Pedigree of New Foal
Horse | Parents | Grand-Parents | Great Grand-Parents |
Great-Great Grand-Parents |
New Foal Quarter Horse |
tov Quarter Horse |
Ontario (62.84 / 222) Quarter Horse |
キ Indifferent Quarter Horse |
Foundation |
Foundation | ||||
❦ Uptown Girl Quarter Horse |
Rß Worino 62.00 SpBay Quarter Horse |
Vegas (59.68) Quarter Horse |
Vegas (59.68) Quarter Horse |
//nyx// Painted Desert* Quarter Horse |
Ṿ*R2 Bound 2 Earth Quarter Horse |
/nyx/ Desert Orchid Quarter Horse |
*Looking Good Quarter Horse |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
Sahara (61.35 / 251) Quarter Horse |
T+ Oo SPsp pal Quarter Horse |
Idaho (67.48) Quarter Horse |
𝔅ℜ Royal Day To... Quarter Horse |
|fd| NightOut {59} Quarter Horse |
Nevada Quarter Horse |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||
Havana (62.72 / 215) Quarter Horse |
Michigan (69.13 / 304) Quarter Horse |
Idaho (67.48) Quarter Horse |
Jamaica (62.76) Quarter Horse |
JÆ}Out Of Town Bound Quarter Horse |
Foundation | |||
Foundation | ||||