Excaliber Andalusian |
~SS~ Sapphire Dream Andalusian |
Beautiful Dream (96.... Andalusian |
☮ Beautiful Beast Andalusian |
Magic Dream (97.90) ... Andalusian |
~SS~ His Sapphire Andalusian |
~SS~ Saphiro Andalusian |
~SS~ His Rose Andalusian |