Pedigree of 96.59 M. Safira
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
96.59 M. Safira Andalusian |
To Rise Above Andalusian |
Temptation Andalusian |
Tempting Death Andalusian |
Deathlock Andalusian |
Tempting Fire Andalusian |
Shaman Andalusian |
Lord of the Celts [9... Andalusian |
War of Magic [96.64] Andalusian |
Dog Rose Andalusian |
Cu Chulainn | 96.94 Andalusian |
⭒𝓡⭒ Canis Fam... Andalusian |
Macha | 96.73 Andalusian |
Withering Rose [95.20] Andalusian |
Deathlock Andalusian |
Deep in the Roses Andalusian |
Drowing In The Dark Andalusian |
The Dark Wolf Andalusian |
Colour Of The Beast Andalusian |
Resurrect the Beast* Andalusian |
Colour of Death Andalusian |
She Wolf Andalusian |
Cerberus Andalusian |
She the Cursed Andalusian |
Damned to Drown Andalusian |
Drowned at Sea Andalusian |
Master of the Sea Andalusian |
Lady Death Andalusian |
Queen of the Damned Andalusian |
Lord of the Underworld Andalusian |
Cursed Treasure Andalusian |